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Squelch1's Shop

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(based on 64 reviews)

I provide a wide range of resources for use in the classroom and around school. My resources build on children's learning and consider the smaller steps children need to take to achieve the learning. My resources have a focus on 'mastery' style questions where possible, to develop children's critical thinking and reasoning skills. As a practicing primary teacher myself, I know how essential it is to have well organised lesson resources with engaging activities that focus on the learning.




I provide a wide range of resources for use in the classroom and around school. My resources build on children's learning and consider the smaller steps children need to take to achieve the learning. My resources have a focus on 'mastery' style questions where possible, to develop children's critical thinking and reasoning skills. As a practicing primary teacher myself, I know how essential it is to have well organised lesson resources with engaging activities that focus on the learning.
Roman Persecution of the Jews for KS2

Roman Persecution of the Jews for KS2

This is a lesson PowerPoint the explores some aspects of Jewish life in the Roman Empire and how the Jewish people came to be persecuted by the Romans. At the end of the PowerPoint are three different follow up tasks. Links well with topics on the Romans/Judaism.
Julius Caesar for KS2 - Lesson PowerPoint with tasks

Julius Caesar for KS2 - Lesson PowerPoint with tasks

Lesson PowerPoint covering the life of Julius Caesar, his role in Ancient Rome and his assassination. You may prefer to print the PowerPoint and hide it around your classroom for children to research for themselves. At the end of the PowerPoint are three different task options. Used with my Y4 task as part of a literacy project.
Understanding Remembrance Day and the poppy - 2 lessons

Understanding Remembrance Day and the poppy - 2 lessons

Two lessons to help children understand remembrance day. One lesson focuses on remembrance day itself, the other on the significance of the poppy - and the different types of poppy available today. Both lessons are detailed and end in a choice of learning tasks. The lessons are well researched and informative.
Brazil Topic Medium Term Plan for KS2

Brazil Topic Medium Term Plan for KS2

6 week medium term plan for a topic on Brazil with key stage 2. There are 29 clearly planned lessons, although you could probably get much more out of these and the topic could easily last longer! This is a heavily geography focused topic. Other subjects include: art, design technology, history, computing, religious education, music and P.E. Lessons are planned to be engaging, whilst developing children's skills. Topics include: the rain forest; deforestation; map work; indigenous tribes; villages; cities; fair trade; carnivals; urban art; percussion instruments; the rubber trade; exploration of religion; and the Olympics. The plan is clearly laid out with learning objectives, key teaching points and questions, activities, differentiation, learning outcomes and the resources you will require.
Fronted Adverbials (SPaG) 5 lessons with activities (Ancient Greece theme)

Fronted Adverbials (SPaG) 5 lessons with activities (Ancient Greece theme)

5 Lesson PowerPoints and resources for activities for teaching or re-covering fronted adverbials. Ancient Greece theme to all lessons/ resources so really good for supporting writing if you are doing a topic on Ancient Greece. The lessons could also add to children's exploration of Ancient Greek, including of: Gods, heroes, mythical beasts, temples and battles. Lessons explore what a fronted adverbial is and encourage children to consider where in the sentence it goes; what the verb is that it describes; whether it describes when, where or how; and what punctuation is required. Each lesson has a relevant task with it (task for lesson 4 is included within the lesson PowerPoint) Some critical thinking is required from children as they have to reason why their fronted adverbial was appropriate. There are opportunities for peer assessment. Lessons continue to re-cap children's knowledge, whilst also building on it. Very visual with use of images. Learning objectives include: We are learning to... identify a fronted adverbial; re-order sentences to create a fronted adverbial; create fronted adverbials; write fronted adverbials. All images have been taken from: http://search.creativecommons.org/ where no attribution is required.
Conjunctions (SPaG) 5 lessons and activities - Ancient Greeks  Theme

Conjunctions (SPaG) 5 lessons and activities - Ancient Greeks Theme

Explores what a conjunction is used for and the clauses created by using conjunctions, including coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. All lessons are themed for an Ancient Greece topic - not only do children progress in using conjunctions, they learn more about Ancient Greece (Gods, Heroes, Mythical Beasts, Places etc). This also support their writing development on the topic. Learning focuses around choosing appropriate conjunctions - a challenge for many children. Learning progresses throughout the lessons. Opportunity for discussion and reasoning (good for mastery). Opportunity for all children to be involved in lessons. Differentiated worksheets are provided for each lesson. Conjunction word mats included Learning is as follows: 1. We are learning to identify conjunctions and clauses. PowerPoint plus 3 differentiated work sheets. 2. Conjunction quiz (programmed with hyperlinks, so use in full screen mode and click on the helmets. Even the most challenging children in my class were very engaged with this. 3. We are learning to choose appropriate conjunctions. 3 levels of differentiated activities. 4. We are learning to use coordinating conjunctions 2 levels of differentiated activities. 5. We are learning to use subordinating conjunctions 3 levels of differentiated activities.
KS2 Brazil/Olympics Medium Term Plan and Resources PLUS Planning and Resources for Literacy

KS2 Brazil/Olympics Medium Term Plan and Resources PLUS Planning and Resources for Literacy

6 week medium term planning for a Brazil Topic (30 lessons), some focus on the Olympic Games. Planning/resources provided for each lesson, including coverage links for 2014 curriculum. Includes range of key critical thinking (mastery) questions. There’s planning, PowerPoints, resources and exemplar text for 12 literacy lessons-writing a persuasive letter. Literacy is linked to Brazil topic. Fully interactive PowerPoint about Brazil (61 slides). Use in full screen mode to navigate between sections. A range of mastery style questions included. Covers: Rain forest Rubber Trade Tribes Climate Geography Lifestyles History Art Olympics (Rio/ Ancient Olympics). We are learning to's: Geography: use scale maps to locate places in Brazil; use critical thinking skills (to compare areas of Brazil); understand what deforestation is and where it occurs; create a persuasive text about deforestation; investigate the similarities and differences between village and city life in Brazil; investigate what it is like to live in a tribe; investigate and compare the lives of Indigenous Indians; describe the structure of the Amazon Rain forest; investigate Fair Trade in Brazil; understand the importance of Brazilian carnivals. History: investigate how the rubber trade started; explore the ancient Olympic games; understand the chronology of the Olympics. Art: use pencil sketching skills; use pencil sketching skills; observe details; create a collage; observe details and create urban art; design a symbolic Olympic mascot; design a symbolic Olympic medal. ICT: search safely on the internet; create a PowerPoint document; program hyperlinks in a PowerPoint; create and present data in a bar graph (using PowerPoint); create and present data in a line graph (using PowerPoint); present and evaluate a PowerPoint. Design Technology: research and design a carnival float; build and evaluate a carnival float. Music: listen to and recall sounds; experiment with percussion instruments; perform, using percussion instruments. R.E: explore religion in Brazil. P.E. apply a range of athletics skills (to compete in a mini Olympics). Lessons can be adapted Lessons differentiated. Fact sheets, images, planning sheet, evaluations sheets etc provided for many lessons. List of other suggested resources for each lesson. List of suggested books and websites. All images have been taken from: http://search.creativecommons.org/ where no attribution is required.