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Mastery Curriculum Resources for science

Average Rating3.97
(based on 130 reviews)

The resources within this shop are innovative yet easily apply-able. They utilise the latest pedagogical research. All resources are engineered around the new GCSE 2016.




The resources within this shop are innovative yet easily apply-able. They utilise the latest pedagogical research. All resources are engineered around the new GCSE 2016.
Life Processes Lesson 9- Food webs

Life Processes Lesson 9- Food webs

The lesson is based on Edexcel 2016 GCSE content and is vital that the younger year have an appreciation of GCSE requirements. This is a KS3 resource that can be adapted for GCSE. The Do it now task assesses prior learning about food chains and energy transfer. The lesson then goes on to get the students to think, pair, share their ideas of how to make a food chain. There is a hinge point question to direct learning and then the students then attempt a food web with a series of animals. The student can then rate their confidence and choose either a gold or silver task with a food web differentiated question. The lesson concludes with an exit ticket.
Biology - Three domains of life

Biology - Three domains of life

This is a whole lesson with tasks and presentation. The lesson looks at a difficult and new concept the three domains of life. This lesson utilises teacher led learning and video based learning to cover the preferences of the student. The learning is assessed with a hinge point question into a differentiated task. The lessons concludes with an exit ticket.
CB1 Edexcel Biology: Topic one- Outstanding lessons, tracking, assessment, microscopes, cells, enzymes, osmosis

CB1 Edexcel Biology: Topic one- Outstanding lessons, tracking, assessment, microscopes, cells, enzymes, osmosis

15 Resources
Edexcel Biology GCSE 2016: This is the whole of topic one 'overarching concepts in biology' this is a module that features in both paper one and paper two. Save yourself 25-30 hours of work! Teaching, Testing, Tracking all in this one purchase. **lesson 11 is available on my free resources The new Edexcel GCSE Biology paper comprises of two assessment papers, paper 1 and 2. Topic one 'Over arching concept in biology' is included as a prerequisite in both papers 1 and 2. This is ideal for year 9 and 10 to lay the foundation of biological knowledge. The 15 lessons included in the purchase are highly differentiated to cover all but the lowest SEN sets as well as pushing the higher attaining students via the purple high level questions. The Scheme of Work is build around hinge point question which lead to different activities so each student will receive a bespoke learning experience over the course of Topic One. Included in to support the 15 lessons is a assessment pack, this includes higher and foundation end of topic 60 mark exams, exit ticket tracker, tracking sheets, short answer test and key knowledge organisers. Whether purchasing to reduce your workload and improve the standard of lesson or looking at investing in an affordable high quality scheme for your department this set of lessons is a must have for any aspiring or currently outstanding teachers.
Alleles - Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Biology: Topic 3, lesson 4 Alleles

Alleles - Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Biology: Topic 3, lesson 4 Alleles

Topic three lesson four focuses on Alleles. The lesson starts with a review of previous learning. The lesson moves onto an independent research task to help embed meta-cognitive regulation, this is the discussed via teacher and slides to ensure pupils have understood. Understanding is assessed via a hinge point question and a bronze (mini lesson), silver (structured task) or gold task (structured open) is allocated to evidence differentiation and give the students the most appropriate task. students then get to see and exam question which is modelled on the board before the lesson concludes with an exit ticket.
Meiosis - Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Biology: Topic 3, lesson 3 Meiosis

Meiosis - Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Biology: Topic 3, lesson 3 Meiosis

Topic three lesson three focuses on Meiosis . The lesson starts with an key word to definition starter. The lesson moves onto a open discussion and a video. Understanding is assessed via a hinge point question and a bronze (cloze), silver (cloze) or gold task (structured open) is allocated to evidence differentiation and give the students the most appropriate task. The lesson gives the students the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge with a step by step labelled diagram before the lesson concludes with an exit ticket.
DNA - Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Biology: Topic 3, lesson 1 DNA

DNA - Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Biology: Topic 3, lesson 1 DNA

Topic three lesson one focuses on DNA. The lesson starts with an administrative starter ensuring that presentation is to Ofsted Standard. The lesson moves onto discuss DNA using images and key points that build on KS3. Understanding is assessed via a hinge point question and a silver or gold task is allocated to evidence differentiation and give the students the most appropriate task. The lesson gives the students the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge with and exam style question and markscheme before the lesson concludes with an exit ticket.
New Edexcel GCSE - Topic two - Cells and Control: Lesson 2 Cancer

New Edexcel GCSE - Topic two - Cells and Control: Lesson 2 Cancer

This is a hard hitting lesson on cancer that is a core part of Edexcel GCSE 2016- Cells and control. The lesson start by getting the student to guess what is is about, it is a conversation led lesson that engages the students in a potentially emotional content. The lesson includes both the theory and some of the ethical considerations about smoking and advertising. The main task involves the students answering questions on the discussed topics before the lesson concludes with an exit ticket.
CB4b Edexcel 9-1- Antibiotic Resistance - Lesson 2

CB4b Edexcel 9-1- Antibiotic Resistance - Lesson 2

The lesson starts by reviewing the WHO concerns on antibiotic resistance before looking at how it works. After students see this they prepare a storyboard on antibiotic resistance. Students then attempt an outcome differentiated worksheet before a 3 mark exam question and review of that to end the lesson.
CB4 - learning outcome sheet, exit ticket tracker, assessment and 10 lessons

CB4 - learning outcome sheet, exit ticket tracker, assessment and 10 lessons

11 Resources
This bundle is made up of good to outstanding lessons with in-built AFL and differentiation. CB4 is an Edexcel topic focusing on evolution and genetic modification. Admin - learning outcome sheet Lesson 0 - entry test Lesson 1 - natural selection Lesson 2 - bacterial antibiotic resistance Lesson 3 - human evolution Lesson 4 - classification Lesson 5 - selective breeding Lesson 6 - revision of topics covered in the SOW Lesson 7 - CB4d continuation - GMO Lesson 8 - Advantages and disadvantages of GMO Lesson 9 - Exit test and revision
CB4c Edexcel 9-1- Classification - Lesson 4

CB4c Edexcel 9-1- Classification - Lesson 4

The lesson starts be getting students to make associations between different organisms. There is then a teacher lead (all within the presentation) discussion about the use of 5 kingdoms and the move to the 3 domains. This is then assessed via a deep diagnostic hinge question that direct learning to the students weaker area. The lesson finished on an Edexcel specific exam question with the opportunity to review the answers, this is recorded in the exit ticket tracker.
CB1: Key Concepts in Biology Edexcel 9-1 - Whole scheme.

CB1: Key Concepts in Biology Edexcel 9-1 - Whole scheme.

12 Resources
These 12 lessons aim to engage and promote progress in year 9-10 students. From experience and due to the importance of this topic I have broken down some of the topics within the module if they are of high importance as this ensures that learning takes place. The lessons specialise in AFL which is built in at appropriate places.
CB1a- revision- microscopes

CB1a- revision- microscopes

This is a revision resource that covers CB1a microscopes. The resource looks at comparing electrons and light microscopes, magnification and image size. There are short quizzes that summerise the learning and a worksheet and exam question to review the topic.
CB1e - revision - enzymes and nutrition

CB1e - revision - enzymes and nutrition

The lesson is a practical focused revision lesson that looks at proving the function of enzymes. The lesson includes a slide of the substrates different digestive enzymes breakdown and a summery worksheet.
CB1b,d - revision- cells

CB1b,d - revision- cells

This is a resource that looks at bacteria, plant and animal cells. It requires a textbook (preferably the combined science 9-1). This is a really simple lesson that looks at defining and comparing the different cells before completing a worksheet to summerising the learning. This is best purchases as part of my series of revision lessons.
CB1c- revision- cell specialism

CB1c- revision- cell specialism

The lesson starts by outlining what is needed and what an exam question looks like. It then moves to so questions and discussion based on the 3 cells that are required for the exam spec before getting the student to relate fertilization to all 3 specialist cells. The lesson finishes with a work sheet.
CB6c-d - transpiration, osmosis and translocation

CB6c-d - transpiration, osmosis and translocation

The lesson begins with some recall question on the previous lesson. The topic is introduced before the students attempt an independent task based on 5 stations where they engage in a Solo taxonomy style task. The lesson concludes with exam questions and mark scheme.
CB6a-b - Photosynthesis and limiting factors

CB6a-b - Photosynthesis and limiting factors

This is a 2 in 1 lesson (due to exam time constraints. The lesson starts by addressing photosynthesis, breaking down the equation. It move on to a hinge point question and then either a lower ability WS or a short grades task. There lesson finishes with a how science works graph exercise an exit ticket.