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Science teacher here to share concise and detailed resources! I have been tutoring/teaching for 5+ years and worked as a content creator for various online education sites including MyVideoTutor & Oxbridge Learning




Science teacher here to share concise and detailed resources! I have been tutoring/teaching for 5+ years and worked as a content creator for various online education sites including MyVideoTutor & Oxbridge Learning
GCSE Biology - Required Practical 3

GCSE Biology - Required Practical 3

A lesson / revision powerpoint covering all information needed for Required Practical 3 for GCSE Biology Required Practical 3 - Investigate the effect of a range of concentrations of salt or sugar solutions on the mass of plant tissue This powerpoint covers AT 1 (use appropriate apparatus to record mass and time), AT 3 (use appropriate apparatus and techniques to observe and measure the process of osmosis), AT 5 (measure the rate of osmosis by water uptake) and includes all practical and mathmatical skills required at GCSE As always there is a walkthough of past paper practise questions at the end to test your knowledge
Rod & Cone Cells (AQA A-Level Biology

Rod & Cone Cells (AQA A-Level Biology

2 summary pages for rod & cone cells Detailed summary of all the information needed for AQA A-Level Biology exam Includes content on how the sensitivity to light, sensitivity to colour and visual acuity are explained by differences in the optical pigments of rods and cones and the connections rods and cones make in the optic nerve Easy to understand descriptions and diagrams help students to fully understand the importance of rod and cone cells and all the information needed for the exam
Digestion & Absorption (AQA A-Level Biology 3.3.3)

Digestion & Absorption (AQA A-Level Biology 3.3.3)

A powerpoint outlining all the key details of the 3.3.3 section of the AQA A-Level Biology specification for Digestion & Absorption. Includes keywords, diagrams, recap questions, exam questions and further thinkning questions. Structure of Digestive System * Different parts and their functions Digestion * Carbohydrates (amylases and membrane-bound disacharidases) * Proteins (endo-/exo-peptidases & dipeptidases) * Lipids (lipases & action of bile salts) Absoprtion * Monosacharides & Amino Acids via co-transport in ileum * Triglycerides and the role of micelles and chylomicrons
GCSE Biology - Communicable Diseases

GCSE Biology - Communicable Diseases

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Communicable Diseases A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Different types of pathogens How diseases are spread and prevented Viral Diseases (HIV, Measels & TMV) Bacterial Diseases (Salmonella & Gonorrhoea) Funal Diseases (Rose Black Spot) Protist Diseases (Malaria) Exam Practise Need another lesson from this topic? Check out our other downloads below: 1 - Communicable Diseases 2 - The Immune System 3 - Vaccines 4 - Antibiotics & Drugs 5 - Monoclonal Antibodies 6 - Plant Disease & Defence Searching for lessons from other GCSE Biology topics? Find them all below: Unit 1 - Cell Biology Unit 2 - Organization Unit 3 - Infection & Response Unit 4 - Bioenergetics Unit 5 - Homeostasis & Response Unit 6 - Inheritance, Variation & Evolution Unit 7 - Ecology
GCSE Geography Natural Hazards & Plate Tectonics

GCSE Geography Natural Hazards & Plate Tectonics

A carefully laid out and concise lesson / revision resource on Natural Hazards & Tectonic Plates from the Tectonic Hazards topic for AQA Download includes a Powerpoint, Activity Sheet & Worksheet Powerpoint includes: Concept of hazards and the main groups of hazards Difference between a hazard and a natural event Hazard Risk and factors affecting it Structure of the Earth Oceanic vs. Continental Plates Tectonic plates & plate margins Convection currents, slab pull and ridge push Global distribution of Earthquakes & Volcanoes Activity explanation, practise questions and exam questions Summary slide The activity sheet is a Five-A-Side activity, designed to help students recall key terms in groups of 3. Full instructions on how to use included. Estimated to take 10 minutes The worksheet covers key concepts from the lesson displayed in an engaing format. Estimated to take 10-15 minutes. This is the first lesson in the Tectonic Hazards topic. The other lessons can be found below: 2. Plate Boundaries
GCSE Biology - Evolution, Variation & Speciation

GCSE Biology - Evolution, Variation & Speciation

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Evolution, Variation & Speciation A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Variation (Genetics vs. Environment) Evolution: Lamarck & Early Ideas Evolution: Charles Darwin and Natural Selection Evolution: Accepting Darwin’s Ideas and Alfred Russel Wallace’s Contribution Speciation
GCSE Geography Italy & Nepal Case Studies Natural Hazards

GCSE Geography Italy & Nepal Case Studies Natural Hazards

A carefully laid out and concise lesson / revision resource on Natural Hazard Case Studies (Italy & Nepal) from the Tectonic Hazards topic for AQA Download includes a Powerpoint, Activity Sheet & Worksheet Powerpoint includes: Primary & Secondary effects of natrual hazards Primary & Secondary responses of natrual hazards Case study information Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake 2015 (LIC) L’Aquila, italy Earthquake 2009 (HIC) Why effects and responses are different between LICs and HICs Activity explanation, practise questions and exam questions Summary slide The activity sheet is a case study revision sheet / recall activity, designed to help students recall key facts individually or in small group. Full instructions on how to use included. Estimated to take 15-20 minutes The 2 page worksheet covers key concepts from the lesson displayed in an engaing format. Estimated to take 10-15 minutes. This is the third lesson in the Tectonic Hazards topic. The other lessons can be found below: 1. Natural Hazards & Plate Tectonics 2. Plate Boundaries
GCSE Biology - Intro to Ecology

GCSE Biology - Intro to Ecology

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Intro to Ecology (Communities, Competition and Biotic & Abiotic Factors) A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes Ecology Key Terms Ecosystems, Communities and Competition What is interdependence? Stable communities Abiotic and Biotic Factors Food webs Need another lesson from this topic? Check out our other downloads below: Save with the Unit 7 Lessons BUNDLE 1 - Intro to Ecology 2 - Adaptations 3 - Food Chains & Predator Prey Cycles 4 - Trophic Levels & Pyramids of Biomass 5 - Quadrats & Transects 6 - The Carbon & Water Cycles 7 - Decay 8 - Biodiveristy & Waste Management 9 - Land Use & Deforestation 10 - Global Warming & Maintaining Biodiveristy 11 - Food Security, Farming & Fishing 12 - Biotechnology Searching for lessons from other GCSE Biology topics? Find them all below: Unit 1 - Cell Biology Unit 2 - Organization Unit 3 - Infection & Response Unit 4 - Bioenergetics Unit 5 - Homeostasis & Response Unit 6 - Inheritance, Variation & Evolution Unit 7 - Ecology
Kinetic Energy Worksheet & PowerPoint GCSE Physics

Kinetic Energy Worksheet & PowerPoint GCSE Physics

A complete no-prep powerpoint teaching about kinetic energy with walk-through calculations and a 2 page worksheet with answers included. The powerpoint contains: What is kinetic energy? The Ek = ½ m V2 equation How to calculate kinetic energy with worked examples How to rearrange the equation to calculate mass and velocity with worked examples Summary slide The worksheet is 2 pages containing a gap fill exercise on kinetic energy stores, a recall question on the equation and many practise questions for using the equation and rearranging it too. Check out our other resources for Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Geography here.
GCSE Biology - Homeostasis & Body Temperature

GCSE Biology - Homeostasis & Body Temperature

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Homeostasis & Body Temperature A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: An introduction to homeostasis Hormonal vs. Neuronal control Concept of stimulus --> receptors --> coordinators --> effectors --> response Effectors (Glands & Muscles) Controlling body temperature * The role of the brain * Vasoconstriction & Vasodilation * Sweating * Hairs on skin * Shivering
GCSE Biology - Plant Disease & Defence

GCSE Biology - Plant Disease & Defence

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Plant Disease & Defence A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Plant Diseases (TMV, Rose Black Spot, Aphids) Plant Ion Deficiencies (nitrate & magenesium) Signs of plant disease and identifying plant disease Plant Defence Systems * Physical * Chemical * Mechanical Practise Questions Need another lesson from this topic? Check out our other downloads below: 1 - Communicable Diseases 2 - The Immune System 3 - Vaccines 4 - Antibiotics & Drugs 5 - Monoclonal Antibodies 6 - Plant Disease & Defence Searching for lessons from other GCSE Biology topics? Find them all below: Unit 1 - Cell Biology Unit 2 - Organization Unit 3 - Infection & Response Unit 4 - Bioenergetics Unit 5 - Homeostasis & Response Unit 6 - Inheritance, Variation & Evolution Unit 7 - Ecology
GCSE Biology Worksheet Plant Tissues

GCSE Biology Worksheet Plant Tissues

A 2 page worksheet designed for AQA GCSE Biology Worksheet is designed to accompany my lesson / revision powerpoint on this topic available for purchase here and here Worksheet is designed to take 10-15 minutes and be suitable for all abilities Contains questions on: Leaf structures and their function Identifying leaf structures from a diagram Plant organs and tissue Xylem and Phlome Stomata and guard cells Potometers Transpiration Factors affecting the rate of transpiration
GCSE Biology - Plant Hormones

GCSE Biology - Plant Hormones

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Plant Hormones A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: The role of auxin in phototropisms & gravitropisms The role of gibberlines and ethene The uses of plant hormones * Auxin - killing weeds, growing from cuttings, promoting growth in cultures * Gibberellin - controlling dormancy, promoting flowering, increasing fruitsize * Ethene - control ripening of fruit during storage and transport
GCSE Biology - Antibiotic Resistance

GCSE Biology - Antibiotic Resistance

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Antibiotic Resistance A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: What are antibiotics? Why antibiotics don’t work against viruses How antibitoic resistance arises MRSA How to reduce the rate of development of antibiotic resistant strains Exam Practise with model answers
GCSE Biology - Global Warming and Maintaining Biodiversity

GCSE Biology - Global Warming and Maintaining Biodiversity

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Global Warming and Maintaining Biodiversity A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Greenhouse Gases Concept of Global Warming & Cliamte Change Human impact on greenhoue gas emissions Why climate change is a complex topic to study Biological Consequences of Global Warming (loss of habitat, changes in distribution, changes in migration, reduced biodiversity, changes in weather) Ways to maintain biodiversity in the face of change (breeding programmes, protection of rare habitats, reintroduction of hedgerows, reduction of deforestation and carbon dioxide emissions, recycling resources rather than dumping waste in landfill) Exam pracise questions
GCSE Biology - Biotechnology

GCSE Biology - Biotechnology

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Biotechnology A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: What is Biotechnology? GM Crops (Golden Rice) Producing Mycoprotein (Fusarium) Producing insulin to treat diabetes Exam Practise Need another lesson from this topic? Check out our other downloads below: Save with the Unit 7 Lessons BUNDLE 1 - Intro to Ecology 2 - Adaptations 3 - Food Chains & Predator Prey Cycles 4 - Trophic Levels & Pyramids of Biomass 5 - Quadrats & Transects 6 - The Carbon & Water Cycles 7 - Decay 8 - Biodiveristy & Waste Management 9 - Land Use & Deforestation 10 - Global Warming & Maintaining Biodiveristy 11 - Food Security, Farming & Fishing 12 - Biotechnology Searching for lessons from other GCSE Biology topics? Find them all below: Unit 1 - Cell Biology Unit 2 - Organization Unit 3 - Infection & Response Unit 4 - Bioenergetics Unit 5 - Homeostasis & Response Unit 6 - Inheritance, Variation & Evolution Unit 7 - Ecology
GCSE Biology - Ecology (Unit 7)

GCSE Biology - Ecology (Unit 7)

12 Resources
All revision notes for GCSE Biology Unit 7 - Ecology Biology including: 1 - Intro to Ecology 2 - Adaptations 3 - Food Chains & Predator Prey Cycles 4 - Trophic Levels & Pyramids of Biomass 5 - Quadrats & Transects 6 - The Carbon & Water Cycles 7 - Decay 8 - Biodiveristy & Waste Management 9 - Land Use & Deforestation 10 - Global Warming & Maintaining Biodiveristy 11 - Food Security, Farming & Fishing 12 - Biotechnology Powerpoint have detailed notes covering all content from the topic including key practical and maths skills. Each powerpoint has practise exam questions and a summary page Searching for lessons from other GCSE Biology topics? Find them all below: Unit 1 - Cell Biology Unit 2 - Organization Unit 3 - Infection & Response Unit 4 - Bioenergetics Unit 5 - Homeostasis & Response Unit 6 - Inheritance, Variation & Evolution Unit 7 - Ecology Click here to visit our shop for more resources!
125+ GCSE Biology Practise Question on Cell Biology

125+ GCSE Biology Practise Question on Cell Biology

A huge list of over 125 quick questions to test knowledge of the Cell Biology topic This includes the topics of: Cell Structure (prokaryotes, eukaryotes, organelles etc.) Cell Specialisation (specialzied cells, muscle cells, sperm cells, nerve cells, root hair cells, xylem & phloem) Microscopy (parts of a microscope, magnification vs. resolution, light microscopes, SEM vs. TEM, magnification calculations, convering units) Culturing Microorganisms (bacterial cell divison, agar plants, aseptic techniques, calculating mean division time of bacteria) Mitosis & Cell Cycle (genes, alleles, chromatids, haploid vs. diploid, cell cycle, mitosis, interphase, mitotic index, cancer) **Stem Cells **(embryonic vs. adult stem cells, meristem cells, therapeutic cloning, uses of stem cells) Diffusion (definitions, concentration gradients, ways molecules cross membranes, examples of adaptations for diffusion in small intestine, alveloi, gills of fish, leaves and root hair cells of plants) Osmosis (definitions, dilute vs. concentrated solutions, solute vs. solvent sports drinks) Active Transport (using energy, against concentration gradients, examples in plants and animals) Need lessons for Cell Biology? See lessons available for download below: 1 - Cell Structure 2 - Cell Specialisation & Differentiation 3 - Microscopy 4 - Culturing Mircoorganisms 5 - Chromosomes, Mitosis & Cell Cycle 6 - Stem Cells 7 - Transport in cells #1 - Diffusion 8 - Transport in cells #2 - Osmosis & Active Transport Looking for lessons from other topics? Visit each topic using the links below: Unit 1 - Cell Biology Unit 2 - Organization Unit 3 - Infection & Response Unit 4 - Bioenergetics Unit 5 - Homeostasis & Response Unit 6 - Inheritance, Variation & Evolution Unit 7 - Ecology Click here to visit our shop for more resources!
GCSE Biology - Cell Structure

GCSE Biology - Cell Structure

Full GCSE Biology Lesson / Revision Powerpoint on Cell Structure A carefully laid out powerpoint covering the main content in easy to understand slides, including exam practise and answers as well as a summary page of all the main revision points included. Workbook available for purchase to go alongside powerpoint. Includes: Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes Structure of animal cells Structure of plant cells Structure of bacterial cells Comparrison table between all three