Plant leaf structure
A lesson on plant leaf structure for year 10, includes powerpoint and worksheets
Nutrition and Health case studies
Pupils act as doctors and have to diagnose what the patient needs to do to become healthy again. Pupils discuss all four case studies in groups, one of each group then presents their diagnosis to the rest of the class (facilitates discussion).
Specialised Cells
A lesson on specialised cells for year 7 includes worksheets, knowledge organizer and powerpoint
Chemical digestion
A lesson for year 10 on chemical digestion, includes powerpoint and worksheet
Xylem, Phloem and Transpiration
Covers AQA new specification GCSE Biology.
Structure & function of Xylem and Phloem
Factors affecting transpiration
Practical investigation (examining xylem and phloem under a microscope) HSW.
Life Processes Lesson
Included is a powerpoint demonstrating Life processes which leads onto a card sort to demonstrate simple life processes, aimed at KS3 Years 8-9.
Cells and Observing Cells
A lesson on observing cells under a microscope.
DNA structures
A lesson for year 10 on DNA structures, includes powerpoint and worksheets
Digestive system and absorbtion
A lesson for year 10 on digestive system and absorbtion, includes powerpoint and worksheet
A lesson for year 10 on circulation, includes powerpoint and worksheets
Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells
Pupils label features of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, can split the class in half and use A3-sized diagrams, first team to label the components wins.
Pupils then use the Venn diagram template to label the features, can also enhance this by reviews comparing the features of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells e.g.
The origin of eukaryotes:
a reappraisal - (Duve, 2007)
Suitable for AS/A-level Biology
Benedicts test lesson
Resource that covers benedicts non-reducing sugars test
Covers AS level Biology specification
Suitable for OCR PAG A-level Biology
Pregnancy & Birth Lesson
Contained is a KS3 PowerPoint which demonstrates pregnancy, accompanied with a card sort.
Contained is a powerpoint to aid the worksheet, which will help students develop an understanding of variation, suitable for KS3 and Lower set KS4
Vaccines true/false quiz
Quick quiz covering vaccination, good as a starter to recap previously covered content.
A lesson on photosynthesis for year 10, includes powerpoint, worksheets and crossword
Photosynthesis limiting factors
A lesson for year 10 on photosynthesis limiting factors, includes pwerpoint and practical worksheets
A lesson for year 10 on Photosynthesis, includes crossword and powerpoint
A lesson for year 10 on Photosynthesis, includes powerpoint and worksheet
Plant minerals
A lesson on plant minerals for year 10, includes worksheets and power point