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Schulsachen Ich habe / Wer hat  Wortschatz Spiel

Schulsachen Ich habe / Wer hat Wortschatz Spiel

Schulsachen Ich habe / Wer hat Wortschatz Spiel 15 cards and 15 words: die Farbpalette, die Schere, das Heft, der Spitzer, der Bleistift, die Schultasche, das Buch, der Radiergummi, die Büroklammer, der Pinsel, der Marker, der Globus, das Lineal, der Hefter, das Mäppchen. *DAZ, DAF, Deutsch, German, Schulsachen, Wortschatz, vocabulary, school supplies, school objects, game, fun activity, ich habe wer hat, printable.
Family Members Word Search Puzzle

Family Members Word Search Puzzle

Family Members Word Search Puzzle (with the answer key) Family members used in the puzzle are mother, father, parents, sister, brother, siblings, grandmother, grandfather, grandparents, uncle, aunt, cousin, niece, nephew, daughter, son, children, granddaughter, grandson, grandchildren, wife, husband.
Die Tiere (Stations and Lesson Plan)

Die Tiere (Stations and Lesson Plan)

Die Tiere (Stations and Lesson Plan) Target group: students aged 7-9* (*This lesson plan is suitable for students aged 7-9 who have no prior knowledge of animal names in German.) Learning Outcomes: Students can recognize and write the 6 animal names. The animal names are “der Hund, die Katze, die Maus, der Hase, der Vogel, der Fisch.” Explanations The lesson is student-oriented, the students have to be active. The teacher only gives instructions and helps when needed. Students work in groups. The groups consist of 4 students. Each group completes the 1st station first and then conducts all activities up to the 6th station respectively. The materials needed for each station should be prepared before class and the classroom should be made suitable for group work at the beginning of class. And each material should be prepared as much as the number of groups to complete the stations. *DAZ, DAF, Deutsch, german, Tiere, animals, activities, stations, group work.
DAZ/DAF Essen und Trinken, Wortsuchrätsel

DAZ/DAF Essen und Trinken, Wortsuchrätsel

Essen und Trinken Wortsuchrätsel (Food and drinks word search puzzle in German) Answer key’s included. The words used in the puzzle are: Apfel, Käse, Ei, Brot, Pfannkuchen, Orangensaft, Milch, Kaffee, Spiegelei, Donut, Müsli, Tee, Croissant. DAF, DAZ, Deutsch, German, Frühstück, breakfast, Wortschatz, vocabulary, food, drinks, puzzle, worksheet, printable.
DAZ/DAF Berufe Bildkarten, 44 Berufe (Professions Flashcards)

DAZ/DAF Berufe Bildkarten, 44 Berufe (Professions Flashcards)

Berufe Bildkarten - Professions Flashcards 44 flashcards: Sänger/in, das Mannequin/der Dressman, Fotograf/in, Maler/in, Bildhauer/in, Keramiker/in, Ingenieur/in, Polizist/in, Chirurg/in, Arzt/Ärztin, Krankenpfleger/Krankenschwester, Kinderarzt/Kinderärztin, Saxofonist/in, Pilot/in, Maskenbildner/in, Flugbegleiter/in, Koch/Köchin, Journalist/in, Kontrabassist/in, Modedesigner/in, Pilates-Trainer/in, Schneider/in, Tierarzt/Tierärztin, Tennisspieler/in, Babysitter/in, Kameramann/-frau, Politiker/in, Handwerker/in, Lehrer/in, Chemiker/in, Architekt/in, Tänzer/in, Gitarrist/in, Geiger/in, Harfenist/in, Dirigent/in, Sekretär/in, Floristin, Apotheker/in, Obst- und Gemüsehändler/in, Metzger/in, Kassierer/in, Fischhändler/in, Kellner/in. *DAZ, DAF, Deutsch, German, Vocabulary, Wortschatz, Berufe, Professions
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Word Search Puzzle

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Word Search Puzzle

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Word Search Puzzle Answer key’s included. The words used in the puzzle are: Brom Bones, Brom Van Brunt, Cotton Mather, Daredevil, ghosts, Gunpowder, hauntings, Ichabod Crane, Katrina Van Tassel, legend, mystery, pumpkin, schoolmaster, Sleepy Hollow, Tarry Town, the Headless Horseman, the Hudson River, the Revolutionary War, the Van Tassel farm, Washington Irving, witchcraft.
ESL/EFL Idioms Crossword Puzzle-5 (20 idioms)

ESL/EFL Idioms Crossword Puzzle-5 (20 idioms)

Idioms Crossword Puzzle-5 (20 idioms) For each idiom, there’s an explanation and an example sentence with one missing word. Idioms in the sentences are written in bold letters. To complete the crossword puzzle, the missing word in the idiom must be found. The answer key’s included. Idioms used in the puzzle are: I’ll sleep on it the jury is out be in two minds on the fence pass with flying colors go to the dogs fall at the first hurdle be in the bag Pandora’s box an Achilles heel the Midas touch a round-table discussion written in the stars move heaven and earth thank your lucky stars on top of the world give the game away cover your tracks keep someone in the dark spill the beans *ESL, EFL, figurative language, idioms, crossword, puzzle, fun, English
Detective Stories Vocabulary Activities

Detective Stories Vocabulary Activities

Detective Stories Vocabulary Activities 3 pages activities + 3 pages answer key word-definition matching word search puzzle unscrambling letters to form the verbs, gap-filling, matching synonyms 38 words used in the activities are: alibi, clue, conclusion, cover-up, deduction, detective, hunch, mystery, red herring, sleuth, suspect, undercover, unsolved, witness, analyze, crime, criminal, curiosity, detective, fiction, disappearance, evidence, illegal, interrogate, interview, intuition, investigation, literary, solve, suspicious, disappear, conclude, deduce, intuit, investigate, proof, vanish, enigmatic. *ESL, EFL, English, activities, printables, worksheet, vocabulary, puzzle, activity, A2+, B1, B2.
Profession Word Search Puzzle

Profession Word Search Puzzle

Profession Word Search Puzzle Answer key’s included. Professions used in the puzzle are: architect, athlete, biologist, cameraman, chemist, conductor, cook, dancer, doctor, engineer, guitarist, hairdresser, journalist, model, musician, nurse, painter, pediatrician, pharmacist, photographer, pilot, police officer, politician, potter, sculptor, secretary, singer, surgeon, tailor, teacher, veterinarian
Spring Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle

Spring Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle

Spring Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle Answer key’s included. The words used in the puzzle are: April, bee, bike, birds, bloom, blossom, bunny, butterfly, Easter, flowers, grass, green, kite, March, May, rain, rainbow, raincoat, rubber boots, season, Spring, sun, sunshine, sprout, trees, umbrella, warm
Summer Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

Summer Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

Summer Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle Answer key’s included. The words used in the puzzle are: swimsuit, sunglasses, sandcastle, sandals, beach, hot, warm, sun, popsicle, pool, June, July, August, summer, bikini, humid, sunscreen, swim, watermelon, camping, sunburn, ice cream, fan, shorts, sunny, sand, suntan, hat, barbecue, vacation, seaside, picnic, frisbee, outdoors, flipflops.
Albert Einstein Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle

Albert Einstein Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle

Albert Einstein Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle Answer key’s included. The words used in the puzzle are: atom, curious, determined, Einstein, energy, equation, genius, Germany, Jewish, light, mass, mathematician, Nobel Prize, pacifist, patent office, photons, physicist, physics, quantum, relativity, scientist, Switzerland, theory, United States. *ESL, EFL, English, science, vocabulary, puzzle, fun activity, worksheet
DAZ/DAF Frühling Vokabeln Wortsuchrätsel

DAZ/DAF Frühling Vokabeln Wortsuchrätsel

Frühling Wortsuchrätsel mit dem Lösungsschlüssel Spring Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle - German Die Wörter im Rätsel sind: April, Bäume, Biene, Blumen, blühen, Blüte, Drachen, Fahrrad, Frühling, Gras, grün, Gummistiefel, Hase, Jahreszeit, Mai, März, Ostern, Regen, Regenbogen, Regenmantel, Regenschirm, Schmetterling, Sonne, Sonnenschein, sonnig, Vogel, warm *You may also be interested in: Sommer Vokabeln Wortsuchrätsel
Zahlen (0-100), Ich habe / Wer hat Spiel

Zahlen (0-100), Ich habe / Wer hat Spiel

Zahlen (0-100), Ich habe / Wer hat Spiel German numbers game 30 cards with numbers between 0-100 *DAF, DAZ, Deutsch, German, Zahlen, numbers, vocabulary, I have who has, Ich habe wer hat, Spiel, game, Wortschatz, activity, fun, printable.
Kleidung, Ich habe / Wer hat Wortschatz Spiel

Kleidung, Ich habe / Wer hat Wortschatz Spiel

Kleidung, Ich habe / Wer hat Wortschatz Spiel 21 cards with 21 clothing-related words: das Hemd, die Boots / die Stiefel, die Handschuhe, die Mütze, der Schal, der Regenschirm, der Pullover, die Turnschuhe / die Sportschuhe, die Socken, die Tasche, die Armbanduhr, der Rock, der Rucksack, die Jogginghose, die Halskette, der Mantel, die Jeans, die Ohrringe, die Jacke, die Brille, das Sweatshirt. *DAF, DAZ, Deutsch, German, Kleidung, clothing, clothes, vocabulary, I have who has, Ich habe wer hat, Spiel, game, Wortschatz, activity, fun, printable.