Edexcel and AQA A-level questions and answers for your 2016 SPEAKING exam practise.
The topic covered: Flüchtlingskrise
Links to resources are provided. On 8 pages you can choose from a wide range of answers and/or formulate your own. All information is up-to-date and relates to the current situation in 2015-2016.
Some of the information has already been covered in Rassissmus, Integration..... but most of the information has been newly added with focus on "Flüchtlinge" only, including today's new "Integrationsgesetz" (14.4.16)
Edexcel and AQA A-level questions and essay sample for your 2016 WRITING exam practise.
The topic covered: Cultural - research based essay on GOOD-BYE LENIN
'Wolfgang Becker - Film Good-by Lenin - Die DDR - Hintergründe, Aspekte, Absichten
Edexcel and AQA A-level questions and answers for your 2016 SPEAKING exam practise. Topics are based on AQA Past Papers - Speaking Cards.
The topic covered: Überwachungskameras - LAW AND ORDER
Links to resources are provided. On 5 pages you can choose from a wide range of answers and/or formulate your own. All information is up-to-date and relates to the current situation in 2015-2016.
Edexcel and AQA A-level questions and answers for your 2016 SPEAKING exam practise. Topics are taken from AQA Past Papers Speaking Cards.
The topic covered: Ausbeutung + Sweatshops.
Links to resources are provided. On 7 pages you can choose from a wide range of answers and/or formulate your own. All information is up-to-date and relates to the current situation in 2015-2016.
Edexcel and AQA A-level questions and answers for your 2016 SPEAKING exam practise. Topics are taken from AQA Past Papers Speaking Cards.
The topic covered: Atomenergie, Klimawandel - ENERGIE
Links to resources are provided. On 8 pages you can choose from a wide range of answers and/or formulate your own. All information is up-to-date and relates to the current situation in 2015-2016.
Edexcel and AQA A-level questions and answers for your 2016 SPEAKING=WRITING exam practise. Topics are taken from AQA Past Papers Speaking Cards.
The topic covered: Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands
Links to resources are provided. On 10 pages you can choose from a wide range of answers and/or formulate your own. All information is up-to-date and relates to the current situation in 2015-2016.
Edexcel and AQA A-level questions and answers for your 2016 SPEAKING exam practise.
The topic covered: Die EU (Europäische Union)+Brexit
Links to resources are provided. On 6 pages you can choose from a wide range of answers and/or formulate your own. All information is up-to-date and relates to the current situation in 2015-2016.
Edexcel and AQA A-level questions and answers for your 2016 SPEAKING exam practise.
The topic covered: Entwicklungsländer/Hilfe
Links to resources are provided. On 5 pages you can choose from a wide range of answers and/or formulate your own. All information is up-to-date and relates to the current situation in 2015-2016.
Further questions and answers on A-level topics are published separately.
Edexcel and AQA A-level questions and answers for your 2016 SPEAKING exam practise.
The topic covered: Energie, Atomenergie, Klimawandel
Links to resources are provided. On 8 pages you can choose from a wide range of answers and/or formulate your own. All information is up-to-date and relates to the current situation in 2015-2016.
Further questions and answers on A-level topics are published separately.
Edexcel and AQA A-level questions and answers for your 2016 SPEAKING exam practise. The topic covered: Gastarbeiter, Ausländer, Aussiedler. Links to resources are provided. On 4 pages you can choose from a wide range of answers and/or formulate your own. All information is up-to-date and relates to the current situation in 2015-2016.
AS/A2 - 2017 German, topic UMWELT, speaking and writing practice.
"Atomenergie ist eine grosse Gefahr für die Menschheit. Sellarfield ist eine tickende Zeitbombe."
This is a 5 page essay and covers arguments against nuclear energy, pinpointing Sellarfield.
A2 German 2017 Speaking Test 'Armut-Altersarmut' SOCIAL ISSUES Questions+Answers, issued 12.03.2017, words: 1800.
Comprehensive answers to questions like who is considered poor in Germany/Europe and why so many Germans fear poverty in old age. What pension system does Germany have.
A2 German 2017 Speaking Test, 'Jugendkriminalität', LAW AND ORDER, Questions and Answers (1,700 words).
Comprehensive answers to questions about prison sentences versus community work, rehabilitation, where does violence start, is the media part of the problem, what about civil courage?
A2 German Speaking Test Revision material for Edexcel and AQA exams - " Internationale Verhältnisse" - Questions and answers on the EU, Exit, Volksabstimungen (Referenden), Populismus, Euro. A list of arguments to start a discussion is included. The material is current, as of March 2017, and comprises 3700 words.
AQA Speaking Karte H "Integration" - Hilfe auf dem Arbeitsmarkt - QUESTIONS and ANSWERS.
How and where to get recognition of qualifications obtained outside Germany; checking compatibility; help available for further training in teaching jobs, the medical profession, social care, etc. Problems for immigrants with no qualifications. Links to up-to-date newspaper articles.
Introducing clauses (Kasus);identifying the ACCUSATIVE case; labelling parts of a sentence.
I was asked to explain to a year 11 German student what the accusative is and how it affects a sentence (e.g. masculine article). This presentation is also suitable for year 10 (or earlier) students.
German A level resource, Topic “Umwelt” - Can electro-cars save the environment? Based on a German TV-Program taking a critical look at the production of batteries required to power Electro cars, suggesting solutions to an ecologically friendly use of e-cars and proposing new concepts of climate friendly ways of transport, e.g. a transport Ap. Included: Questions to prompt “Gesprächsanlässe” and links to introductory videos. No. of pages: 10
About Christmas
2 poems “im Paarreim” from the Christkindles Prologue, with gap-filling exercises and word replacements and reading comprehension of a brief history of the Nürnberger Christkindls market with vocabulary lists.
AQA German A level 2019 exam “Sind die Deutschen EU Skeptiker?”
Statistics, explanations why the EU is viewed in Germany with criticism; Germany profiting most from exports within the single market (Binnenmark), how much the EU costs Germany as the biggest Net payer, a possible referendum, refugees/asylum seekers and their price for the Germans, the EU refugee distribution quota, the EU East expansion and how much Brexit will cost the EU.
Revision material for oral exams about the political Life in Germany and the EU; based on speaking exam Card J.
(11 pages)
The links are suitable for further research.