The Teaching Coach is a platform to help teachers, leaders and support staff by providing a range of quality pastoral, teaching and career resources.
You will find a host of resources here from form times and assemblies through to interview prep, application letters, professional development and guidance. Not to mention, lessons, schemes of work and learning resources.
If you can't see what you need, you can email me at:
The Teaching Coach is a platform to help teachers, leaders and support staff by providing a range of quality pastoral, teaching and career resources.
You will find a host of resources here from form times and assemblies through to interview prep, application letters, professional development and guidance. Not to mention, lessons, schemes of work and learning resources.
If you can't see what you need, you can email me at:
This resource consists of an additional 15 questions you may expect to be asked on an interview for head of department/faculty/curriculum area etc.
Set 1 and Set 3 can also be purchased from my shop.
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This brand new resource is a booklet which contains 40 ideas for Heads of Year on leading your tutor team, working across school and working outside of school.
It contains 49 pages and lots of great ideas.
This is booklet 2 of a series.
You can find booklet 1:
There will also be more booklets coming out over the next few months.
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This resource is an example improvement planning document for Heads of Year and Pastoral Leaders. It is designed to identify specific strategies for improvement and suggested methods of improving tracking.
This document is designed for a focus on three key areas:
attainment + homework
This would compliment well with my other improvement planning document on my shop The Teaching Coach.
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This resource is designed to support pre-application and interview visits to schools, specifically the questions you may ask of a school during your visit.
For this, I have compiled a list of 20 questions which you can ask on during and after your tour to get the most from your visit and to stand out from the crowd of other candidates! I also explain what you might find out about a school from some of these questions and what benefit of asking them might be for you. As part of this resource, I also make suggestions for ‘top tips’ to get a feel for the school during your visit and how to make sure you school is a good fit for you.
This is a great resource for new and experienced staff considering applications to new schools or those who have secured interviews and want to find out more about their prospective new employer.
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This resource is an example application letter for the position of SENCo in a secondary school.
This letter should be developed by including your own examples of where you have completed the points referenced and the impact of that work as well as your learning from the work you have completed – using the spaces to help you do this. This letter is for guidance only and should not be used exclusively to apply for a SENCo role but instead used to support the writing of your own letter. Letters should always be tailored to the school you are applying to and your own experiences. This example includes more ideas than you may wish to include in your own letter and is intended to highlight a variety of content you could use.
This template is over 5 pages long and full of ideas which you could use or remove.
This resource is aimed a secondary school SENCo role, but could provide ideas for other stages of education also.
Please note: covering letters should not exceed 2 pages in length.
I never recommend sending blanket templates for prospective roles and always advise an application is tailored to you and the school.
In this bundle, you will find:
an application letter/supporting statement letter for Assistant/Deputy Head of Department to help you write your perfect letter
3 sets of interview questions for a department leadership role including 40+ questions you may be asked in the formal interview
Head of Department specific student panel guide
This resource consists of a 33 page booklet of form time activities - the booklet itself contains 34 different form time style activities. Perfect for use in form time!
The booklet includes sections on:
an introduction to careers (perfect for KS3!)
mindfulness activities
general activities like dingbats and creating a form coat of arms
The activities include:
maths colouring activities; requiring students to complete basic numeracy equations to colour using a key
wordsearches using career words, positive attributes of learners, confidence associated words and more
logo quizzes
a career quiz to get students thinking about the future
a career mind map for planning ideas on jobs
dingbats for challenge and encouraging creative thinking
word wheels for development of literacy skills
sudukos and basic maths for development of numeracy skills
gratitude activities to encourage mindfulness and calm
mindfulness colouring to help focus and calm students
positive quotes for boosting motivation and encouraging student wellbeing
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In this resource you will find a 14 slide ‘welcome back’ September assembly. This is a complete presentation, ready to be used!
This assembly includes:
an assembly entrance task including links to music to set an uplifting and positive mood
a task focused on ‘new beginnings’ and what these might mean
a space for staff introductions, including yourself if you are a new HOY
a reflection activity for the previous academic year
a slide for your expectations as HOY
a slide which covers the ‘basics’ - uniform, equipment etc.
a slide for school specific information on behaviour, equipment etc.
a slide about what students can expect from their pastoral team
a slide for any new projects you are launching with your year group
a 5 minute clip on ‘study motivation’
a success contract for students to complete with their tutors
This is the perfect assembly for starting back in September - either a new HOY or as one returning!
This resource consists of 15 questions you may expect to be asked on an interview for head of department/faculty/curriculum area etc.
Set 2 and Set 3 can also be purchased from my shop.
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In this resource, you will find a 31 questions for a CPD/Teacher Coach role. These questions as designed to used by anyone who looking at a supportive teaching and learning role, for examples, mentoring teachers, leading on CPD in school or working closely with the lead on teaching and learning. A great range of questions to help you prepare for interview.
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This check-in board is designed to be used with students to help them reflect on their self esteem as well useful for adults to help students reflect with them.
The tasks are not designed to be completed in any specific order. Students may complete in whatever order they like.
This works well with my other ‘check in’ board on emotional wellbeing. This can be found in my TES shop.
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This resource is designed to help you prepare for an attendance analysis in tray task when interviewing for a pastoral role. This is a common in tray task and one used by schools to assess knowledge of attendance, triggers and patterns of absence.
In this resource, you are provided a set of fictional attendance data to analyse and feedback on.
The Senior Leadership Team have requested an analysis of attendance for key students in your year group – specifically a group of students with 95% or below. You have received attendance data for the past six weeks and must identify trends, highlight students of particular concern, and propose interventions. *
This resource also includes a support template for your analysis as well as a detailed examplar analysis.
Please note: this is a fictional data set with fictional students names.
This is a great resource to help you prepare for your own pastoral interview!
In this resource, you will find:
all three sets of my pastoral interview questions (these contain no answers)
2 sets of my ‘5 Big Pastoral Questions and Their Answers’ (10 questions and answers total)
1 set of 15 pastoral questions and their answers
The question sets include over 50 questions you may be asked on interview and the Big Pastoral Questions and their Answers provide detailed responses for 10 of these questions whilst the question and answer document provides more still!
This is a great resource to help you prepare for interview.
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This resource is a complete form time on ‘organisational skills’. The purpose of this session is to improve the organisational skills of students through focusing on time management and how students spend their time and energy. It also gives students tasks to organise into priority order to help them develop skills to manage multiple deadlines at once.
It includes:
1 x session PPT
1 x to do list templates
1 x organisational skills survey
1 x time energy questionnaire
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In this resource, you will find resources to help you prepare for a Head of Year or Pastoral Leader interview.
You can also find two smaller bundles here:
Pastoral Leader Interview Bundle 1:
Pastoral Leader Interview Bundle 2:
This ultimate bundle of resources contains everything to help you prepare for almost every area of an interview!
This includes:
3 x sets of pastoral interview questions - 45+ questions questions in total (no answers - just questions!)
set 1, set 2 and set 3 of my 5 big pastoral questions - these each include how to answer 5 common questions or scenarios posed in an interview (15 questions and answers total)
set one of my pastoral question and answers series - this details 15 questions with potential responses in bullet point form
NOTE: you may find duplication of questions in the resources above - however, they are all designed to give you breadth and depth of understanding in relation to the questions you may face on interview and the answers you could provide!
2 x data analysis prep tasks to help you hone your data skills - great for practicing data analysis as a pastoral leader
a form time quality assurance form - to help you be able to discuss what you’d look out for in a great form time and how you would quality assure your tutors
example year group planning and improvement planning documents for you to read and be able to reference ideas from
two booklets to read before your interview ‘40 Ideas for…’
a) improving attendance and behaviour
b) working across school and leading a team
guidance on the prioritisation in tray task
a 7 page PDF guide on getting ready for a pastoral leader interview including tips on what to expect, what skills you’ll need to show and what you can practice before the day!
a PDF on student panel guidance and how to ace a student panel - a task which has been included on every HOY interview I’ve attended
an example attendance improvement plan to give you plenty to talk about when you’re asked about how you would improve attendance
guidance on writing a response to a letter of concern from a parent - a common in tray task
a detailed guide to analysing data as a pastoral leader - full of top tips and hints for how to offer your best analysis from a pastoral perspective
my detailed guidance for new heads of year - this will give you a great feel for the role and how you will manage it!
A genuinely awesome bundle of resources to help prepare you for an interview. To aid these, there is also some free resources in my shop which you may want to consider adding to your prep.
A complete 40 page booklet which includes a focus on ALL basic literacy skills.
This is perfect for form time activities, for intervention sessions as well as for catch up and booster sessions. It could be used for homework as well as summer work.
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In this resource, you will find a PDF which includes several pages of guidance on student panels in teaching interviews.
This is not limited to any specific job role and is intended to be good guidance for any post.
It contains top tips, guidance as well 60 questions which you might get asked on a student panel on interview.
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This scheme contains approximately 20 lessons which cover writing skills and reading skills. Good for intervention as well as for form times and catch up.
Lesson 1-2: Baseline Assessment
Lesson 3-4: Spelling Rules
Lesson 5: Homophones
Lesson 6-7: Using commas, full stops and capital letters
Lesson 8: Reviewing language features and word types
Lesson 9-10: Inference and literal meaning
Lesson 11: Paragraphing
Lesson 12-13: Using past tense – is/am and was/were
Lesson 14: Sentence types
Lesson 15: Using punctuation for effect
Lesson 16-17: Writing assessment
Lesson 18-19: Re-complete baseline
You must also allow for additional time in lessons to complete spelling tests.
This unit also contains a reading baseline assessment using Roald Dahl’s Boy as well as a writing baseline focused on GCSE AQA skills and writing from an image.
This resource also includes 6 sets of spelling tests to use weekly as homework.
This unit is ready to use and has been delivered with success before.
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In this resource you will find a 5 page example letter of application for a senior leadership role, for example, assistant principal.
This resource includes many ideas you could include your own letter as well as providing you a useful structure for organising your own application or supporting statement.
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This resource is a PDF template for form time quality assurance.
It includes a tick box column for key aspects of form time including:
student behaviours
literacy and numeracy + speaking skills
behaviour and enviroment
student stretch and support
It also includes an area for strengths and areas for development as well as space for comments.
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