Over 320 resources for the creative teacher that wants to constantly engage their learners. Mostly Science resources. (Some are 'paid for' but mostly free to download) however more whole school resources are being added all the time.
Over 320 resources for the creative teacher that wants to constantly engage their learners. Mostly Science resources. (Some are 'paid for' but mostly free to download) however more whole school resources are being added all the time.
A collection of previous 6 mark questions + the mark schemes. usefull for homeworks, starters and revision for the B2 module of work (AQA): Twitter@TJohns85
SEE MY OTHER RESOURCES PREMIUM + FREE IN MY TES SHOP https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TRJ
A writing frame that just needs to be changed to fit the investigation of your choice
Any changes you think might be useful let me know
See my other foldables and shop here and me follow on twitter - @TJohns85
A powerpoint based in the deep dark wood all around the gruffalo that covers food chains and webs, ID keys, pyramid of numbers and biomass and adaptations. IT can be used to engage students into a higher level of thinking.
See my other foldables and shop here and me follow on twitter - @TJohns85
A retrieval roulette that is loosely based on the kerboodle book 2 year 8 scheme.
Any feedback - @TJohns85
A Y8 retrieval roulette I have made using the template designed by Adam Boxer ‘@adamboxer1’
Engage your students as they learn all about the structure and function of the kidney, as they make an interactive foldable kidney that can be coloured and stuck in their books. This is an ideal activity if you do not have access to kidneys or if students are to squeamish to complete it themselves. Can be linked to various biology topics throughout the curriculum and keystages
This resource pack comes with:
1) the foldable template
2) dissection cutout pins and a table for the labels
3) Worksheet aimed at extended answer questions
4) Answers and model pictures of what the design should/could look like
See my other foldable resources here https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TRJ
Engage your students as they learn all about the structure and function of the lungs, as they make an interactive foldable lung that can be coloured and stuck in their books. This is an ideal activity if you do not have access to lungs for dissection or if students are to squeamish to complete it themselves. Can be linked to various biology topics throughout the curriculum and keystages
This resource pack comes with:
1) the foldable template
2) dissection cutout pins and a table for the labels
3) Photos to show students how to create the foldable.
See my other foldable resources here https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TRJ
Teaching quadrants and ecological sampling? Too wet? no school field? PE say no to going out? left ecology to the winter? then fear not with this interactive notebook resource to fit in with the required practical ecological sampling and GCSE, A-level courses.
Students can create their very own field to stick in the book with added tape measure and quadrat that moves horizontally and vertically in all directions. It can also act as a transect line
3 templates are included to fully differentiate the resource (one blank for students to draw their own flowers, one with lots of flowers and one with few)
A table with key to record the results
a lesson plan teacher help sheet
GCSE questions for foundation learners and answers
GCSE questions to stretch and challenge higher tier learners and answers
Engage your students as they learn all about the structure and function of the leaf and how it is adapted to maximise photosynthesis, as they make an interactive foldable leaf that can be coloured and stuck in their books. This is an ideal activity for learners to complete a hands on activity.
This resource pack comes with:
1) the foldable template
2) Cut pins and a table for the labels
3) Worksheet with GCSE level questions to accompany the folable
5) photos of the finished of the finished design to model to students
See my other foldable resources here https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TRJ
A ppt that goes through the New Spec B2 - can be used in many ways and differentiated. Great to push for deeper student thinking - they will be doing the work, and they will know their strengths and weaknesses.
A plan using the idea of teachertoolkit that science teachers can use to help plan science practicals and investigations. This could be especially useful for new science teachers
Documents for CPD I led on developing science in primary feeder schools and making stronger science links between primary and secondary
contact me on twitter if you have any questions @ TJohns85
A presentation that goes through some common UK woodland flowers that may also be found on your school field and grounds.
resource also comes with a worksheet that students can use to investigate these flowers on their own
A presentation that explains some of the adaptations of the common species that could be found in your school or local stream and how they are used as pollution indictors. This includes a worksheet that can be used during stream fieldwork.