Music Dynamics Crosswords
4 Music Dynamics Crosswords - a fun way to reinforce students knowledge of dynamics symbols, meanings and names. Great for assessment, early finishers or sub tub worksheets. Print & Go.
Students answer questions about dynamics to complete the crossword.
Each crossword includes a Word Bank version - great for students who need a little extra help.
Answer sheets included. Printer friendly B&W version of all sheets also included.
Music - The Flute - Handouts and Worksheets
The Flute - Handouts and Worksheets
4 Flute Information Sheets
Parts of the flute - labelled picture and explanation
Types of Flutes
Flute Timeline - historical development of the flute
Flute Facts
4 Flute Worksheets
Parts of the flute - picture to label - word bank version included
Flute Matching Worksheet - draw lines to match up the flute part with its meaning
The Flute Worksheet - questions based on the information handouts
The Flute Crossword - students answer questions about the flute to complete the crossword.
Suggested Listening Sheet - 5 famous flute pieces, each with QR code link (and youtube address) to a performance.
4 Famous Flute Player Research Sheets
James Galway
Jean-Pierre Rampal
Blank sheet suitable for any musician
Fun Hidden Joke Word Search
Answer sheets included
Booklet cover page included so you can choose which pages to create a booklet. Or use the versions with room for students to write their names and use as individual worksheets.
Check out the preview to see all included sheets.
Treble Clef Notes Speed Tests
15 Treble Clef Notes Speed Tests - 100 notes per sheet
Students are asked to name all of the notes and record the time it takes to complete each sheet.
15 Treble Clef Notes Speed Tests - 100 notes per sheetlines and spaces only, and introduce more notes as the tests progress.
Sheets 1-5 - test notes on lines and spaces only - bottom line E - top line F
Sheets 6-10 - add D below the staff and G above the staff
Sheets 11-15 - add in ledger line notes - G below the staff - D above the staff
Answer sheets included
Check out the preview to see all included sheets.
Instruments of the Orchestra Crosswords
4 Instruments of the Orchestra Crosswords - a fun way to reinforce students knowledge of orchestra instruments. Great addition to a unit of work, early finishers or sub tub worksheets.
Worksheet 1 - Unscramble instrument names
Worksheet 2 - name instruments by picture
Worksheets 3 & 4 - answer questions about orchestra instruments
Each crossword includes a Word Bank version - great for students who need a little extra help.
Answer sheets included. Printer friendly B&W version of all sheets also included.
Major Scales - explained with PowerPoint, Handouts and 18 Worksheets and Answer sheets
English terminology used. PowerPoint, Handouts, 17 Worksheets & Answer sheets.
How to Build Major Scales PowerPoint - 4 slides that explain the Tone, Semitone pattern, How to use a keyboard to build a scale, how to build scales starting on any note, and how to choose which sharps or flats are added.
2 page Handout, based on PowerPoint.
Students need a basic knowledge of Tones and Semitones, Treble Clef notes and Sharps and Flats.
Worksheets introduce concepts step by step.
Worksheets include:
Major Scale Names & Patterns 1-3 - students names scales and add the Tone, Semitone pattern.
Major Scales on a Keyboard 1-3 - students mark out a scale using arrows on a keyboard picture.
Major Scale Letters 1&2 - students write the letter names of each scale.
Writing Major Scales 1&2 - Students complete and write scales adding the Tone, Semitone pattern.
More Major Scales 1&2 - combination of questions
Descending Scales - introduces students to Tone, Semitone pattern in descending scales.
More Major Scales 3-5 - combination of questions including descending scales and scales in the Bass Clef.
Fun Crossword
Hidden Message Crossword
All Worksheets, Answer sheets and Handout are individual PDF files.
How To Read ANY Time Signature - PowerPoints, Handouts and 6 Worksheets
An introduction to reading Time Signature numbers. PowerPoint and Handouts explains the meaning of the top number and bottom numbers of a time signature (in both English and American terminology) and 4 Worksheets with Answer sheets.
English version introduces students to American note names.
Students learn to read ANY time signature with a 2,4,8 or 16 as the bottom number.
Check out the previews to see all included sheets.
250+ Music Worksheets and Answer sheets - English Terminology
A huge collection of music worksheets for a variety of year levels and student knowledge. Worksheets cover notes and rests, treble, bass and alto clefs, ledger lines, time signatures, key signatures, scales and much more.
Worksheets are in printable PDF format Answer sheets are also included.
250+ Print & Go sheets and Answer sheets.
Coloured and B&W versions included.
English terminology is used.
Adding Notes – 8 pages
Adding Rests – 8 pages
Adding Rests and Notes - 5 pages
Dotted Notes – 4 pages
Treble Clef Notes – 23 pages
Bass Clef Notes – 23 pages
Alto Clef Notes – 23 pages
Ledger Line Notes – 13 pages
Tones and Semitones – 12 pages
Intervals – 40 pages
Dynamics – 4 pages
Bar Lines – 16 pages
Simple Time Signatures – 13 pages
Compound Time Signatures – 8 pages
Key Signatures – 21 pages
Scales – 16 pages
Music Symbols – 3 pages
Keyboard Notes – 15 pages
8 Music Chatterbox Activities
8 fun ways to reinforce music theory knowledge - dynamic names and meanings, note & rest names and values, dotted note & rest values, music symbols names and meanings.
1 blank chatterbox so students can create their own.
Folding instructions included.
American and English terminology.
Music Symbols -Level 1 -Handouts and Worksheets -Print & Go -English terminology
Music Symbols - 4 Handouts and 12Worksheets with Answer sheets.
7 Matching symbols Worksheets.
Music Symbols Worksheet - complete sentences about symbols.
Away In A Manger Worksheet - adding symbols to the music.
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Worksheet - answering questions about symbols in music.
Music Symbols Crossword
Music Symbols Hidden Message Wordsearch
English terminology.
Symbols covered include
Lines - Stave, Bar Line, Double Bar Line, Final Bar Line, Ledger Lines
Clefs - Treble Clef, Bass Clef, Percussion Clef
Accidentals - Flat, Sharp, Natural,
Articulations - Staccato, Accent, Fermata
Chord, Time Signature, Common Time
Dynamics - Pianissimo, Piano, Mezzo Piano, Mezzo Forte, Forte, Fortissimo, Crescendo, Decrescendo
Music Symbols -Level 2 -Handouts and Worksheets -Print & Go -English terminology
Music Symbols - 11 Handouts and 16 Worksheets with Answer sheets.
English terminology.
1 Identifying Symbols in Music Worksheet
1 Adding Symbols in Music Worksheet
12 Matching Worksheets
1 Crossword
1 Cut and Paste Activity
Symbols covered include
Lines - Stave, Bar Line, Double Bar Line, Final Bar Line, Ledger Lines
Clefs - Treble Clef, Bass Clef, Alto Clef, Tenor Clef, Percussion Clef
Accidentals - Flat, Sharp, Natural, Double Flat, Double Sharp
Articulations - Staccato, Accent, Tenuto, Marcato, Fermata, Up Bow, Down Bow
Ornaments - Turn, Inverted Turn, Mordent, Lower Mordent, Trill, Glissando, Appoggiatura, Acciaccatura
Repeats - End Repeat, Start Repeat, 1st Time Bar, 2nd Time Bar, One Bar Repeat, Two Bar Repeat
Codas - Segno, Coda, Dal Segno, Da Capo, al Coda, al Fine, To Coda
Tie, Slur, Triplet, Chord, Time Signature, Common Time, Cut Time, Metronome Mark
Dynamics - Pianississimo, Pianissimo, Piano Mezzo Piano, Mezzo Forte, Forte, Fortissimo, Fortississimo, Sforzando, Forte-piano, Crescendo, Decrescendo
13 Matching Worksheets. 1 Crossword. Answer sheets included.
See preview to see all the sheets.
All files individual PDFs. Just Print & Go.
Music Rhythmic Dice Composition
Are you looking for a FUN way to introduce composition? Have students print, cut and stick together the rhythmic dice and roll away to create a composition.
There are three different levels of dice from simple crotchet (quarter notes) and quavers ( eighth notes) to more complex semiquaver (sixteenth note) rhythms. Alternatively, students can create their own dice using the blank template.
This task can be used to reinforce time signatures, by writing compositions in different time signatures. Rhythms can be performed using percussion or body percussion. The concept of dynamics could also be used.
Files are in PDF format.
Music Stem Direction - Which Way?
Two worksheets that explains music note stem direction with questions. Each available in English and American terminology.
Music Rhythm Cards 2 with Audio and 10 PowerPoint Quiz
54 Music rhythm cards / Power Point slides and self testing PowerPoint Audio Quiz. Ready to use in the classroom or at home for Distance Learning. These rhythms are suitable for your child / students wishing to extend their knowledge beyond basic music notes.
Each card/slide has a 4 beat rhythm using crotchets, crotchet rests and pairs of quavers and semiquavers in groups of 4 (quarter notes, quarter note rests, pairs of eighth notes and sixteenth in groups of 4) and an audio file of the rhythm.
The PowerPoint Audio Quiz is designed to be played on the classroom smart board or on students individual laptops. The PowerPoint quiz is made up of a question sheet and 10 audio files. Students listen to each 4 beat rhythm and write down their answers on the Quiz sheet. They can then check their answers with the separate Answer Sheet file ( in PDF format - this file can be uploaded/sent to Distance Learning students once they have completed the quiz ).
These cards are suitable for activities with small groups or a whole class.
Print these cards and laminate for a lasting classroom resource. Or use the Powerpoint on your laptop for Distance Learning.
Files are in PDF format and Power Point.
Music Rhythm Cards 1 - 50 Cards & 10 PowerPoint Quizzes
50 Music rhythm cards / PowerPoint slides** and self testing PowerPoint Audio Quiz. Ready to use in the classroom or at home for Distance Learning. These rhythms are suitable for students learning their first music notes. Help your child / student learn how to play simple music rhythms.
Each card/slide has a 4 beat rhythm using crotchets, crotchet rests and pairs of quavers (quarter notes, quarter note rests, and pairs of eighth notes) and an audio file of the rhythm.
These cards are suitable for activities for distance learning with one or more children and also with small groups or a whole class.
The PowerPoint Audio Quiz is designed to be played on the classroom smartboard or on students individual laptops. The PowerPoint quiz is made up of a question sheet and 10 audio files. Students listen to each 4 beat rhythm and write down their answers on the Quiz sheet. They can then check their answers with the separate Answer Sheet file ( in PDF format - this file can be uploaded/sent to Distance Learning students once they have completed the quiz)
Print these cards and laminate for a lasting classroom resource. Or use the Powerpoint files on your smartboard or on your laptop for Distance Learning.
Files are in PDF format and Powerpoint.
Music Guitar Chord Charts
Guitar Chord Charts to display in your classroom, with Guitar Chord Sheets to use as Handouts.
These chord charts are designed for beginner guitar students.
Chords covered A, Am, C, D, Dm, E, Em, F, Fm, G, Gm and easy G.
There are 6 different sets of Guitar Chord Chart posters.
Right Hand Guitar Chords - simple version
Right Hand Guitar Chords with finger placement numbers
Right Hand Guitar Chords with finger placement numbers and XO
Left Hand Guitar Chords - simple version
Left Hand Guitar Chords with finger placement numbers
Left Hand Guitar Chords with finger placement numbers and XO
Each set comes with 3 summary sheets of varying difficulty.
A Blank summary sheet and large blank chord chart are also included. Great to create your own sheets.
Dots In Music
Learn about Dots In Music. Introduce Staccato and Dotted Notes to your students.
This download includes 9 information sheets/posters to display in your classroom or to print for students. Several versions to suit students knowledge level - ie. one version including dotted semiquavers/sixteenth notes.
Power Point file includes audio files demonstrating staccato notes and dotted notes.
6 worksheets on Dotted Notes with answer sheets.
Sheets available in American and English terminology
Files in PDF and Power Point format.
Music Time Signature Matching Card Game
This is a** FUN GAME** for your classroom that reinforces Simple Time Signatures 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4.
There are 32 beginner Rhythm Cards with matching Time Signature Cards using eighth note pairs, quarter notes and rests, half notes and rests and whole notes (quaver pairs, crotchets and rests, minims and rests and semibreves).
There are an additional 32 more complex Rhythm Cards which include 6/4 Time Signature and sixteenth notes (semiquavers). Print some or all cards to suit your students.
Music Rhythm Cards - Dotted Notes- 30 Cards with Audio files and 5 Audio Quizzes
30 Music rhythm cards / PowerPoint slides and 5 self testing PowerPoint Audio Quizzes. Ready to use in the classroom or at home for Distance Learning. These rhythms are suitable for students learning dotted crotchet/quarter notes. Help your child / student learn how to play dotted note rhythms.
Each card/slide has a 8 beats dotted crotchets, crotchets, crotchet rests and quavers (dotted quarter notes, quarter notes, quarter note rests, and eighth notes) and an audio file of the rhythm.
These cards are suitable for activities for distance learning with one or more children and also with small groups or a whole class.
The PowerPoint Audio Quiz is designed to be played on the classroom smartboard or on students individual laptops. Each PowerPoint quiz is made up of a question sheet and 10 audio files. Students listen to each 8 beat rhythm and write down their answers on the Quiz sheet. They can then check their answers with the separate Answer Sheet file ( in PDF format - this file can be uploaded/sent to Distance Learning students once they have completed the quiz)
Print these cards and laminate for a lasting classroom resource. Or use the Powerpoint files on your smartboard or on your laptop for Distance Learning.
Files are in PDF format and PowerPoint.
Reading Treble Clef Notes - 23 Worksheets
1 Information Sheet and 13 Worksheets and Answer sheets naming notes in the Treble Clef. Suitable for students learning Treble Clef notes for the first time. Introducing FACE and EGBDF - notes on the lines and spaces.
38 Drills over 10 Drill sheets and Answer sheets. Challenge for students to name notes of the Treble Clef and improve in accuracy/and or time. (Sheets 6 - 10 introduce some ledger line notes for advanced students.)
All worksheets are individual files in regular PDF format, perfect for delivering online for distance learning, or simply going paper free in the classroom.
Information Sheet also come as a Semi-Editable PowerPoint file so you can add your own rhymes for the lines.
How to draw Treble Clef Notes
Trace and draw notes in the Treble Clef.
1 Handout and 8 Worksheets Sheets available. Each worksheets is available in American and English terminology.
Students are shown how to draw notes on the lines and spaces of the Treble Clef - introducing them to FACE and EBGDF. These sheets focus on drawing Whole, Half, Quarter, Eighth and Sixteenth notes - Semibreves, Minims, Crotchets, Quavers and Semiquavers.
Semi-editable PowerPoint file so you can add your own rhyme for the notes on the lines.
Handout and Worksheets in PDF format. All files are individual PDFs - ideal for delivering online or the paperless classroom.