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English Language Teaching Topics for Discussion for PoD and Faculty Meetings
English Language Teaching Topics for Discussion for PoD and Faculty Meetings . The list covers hot tends and issues most commonly found in an English language classroom .

Reinforcement Worksheet for Declarative Direct Speech sentences
A worksheet for the purpose of reinforcing the concept of reported speech focusing on Declarative Sentences .

Match Up 2 - ideal for face to face , homelearning and remote learning
Vocabulary focus: Colours and countries
Numeracy focus : 1 to 10

The AD Game -
An interesting low resource activity which gives an ***introduction to Persuasive Writing . ***
**Target Skills: Speaking , Extensive Reading and Speculation **

Mother's Day Badges - Fun activity for homeschooling and classroom
Fun Mother's Day activity involving creative writing and coloring skills.
Can be easily used for both homeschooling and classroom craft activity.
Gives an opportunity to students to express their love for their mom and create something special for them.

Exploring Cultues with Disney Characters
A fun , simple and effective way of introducing children to world cultures. The resource comprises of a detailed action plan and a sample activity sheet. The activity can be molded for all age groups and can be an excellent and effective way to introducing children to cultural variation and richness humanity thrives upon .

Hide n Seek - A reading activity using the newspaper !
This simple task aims at honing students scanning skills . it also facilitates in enhancement of vocabulary !

Post Reading Activity Prompts - Distance Learning / Home schooling
These after reading prompts help students to delve into the books they have read in a fun and interactive way .
Easily adaptable to writing , oral presentation or picture presentation tasks , these ideas foster critical thinking . Learners can make the story their own and gain a deeper insight into the nuances of story writing with these easy to use, minimal resource required ideas.
Suited to a reading lesson , literary club , readers club or fun games , use these prompts to best suit your teaching needs .

Debate Topics - Climate Change / Environment
A list of topics relating to Climate change ideal for group discussion session or debate classes. Easily adaptable to any year level , these topics will certainly set your students thinking on the contemporary aspects of climate change and environmental degradation.

Odd Ball - Ideal for Home schooling or remote Learning
Learners find the odd one out by matching pairs of things and practicing vocabulary items and numbers.
Vocabulary Focus : Modes of transport , Colors, Vegetables , Countries, Shapes
Numeracy Focus - Counting 1 to 10
Fun activity to keep your young ones occupied while at home or distance learning!! Also , available as interactive slides.

Spell Bee Quiz for Homeschooling
A worksheet / quiz / test for testing students spellings at home ! Enjoy !

Number Race
Board game based on Addition Subtraction and Multiplication function .
Ideal for any classroom situation .
A fun way to keep kids engaged while practicing Math.
All ready and set to use with a dice.

Help find the way - tracing and cutting activity
Aimed at honing fine motor skills , it ideal to keep the young ones occupied in a fun way ! It is also accompanied with blank templates to custom as per requirement .

Digital Feedback Stamps - Perfect for remote learning and home schooling
An amazing bundle of beautiful and colorful feedback stamps perfect for any learning setup!

$100 Word Challenge Maths Fun Activity
Simple yet innovative
Minimum resource required
Practice basic addition
Easily adaptable
Early finishers activity
Beautiful colorful layout with question suggestions

Match Up ! Ideal for face to face teaching , remote and home schooling
Matching Activity for Early Learners,a fun way to keep your young ones occupied while at home !!

Topics for Display Board Presentations
A list of topics that always come handy while preparing a display board for any grade/ class level.