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Science teacher here to share concise and detailed resources! I have been tutoring/teaching for 5+ years and worked as a content creator for various online education sites including MyVideoTutor & Oxbridge Learning




Science teacher here to share concise and detailed resources! I have been tutoring/teaching for 5+ years and worked as a content creator for various online education sites including MyVideoTutor & Oxbridge Learning
GCSE Biology Required Practical 8

GCSE Biology Required Practical 8

A lesson / revision PowerPoint covering all information needed and containing informative slides and practise questions Required Practical 8 - Investigate the effect of light or gravity on the growth of newly germinated seedlings This powerpoint covers AT 1 (use appropriate apparatus to record length and time), AT 3 (selecting appropriate apparatus and techniques to measure the growth of shoots or roots), AT 4 (safe and ethical use of plants to measure physiological function of growth in response to light or gravity), AT 7 (observations of biological specimens to produce labelled scientific drawings) and includes all practical and mathmatical skills required. The powerpoint covers: Background on phototropisms and geotropisms Aim Required apparatus A suitable method A suitable results table to record data A look at the variables in this experiment How to draw biological drawings Past paper exam questions Summary
GCSE Biology - The Carbon & Water Cycles

GCSE Biology - The Carbon & Water Cycles

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on The Carbon & Water Cycles A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Cycles in Biology (the role of autotrophs, decomposers and detrivores, the cycling of nutrients) The Water Cycle (evaporation & precipitation) The importance of the water cycle The carbon cyle (photosynthesis, respiration & combustion) The future of the carbon cycle (how humans are upsetting the balance by releasing more CO2) Exam Practise
GCSE Biology - Land Use & Deforestation

GCSE Biology - Land Use & Deforestation

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Land Use & Deforestation A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: How humans reduce land use (building, quarrying, farming, dumping waste) Deforestation * Reasons for it * Consequences of deforestation (reduced biodiversity, more CO2 in atmosphere, more methane, creation of monocultures etc.) Peat Bogs * Their importance * What happens when beat bogs are destroyed Exam Practise
GCSE Biology - Adaptations

GCSE Biology - Adaptations

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Adaptations A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Types of Adaptations (Structural, behavioural & functional) Adaptations in animals (Polar bear, artic fox, camels) Adaptations in plants (Marram grass, cactus) Extremophiles (Bacteria in deep sea vents and other examples) Exam Practise Need another lesson from this topic? Check out our other downloads below: Save with the Unit 7 Lessons BUNDLE 1 - Intro to Ecology 2 - Ada 3 - Food Chains & Predator Prey Cycles 4 - Trophic Levels & Pyramids of Biomass 5 - Quadrats & Transects 6 - The Carbon & Water Cycles 7 - Decay 8 - Biodiveristy & Waste Management 9 - Land Use & Deforestation 10 - Global Warming & Maintaining Biodiveristy 11 - Food Security, Farming & Fishing 12 - Biotechnology Searching for lessons from other GCSE Biology topics? Find them all below: Unit 1 - Cell Biology Unit 2 - Organization Unit 3 - Infection & Response Unit 4 - Bioenergetics Unit 5 - Homeostasis & Response Unit 6 - Inheritance, Variation & Evolution Unit 7 - Ecology
GCSE Biology - Vaccines

GCSE Biology - Vaccines

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Vaccines A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: How vaccines work Passive vs Active Immunity Herd Immunity Worldwide vaccination programmes & Covid-19 Advantages and Disadvantages of vaccines Practise Questions Need another lesson from this topic? Check out our other downloads below: 1 - Communicable Diseases 2 - The Immune System 3 - Vaccines 4 - Antibiotics & Drugs 5 - Monoclonal Antibodies 6 - Plant Disease & Defence Searching for lessons from other GCSE Biology topics? Find them all below: Unit 1 - Cell Biology Unit 2 - Organization Unit 3 - Infection & Response Unit 4 - Bioenergetics Unit 5 - Homeostasis & Response Unit 6 - Inheritance, Variation & Evolution Unit 7 - Ecology
GCSE Biology - Digestion

GCSE Biology - Digestion

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Digestion Full powerpoint including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Purshase the worksheet to go along with the lesson here or see all worksheets for the organization topic here. Includes: Principles of tissue organisation The main types of biological molecules Structure and function of the main parts of the digestive system The role of amylase, protease and lipase The role of bile & the emulsification of fats Abroption of the products of digestion through villi in small intestine Practise questions Need another lesson from this topic? Check out our other downloads below: 1 - Enzymes & Metabolism 2 - Digestion 3 - The heart & Blood Vessels 4 - The Lungs & Blood Composition 5 - CHD & Health Issues 6 - Effect of Lifestyle on Disease & Cancer 7 - Plant Tissues #1 8 - Plant Tissues #2 Searching for lessons from other GCSE Biology topics? Find them all below: Unit 1 - Cell Biology Unit 2 - Organization Unit 3 - Infection & Response Unit 4 - Bioenergetics Unit 5 - Homeostasis & Response Unit 6 - Inheritance, Variation & Evolution Unit 7 - Ecology Click here to visit our shop for more resources!
GCSE Biology - The Effect of Lifestyle on Disease and Cancer

GCSE Biology - The Effect of Lifestyle on Disease and Cancer

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on The Effect of Lifestyle on Disease and Cancer Full powerpoint including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Purchase the worksheets to go alongside this lesson here. Or view a pack containing worksheets for the whole GCSE Biology organization topic here Includes: The human, lifestyle and financial cost of non-communicable diseases Risk factors The link between correlation and causation The impact of smoking, alcohol diet and exercise and carcinogens on a wide range of diseases Carinogens & Cancer Need another lesson from this topic? Check out our other downloads below: 1 - Enzymes & Metabolism 2 - Digestion 3 - The heart & Blood Vessels 4 - The Lungs & Blood Composition 5 - CHD & Health Issues 6 - Effect of Lifestyle on Disease & Cancer 7 - Plant Tissues #1 8 - Plant Tissues #2 Searching for lessons from other GCSE Biology topics? Find them all below: Unit 1 - Cell Biology Unit 2 - Organization Unit 3 - Infection & Response Unit 4 - Bioenergetics Unit 5 - Homeostasis & Response Unit 6 - Inheritance, Variation & Evolution Unit 7 - Ecology Click here to visit our shop for more resources!
GCSE Biology Organisation WORKSHEETS

GCSE Biology Organisation WORKSHEETS

A pack of 7 worksheets for the GCSE Biology topic of Organisation A carefully laid out and well presented worksheet designed for students to take 10-15 minutes to consolidate their knowledge from this topic. All worksheets are either 1 or 2 pages (see below) and can therefore be printed on 1 sheet of a4 paper Each worksheet comes with a fully annotated answer sheet. This pack includes worksheets on: 1 - Enzymes & Metabolism (1 page) 2 - Digestion (2 pages) 3 - The heart & Blood Vessels (2 pages) 4 - The Lungs & Blood Composition (2 pages) 5 - CHD & Health Issues (2 pages) 6 - Effect of Lifestyle on Disease & Cancer (2 pages) 7 - Plant Tissues (2 pages) Need lessons to accompany these worksheets? Check out each lesson below: 1 - Enzymes & Metabolism 2 - Digestion 3 - The heart & Blood Vessels 4 - The Lungs & Blood Composition 5 - CHD & Health Issues 6 - Effect of Lifestyle on Disease & Cancer 7 - Plant Tissues #1 8 - Plant Tissues #2 Click here to visit our shop for more resources!
GCSE Biology - Genetic Disorders & Sex Determination

GCSE Biology - Genetic Disorders & Sex Determination

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Genetic Disorders & Sex Determination A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: X & Y chromsomes and sex determination Sex determination using punnet sqaures Inherited Disorders * Polydactly * Cystic Fibrosis How to intepret family trees / pedigrees Screening for genetic disoders
GCSE Biology - Endocrine System and Negative Feedback

GCSE Biology - Endocrine System and Negative Feedback

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on The Endocrine System and Negative Feedback A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: What is the endocrine system? Location of main glands in the human body and the hormones they produce The endocrine system vs. the nervous system The Pituitary Gland & hormones it releases The role of adrenaline in increasing heart rate The role of thyroxine in metabolism and the concept of negative feedback
GCSE Biology - Genetic Engineering

GCSE Biology - Genetic Engineering

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Genetic Engineering A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Genetic Engineering and examples of it use in agriculture, medicine, fight diseases and treating inherited disorders Stages of Genetic Engineering GM Crops and concerns surrounding their use
GCSE Biology - Microscopy

GCSE Biology - Microscopy

AQA GCSE Biology Revision Powerpoint on Microscopy Includes: How to use light microscope & preapre slides Light microscopes - pros/cons Electron microscopes - pros/cons SEM vs. TEM Comparrison table of light vs. electron microscope How to do magnification calculations with examples How to convert between units How to use standard form
GCSE Biology Required Practical 1

GCSE Biology Required Practical 1

A revision powerpoint covering all information needed for Required Practical 1 for GCSE Biology Required Practical 1 - Use a light microscope to observe, draw and label a selection of plant and animal cells. This revision powerpoint covers AT 1 (use appropriate apparatus to record length and area) & AT 7 (use a microscope to make observations of biological specimens and produce labelled scientific drawings) As always there are practise questions throughout to test your knowledge
GCSE Biology Worksheet The Heart & Blood Vessels

GCSE Biology Worksheet The Heart & Blood Vessels

A 2 page worksheet designed for AQA GCSE Biology on The Heart & Blood Vessels Worksheet is designed to accompany my lesson / revision powerpoint on this topic avaialbe for purchase here Worksheet is designed to take 10-15 minutes and be suitable for all abilities
GCSE Biology - Food Security, Farming & Fishing

GCSE Biology - Food Security, Farming & Fishing

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Food Security, Farming & Fishing A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Concept of Food Secuirty Biological factors which are threatening food security (Increasing birth rate, changing diets in developed countries, new pests and pathogens, environmental changes, cost of agricultural inputs and conflicts) Increasing the efficiency of food production (restricting movement, conserving heat, high protein diet) Problems behind intensive farming Sustainable Fisheries (introducing fishing quotas and net sizes) Exam Practise
GCSE Biology - Antibiotics and Drugs

GCSE Biology - Antibiotics and Drugs

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Antibitoics and Drugs A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: The difference between Antibiotic and Painkillers Discoveries of Alexander Flemming Antibiotic Resistance, how it occurs & how to prevent it Antibiotics vs. viruses How drugs are discovered (digitalis and asprin) Drug Development (testing, blind and double blind trials, placebos etc.) Need another lesson from this topic? Check out our other downloads below: 1 - Communicable Diseases 2 - The Immune System 3 - Vaccines 4 - Antibiotics & Drugs 5 - Monoclonal Antibodies 6 - Plant Disease & Defence
GCSE Biology Organisation Revision (Unit 2)

GCSE Biology Organisation Revision (Unit 2)

8 Resources
All lessons / revision notes for GCSE Biology Unit 2 - Organisation including: 1 - Enzymes & Metabolism 2 - Digestion 3 - The heart & Blood Vessels 4 - The Lungs & Blood Composition 5 - CHD & Health Issues 6 - Effect of Lifestyle on Disease & Cancer 7 - Plant Tissues #1 8 - Plant Tissues #2 Powerpoint have detailed notes covering all content from the topic including key practical and maths skills. Each powerpoint has practise exam questions and a summary page Searching for lessons from other GCSE Biology topics? Find them all below: Unit 1 - Cell Biology Unit 2 - Organization Unit 3 - Infection & Response Unit 4 - Bioenergetics Unit 5 - Homeostasis & Response Unit 6 - Inheritance, Variation & Evolution Unit 7 - Ecology Click here to visit our shop for more resources!
GCSE Biology - The Lungs & Blood Composition

GCSE Biology - The Lungs & Blood Composition

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on The Lungs and Blood Composition Full powerpoint including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Purchase the worksheets to go alongside this lesson here. Or view a pack containing worksheets for the whole GCSE Biology organization topic here Includes: Lungs, bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli Structure of alveoli related to function Gas exchange Calculating breathing rate A close look at blood: red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets How to recognise blood components from diagrams The role of blood plasma and substances found within it Need another lesson from this topic? Check out our other downloads below: 1 - Enzymes & Metabolism 2 - Digestion 3 - The heart & Blood Vessels 4 - The Lungs & Blood Composition 5 - CHD & Health Issues 6 - Effect of Lifestyle on Disease & Cancer 7 - Plant Tissues #1 8 - Plant Tissues #2 Searching for lessons from other GCSE Biology topics? Find them all below: Unit 1 - Cell Biology Unit 2 - Organization Unit 3 - Infection & Response Unit 4 - Bioenergetics Unit 5 - Homeostasis & Response Unit 6 - Inheritance, Variation & Evolution Unit 7 - Ecology Click here to visit our shop for more resources!
GCSE Biology - Bioenergetics (Unit 4)

GCSE Biology - Bioenergetics (Unit 4)

2 Resources
All lessons / revision notes for GCSE Biology Unit 4 - Bioenergetics 1 - Photosynthesis 2 - Respiration Powerpoints have detailed notes covering all content from the topic including key practical and maths skills. Each powerpoint has practise exam questions and a summary page Searching for lessons from other GCSE Biology topics? Find them all below: Unit 1 - Cell Biology Unit 2 - Organization Unit 3 - Infection & Response Unit 4 - Bioenergetics Unit 5 - Homeostasis & Response Unit 6 - Inheritance, Variation & Evolution Unit 7 - Ecology Click here to visit our shop for more resources!