Hospital Role Play Area - 29 Fun Printables
Make your role play area into a hospital!
This download has all the printables you need to make your roleplay hospital come to life. With full instructions and ideas for your classroom.
This download includes:
- Appointment cards
- Bottle labels
- Doctors notebook sheets
- Eye exam chart
- Health posters
- Hospital labels
- Hospital signs and directional posters
- Prescription sheets
- Staff ID tags
- Your doctor is… poster
- Welcome sign
- X-ray machine signs and banner
- X-Ray pictures
- Full instructions
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Some of my other products:
Big Science Bundle Pack
Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit
Life Cycles - Knowledge Harvest Lesson
This download is a complete lesson on life cycles. It is the perfect lesson to start a topic on Life Cycles.
* Full lesson plan
* Example knowledge harvest
* Big Question
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Some of my other products:
Big Science Bundle Pack
Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit
Diary Writing Complete Lesson – Gangsta Granny
Complete Lesson on Writing Diary Entries - Related to Gangsta Granny by David Walliams
This download includes a complete, diary entry writing lesson on the seventh chapter of the book Gangsta Granny by David Walliams. The lesson focuses on how write a diary entry using the events in the chapter as a base. Children will read and discuss the chapter. There is a detailed PowerPoint to ensure children’s understanding of the elements of diary entries. The class will write an entry together and then the children can plan and write their own using the writing frame and success criteria included to allow for confidence when writing independently. For lower ability children there is a scaffold diary entry cloze sheet to build confidence before allowing them to write their own versions. There is also a short chapter summary sheet for children to complete to reflect on the chapter read. You will need a copy of the book Gangsta Granny; everything else needed is included in this download.
This download includes:
- Full and detailed lesson plan
- Complete lesson PowerPoint
- Writing prompt sheet
- Success criteria
- Chapter review sheets
- Hot seat prompt sheet
- LA cloze sheet
This is the seventh chapter in my Gangsta Granny series of lessons, the first is here
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Some of my other products:
Big Science Bundle Pack
Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit
Using Figurative Language Complete Lesson – Gangsta Granny
Complete Lesson on using Figurative Language- Related to Gangsta Granny by David Walliams
This download includes a complete, narrative writing lesson on the eighth chapter of the book Gangsta Granny by David Walliams. The lesson focuses on how to use figurative language for effect in narrative writing. Children will read and discuss the chapter. There are activities to explain figurative language and a detailed PowerPoint to ensure understanding. Children can then plan and write their own narratives independently. There is also a short chapter summary sheet for children to complete to reflect on the chapter read. You will need a copy of the book Gangsta Granny; everything else needed is included in this download.
This download includes:
- Full and detailed lesson plan
- Complete lesson PowerPoint
- Writing prompt sheet
- Lower ability prompt sheet
- Success criteria
- Chapter review sheets
This is the eighth chapter in my Gangsta Granny series of lessons, the first is here
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Some of my other products:
Big Science Bundle Pack
Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit
Gangsta Granny – Using Show not Tell in Writing - Complete Lesson
Complete Lesson on Using Show not Tell in Narrative - Related to Gangsta Granny by David Walliams
This download includes a complete, English lesson on the eleventh chapter of the book Gangsta Granny by David Walliams. The lesson focuses on how to write descriptive texts using show not tell. The lesson uses the events in the chapter as a base. Children will read and discuss the chapter. There is a detailed PowerPoint to ensure children understand show not tell in narratives. The class will write short narratives to show different emotions and then the children will use writing frames and cloze sheets to create their own narratives. There is also a short chapter summary sheet for children to complete to reflect on the chapter read. You will need a copy of the book Gangsta Granny; everything else needed is included in this download.
This download includes:
- Full and detailed lesson plan
- Complete lesson PowerPoint
- Example anchor chart
- Writing prompt sheet
- Cloze sheet and answers
- Chapter review sheets
This is the eleventh chapter in my Gangsta Granny series of lessons, the first is here
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Some of my other products:
Big Science Bundle Pack
Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit
Writing Descriptive Texts Lesson – Gangsta Granny
Complete Lesson on Writing Descriptive Texts, Related to Gangsta Granny by David Walliams
This download includes a complete lesson on the twelfth chapter of the book Gangsta Granny by David Walliams. Children will read and discuss the chapter. There is a PowerPoint to explain the descriptive writing and the activity. Children can then plan and write their own descriptive writing. There is also a short chapter summary sheet for children to complete to reflect on the chapter read. You will need a copy of the book Gangsta Granny; everything else needed is included in this download.
This download includes:
Full and detailed lesson plan
PowerPoint slides for the lesson
Anchor Chart
Success Criteria
Chapter review sheets
This is the twelfth chapter in my Gangsta Granny series of lessons, the first is <strong><a href=“”> here</a></strong>
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Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me <strong><a href="">here</a></strong>
<strong>Some of my other products:</strong>
<strong><a href=""> Big Science Bundle Pack </a></strong>
<strong><a href=""> Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook </a></strong>
<strong><a href=""> Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit </a></strong>
<strong>Insect Life Cycles - Complete Science Lesson </strong>
This download is a complete lesson on insect life cycles.
Full lesson plan
Lesson PowerPoint
Differentiated Worksheets
Example text
Writing frame
Answer sheet
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<strong>Some of my other products:</strong>
<strong><a href=""> Big Science Bundle Pack </a></strong>
<strong><a href=""> Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook </a></strong>
<strong><a href=""> Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit </a></strong>
**Butterflies Life Cycles - Complete Science Lesson **
Teach kids about the life cycle of a butterfly. This resource is a complete classroom lesson on butterflies teaching children about the life cycle, how their food changes as they grow, the different types of butterflies and the parts of a butterfly. There is a PowerPoint and printable student activities included to assist learning and encourage ideas in children and teachers.
Full lesson plan
Lesson PowerPoint
Differentiated Worksheets
Example flow chart
Flow chat template
Answer sheet
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Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
**Some of my other products:
Big Science Bundle Pack
Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit**
<strong>Scientists and Inventors - Benjamin Franklin PowerPoint and Worksheets </strong>
From my Scientists and Inventors resources collection – Let’s learn about Benjamin Franklin
This download teaches children about Benjamin Franklin. There is a detailed 39 slide PowerPoint on his life, achievements and facts about him. There are also differentiated, 7 page, worksheets to allow children to demonstrate their understanding.
This download includes:
Complete 39 slide PowerPoint
7 page worksheets (x3 differentiated)
Blank worksheet for answers
Answer sheets
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<strong>Some of my other products:</strong>
<strong><a href=""> Big Science Bundle Pack </a></strong>
<strong><a href=""> Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook </a></strong>
<strong><a href=""> Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit </a></strong>
**Scientists and Inventors - Steve Jobs PowerPoint and Worksheets **
From my Scientists and Inventors resources collection – Let’s learn about Steve Jobs
This download teaches children about Steve Jobs. There is a detailed 40 slide PowerPoint on his life, achievements and facts about him. There are also differentiated, 7 page, worksheets to allow children to demonstrate their understanding.
This download includes:
Complete 40 slide PowerPoint
7 page worksheets (x3 differentiated)
Blank worksheet for answers
Answer sheets
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<strong>Some of my other products:</strong>
<strong><a href=""> Big Science Bundle Pack </a></strong>
<strong><a href=""> Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook </a></strong>
<strong><a href=""> Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit </a></strong>
This download is a complete lesson on introducing the Ancient Egyptians with a knowledge harvest. It is the perfect lesson to start a topic on Ancient Egyptians.
Full lesson plan
Example knowledge harvest
Big Question
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<strong>Some of my other products:</strong>
<strong><a href=""> Big Science Bundle Pack </a></strong>
<strong><a href=""> Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook </a></strong>
<strong><a href=""> Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit </a></strong>
Early Years Workbook and Activities for EYFS, Kindergarten and Pre-K
This maths, phonics, writing and reading resource is a 50 page workbook to develop daily skills in young children for preschool, early years or special needs. The activities for learning include matching letters, numbers, colours, animals and fruit. There are pages to help with handwriting development and reading of CVC words. The pages can be laminated to reuse the same book in a binder folder or bound. Alternatively, printed and filled in or cut and paste to match the pictures and words. Great for classroom work or homebased learning, without the planning.
This workbook is great to encourage children to think about their words, numbers and colours, to help them remember the alphabet and to encourage their creative development.
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Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me <strong><a href="">here</a></strong>.
<strong>Some of my other products:</strong>
<strong><a href=""> Big Science Bundle Pack </a></strong>.
<strong><a href=""> Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook </a></strong>.
<strong><a href=""> Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit </a></strong>
Teach children about Ancient Egyptian mummies. This download is a complete resources lesson to teach children about the making of mummies in Ancient Egypt. The children will learn what an Ancient Egyptian Mummy is, why the Egyptians made mummies and how they were made. There is a detailed 26 slide PowerPoint and four versions of the 6-page worksheet to allow children to show their understanding, along with an activity to write instructions for making an Ancient Egyptian Mummy.
Full lesson plan
Lesson PowerPoint
Differentiated Worksheets
Example instructions
Writing frame
Answer sheet
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Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me <strong><a href="">here</a></strong>
<strong>Some of my other products:</strong>
<strong><a href=""> Big Science Bundle Pack </a></strong>
<strong><a href=""> Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook </a></strong>
<strong><a href=""> Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit </a></strong>
** Complete Lesson on Writing Plot Twists Related to Gangsta Granny by David Walliams**
This download includes a complete, lesson on writing story settings based on the twenty-seventh chapter of the book Gangsta Granny by David Walliams. Children will read and discuss the chapter. There is a PowerPoint to explain plot twists with examples. Children can then plan and write their own plot twists into the story, independently. There is also a short chapter summary sheet for children to complete to reflect on the chapter read. You will need a copy of the book Gangsta Granny; everything else needed is included in this download. Please note the page numbers referenced refer to the paperback version, although the page needed is indicated as clearly as possible to avoid any confusion.
This download includes:
Full and detailed lesson plan
PowerPoint slides for the lesson
Cloze sheets
Writing and planning sheet
Chapter review sheets
This is the twenty-seventh chapter in my Gangsta Granny series of lessons, the first is here
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
** Some of my other products: **
** Big Science Bundle Pack**
** Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook **
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit
Complete Lesson on Writing Dialogues - Related to Gangsta Granny by David Walliams
This download includes a complete, narrative writing lesson on the thirty-first chapter of the book Gangsta Granny by David Walliams. The lesson focuses on how write dialogues into texts, children will read and discuss the chapter. There is a detailed PowerPoint to ensure children’s understanding of dialogue. The class will write a text together and then the children can plan and write their own using the writing frame and success criteria included to allow for confidence when writing independently. There is also a short chapter summary sheet for children to complete to reflect on the chapter read. You will need a copy of the book Gangsta Granny; everything else needed is included in this download.
This download includes:
Full and detailed lesson plan
Complete lesson PowerPoint
Writing prompt sheet
Success criteria
Chapter review sheets
This is the thirty-first chapter in my Gangsta Granny series of lessons, the first is here
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
** Some of my other products: **
** Big Science Bundle Pack**
** Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook **
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit
Complete Lesson on Dictionary Work Related to Gangsta Granny
This download includes a complete lesson on dictionary work, using the twenty-third chapter of the book Gangsta Granny. Children will read and discuss the chapter, there is a PowerPoint to explain ordering alphabetically to the class and some sample questions to practice together, before they try to answer questions independently. There is also a short chapter summary sheet for children to complete to reflect on the chapter read. You will need a copy of the book Gangsta Granny; everything else needed is included in this download. Please note the page numbers referenced refer to the paperback version, although the page needed is indicated as clearly as possible to avoid any confusion.
This download includes:
Full and detailed lesson plan
PowerPoint slides for the lesson
Question sheets (3 differentiated)
Complete answer keys
Chapter review sheets
This is the twenty-third chapter in my Gangsta Granny series of lessons, the first is here
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
** Some of my other products: **
** Big Science Bundle Pack**
** Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook **
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit
** Complete Lesson on Editing Writing - Related to Gangsta Granny by David Walliams**
This download includes a complete, editing writing lesson on the thirtieth chapter of the book Gangsta Granny by David Walliams. The lesson focuses on how to edit work for clarity and to check for errors and to improve writing, this lesson uses the events in the chapter as a base. Children will read and discuss the chapter. There is a detailed PowerPoint to ensure children’s understanding of the elements involved in editing writing. The class will edit a prewritten piece together and then the children can write and edit their own using the checklist included to allow for confidence when independently editing work. There is also a short chapter summary sheet for children to complete to reflect on the chapter read. You will need a copy of the book Gangsta Granny; everything else needed is included in this download.
This download includes:
Full and detailed lesson plan
Complete lesson PowerPoint
Starter sheet with answers
Editing checklist
Chapter review sheets
This is the thirtieth chapter in my Gangsta Granny series of lessons, the first is here
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
** Some of my other products: **
** Big Science Bundle Pack**
** Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook **
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit
** Pirate Class Birthday Display**
This download includes fun pirate themed class birthday display for your classroom. These are great for teachers and kids to have a pirate room and celebrate everyone’s birthday.
This download includes:
12 pirate ship months
Editable Pirate name cards
Class birthday banner
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
** Some of my other products: **
** Big Science Bundle Pack**
** Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook **
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit
** Writing a Plan Complete Lesson – Gangsta Granny**
** Complete Lesson on Writing a Plan, related to Gangsta Granny by David Walliams**
This download includes a complete, KS2, English study lesson on the seventeenth chapter of the book Gangsta Granny by David Walliams. Teachers will get full resources and plans for teaching school children about writing plans in the classroom. Children will read and discuss the chapter. There is a PowerPoint to explain the activity and then practice independently. There is also a short chapter summary sheet for kids to complete to reflect on the chapter read and share their ideas. You will need a copy of the book Gangsta Granny; everything else needed is included in this download.
This download includes:
Full and detailed lesson plan
PowerPoint slides for the lesson
Example shared write
Writing frame
Chapter review sheets
Planning sheet
This is the seventeenth chapter in my Gangsta Granny series of lessons, the first is here
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
** Some of my other products: **
** Big Science Bundle Pack**
** Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook **
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit
** Writing Character Descriptions Lesson – Gangsta Granny **
** Complete Lesson on Character Descriptions Related to Gangsta Granny by David Walliams**
This download includes a complete, character description lesson on the eighteenth chapter of the book Gangsta Granny by David Walliams. Children will read and discuss the chapter. There is a PowerPoint to explain character descriptions with examples and the elements broken down. Children can then plan and write their own descriptions independently. There is also a short chapter summary sheet for children to complete to reflect on the chapter read. You will need a copy of the book Gangsta Granny; everything else needed is included in this download. Please note the page numbers referenced refer to the paperback version, although the page needed is indicated as clearly as possible to avoid any confusion.
This download includes:
Full and detailed lesson plan
PowerPoint slides for the lesson
Mind Map sheets
LA Cloze sheets
MA / HA writing frames
Hot seat prompt sheet
Description word mats
Chapter review sheets
This is the eighteenth chapter in my Gangsta Granny series of lessons, the first is here
Please remember to leave feedback, for updates and promotions you can also follow me here
** Some of my other products: **
** Big Science Bundle Pack**
** Complete Space and the Solar System Workbook **
Complete Dialogues and Play Scripts Writing Unit