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Secondary MFL Resources

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French & Spanish resources for KS3, GCSE & A Level. Questions, issues or feedback? Get in touch via email: secondarymfl@gmail.com. I hope you find my resources useful and please leave a review if you can!




French & Spanish resources for KS3, GCSE & A Level. Questions, issues or feedback? Get in touch via email: secondarymfl@gmail.com. I hope you find my resources useful and please leave a review if you can!
Spanish GCSE household chores writing,  Grade 8/9 model answer & exercises  (Las tareas domésticas)

Spanish GCSE household chores writing, Grade 8/9 model answer & exercises (Las tareas domésticas)

A GCSE style writing question on chores with a model answer and exercises to scaffold the pupil’s own response. The worksheet includes: a model answer with gap-fill tasks, a ‘structure search’ with pupils identifying key modal verbs, opinion phrases and grade 8/9 structures, revision of key household chore verbs and some translation into Spanish. Pupils should then be in the position to produce their own Grade 8/9 answer.
Spanish GCSE Internet & Social Media Safety and Dangers: reading & translation

Spanish GCSE Internet & Social Media Safety and Dangers: reading & translation

A resource on the topic of Internet and Social media with advice about how young people can protect themselves online with a text to read and a plenary translation task. The text is rich in vocabulary pupils which pupils can they use in their own writing & speaking. Answers included. Please leave a review if you find this useful for your pupils or if you have any feedback. You can also message me directly on Twitter @mfl_secondary
Spanish GCSE Mi barrio: Describing where I live core vocabulary, sentence builder, translation

Spanish GCSE Mi barrio: Describing where I live core vocabulary, sentence builder, translation

A standalone resource for GCSE to introduce the core vocabulary of the topic of ‘mi barrio’. This resource includes translation into Spanish & English, a sentence builder, classifying statements as positive/ negative, reading and a plenary writing task. There is also a link to Quizlet on this vocabulary for independent study. Answers included. If you have any issues with your download, please contact me on Twitter @mfl_secondary or email: secondarymfl@gmail.com
GCSE Spanish Mi barrio/ Mi región: Speaking & Writing Topic Mat with Translation Practice

GCSE Spanish Mi barrio/ Mi región: Speaking & Writing Topic Mat with Translation Practice

A comprehensive language mat/ knowledge organiser on the topic of ‘mi barrio’. The sentence builder includes sections on describing my town, explaining what you like the most/like, describing what my area used to be like & examples of Grade 9 constructions. There is also a translation worksheet for consolidation, recycling all the language on the writing/speaking mat. Answers included.
MFL writing: whole class feedback sheet

MFL writing: whole class feedback sheet

An example of my whole class feedback form, together with the blank pro-forma. The form includes: general class WWW and EBI, examples of impressive language, common mistakes to focus on, a model answer and room for reflection by pupils.