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Early Years / Foundation Phase 💜

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Early Years activities - worksheets, ideas for the provision, outdoor learning, literacy, numeracy etc...




Early Years activities - worksheets, ideas for the provision, outdoor learning, literacy, numeracy etc...
Daily routine - Early Years

Daily routine - Early Years

Daily routine - Early Years 3 differentiated worksheets - I’ve attached both a PDF and an editable version. Higher ability - draw what happens throughout the day (morning, afternoon, evening & night) Middle ability - cut and stick pictures Lower ability - draw a line to match events to the time of day that they take place.
Early Years - Directions

Early Years - Directions

Children will need to listen to the instruction read out by the teacher. This will help them to develop their understanding of ‘left’ and ‘right’. Worksheet - I’ve attached both copies, a PDF & an editable Word document. Direction cards - I’ve used these in the woodlands as part of an outdoor learning activity. Children take it in turns to choose 5 instructions. They put sequence them and then tell their partner how to get to a treasure box/x marks the spot. Direction cards - I’ve used these for BlueBot/BeeBot activities. Children sequence direction cards and then give their friend instructions to move BlueBot.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Class Assembly Script

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Class Assembly Script

My Reception children spent half a term learning about caterpillars and butterflies. We learned Makaton actions to the Very Hungry Caterpillar. We watched a makaton video on YouTube. My class wanted to use some of the actions for the minibeasts, and then chose their own actions for other parts of the story. We learned Makaton actions for minibeasts - Mr Tumble CBBC video on YouTube. We painted the story of the Very Hungry Caterpillar. We used this script which includes the songs that we used. We found all of the songs on YouTube and learned them during snack time. The class assembly lasted 10-15 minutes.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Reception Story Writing Template, and enhanced provision activities

The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Reception Story Writing Template, and enhanced provision activities

Reception Our topic was minibeasts. This pack includes The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Story Writing Template Top group - wrote independently. Middle group - copied from a model. Lower group - over wrote my writing (yellow felt pen). Enhanced Provision Activities include: Finger painting the body of the Very Hungry Caterpillar Measuring how high the bug jumps with non-standard units - cubes, counters etc. Measuring the minibeast using non-standard units - cubes, counters etc.
Reception - Recognise Numbers to 10

Reception - Recognise Numbers to 10

Reception - Recognise Numbers to 10 Highlight/tick the number as you show your child flash cards. Write/type your children’s names along the left side of the table. I also use this to assess number formation. I make notes about reversing numbers or poor formation in the comments box.
Spider Web Phonics

Spider Web Phonics

Spider Web Phonics Group activity / game. Each child needs a board and a spider. Start with the spider in the middle of the board. An adult will need to shout out a letter. The children need to move their spider to the sound that they hear. I’ve attached 2 copies - a PDF & and editable Word document to change the sounds
Spider Counting to 10

Spider Counting to 10

Halloween - Spider Counting to 10 This includes 2 games (PDF & Word documents to edit) Spider pegs - children will need to peg on the correct number of legs to match the number on the spider. Spider eyes - children will need to roll a dice to put the correct number of eyes on the spider. I use these games for Halloween & minibeasts.
Sort Autumn & Winter pictures

Sort Autumn & Winter pictures

Early years - sorting the seasons autumn & winter. Lower ability - Draw a line to match the picture to the correct season. Middle ability - cut and stick the pictures into the correct season. Higher ability - draw and label the pictures. I’ve attached editable copies & PDF copies. Print out the A4 worksheet then enlarge it to A3.
Sort sources of light

Sort sources of light

3 differentiated worksheets - PDF and editable word documents. Lower ability - draw a line to correct statement Middle ability - either cut and stick or draw a picture to sort sources of light and non-sources of light Higher ability - sort sources of light and reflection I print out the A4 worksheet then enlarge it to A3.
2D Shapes

2D Shapes

PDF & Editable Word document included Flashcards of repeating patterns with 2D shapes to use in the enhanced provision as a stimulus to encourage the children to either copy or make their own repeating patterns. Cutting skills activity for a TA task or in the provision. Children need to colour in then cut out the 2D shape. Worksheet - look for the 2D shapes in the top half of the page. Write the correct number of shapes in the box. Worksheet - 2D shape hunt record answers in a table (Differentiated for 3 ability groups). Worksheet - tick the correct shape. Staff member to read out the sentence. E.g.‘Tick the circle’. Children need to search for the circle and tick it.
Days of the Week/Daily Routine/Seasons - Early Years Numeracy

Days of the Week/Daily Routine/Seasons - Early Years Numeracy

Worksheet - match the initial sound to the day of the week. Copy from the day from the word mat. Worksheet - cut out the days of the week and stick them to the correct initial sound. Worksheet - to write which day it will be tomorrow and which day it was yesterday. Worksheet - daily routine. Draw a picture/write what you do on each day of the week. There are some picture of our week for ideas. Seasons - draw a line from the season to the correct picture. I’ve included the Word document (editable) and a PDF copy.
1 more & 1 less

1 more & 1 less

Enhanced provision activity mats Early Years / Reception / Year 1 1 more and 1 less - laminate the sheets and encourage children to use objects (cubes, counters, compare bears) to find 1 more/1 less. Outdoor learning - laminate the sheets and encourage children to find natural materials to find 1 more/1 less than the number in the middle of the table. Worksheet - roll the dice and add 1 more/take 1 away and record your answer Worksheet - count the pictures in the centre column, then add 1 more/take 1 away and record your answer. To differentiate for MAT children, can they write the number. To make it easier, children can record answers using drawings. Worksheet - use the number line to record 1 more or 1 less than the number. Worksheet - circle which picture has more/less Editable Word document & PDF copy provided
CVC Bingo

CVC Bingo

Early Years & Year 1 Literacy CVC Word Bingo Staff member will need to orally segment CVC words - e.g. pig ‘p - i - g’. Children will need to orally blend the word and then look for the picture on their board. When all 4 pictures have been called out, shout out ‘BINGO’ to win the game. I’ve included a Word Document (editable) and the PDF copy (cannot edit).
Pre-Writing Shapes

Pre-Writing Shapes

Pre-Writing Shapes Early years Before children form letters, they should be able to form these shapes correctly. Included: Assessment sheet Practise sheets (can be laminated for an independent activity in the literacy area) Word document (editable) and PDF copy included
2D Shape Scarecrow

2D Shape Scarecrow

2D Shape Scarecrow Early Years Maths / Numeracy I usually do this task in Autumn Term as part of our topic ‘Harvest’. Children need to cut out 2D shapes. Glue 2D shapes to make a scarecrow. Then children need to colour in a block diagram to show which / how many shapes they have used. I’ve included the Word document (editable) and a PDF copy.
Pattern - 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p coins

Pattern - 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p coins

Early Years Maths Numeracy Provision Cut and laminate the patterns in strips. Provide plastic / real coins for children to make repeating patterns in the maths area. Challenge children to make their own patterns.
Sort Hot and Cold

Sort Hot and Cold

Sort Hot and Cold Early Years / Year 1 / Foundation Phase Worksheet and word mat included (Word document can be edited & PDF copy) Photocopy the worksheet as A3. Lower ability - cut and stick pictures in the correct place Core ability - draw pictures and staff label drawings Top ability - copy and draw pictures and label independently using word mat
Valentine's Day - Numeracy Provision

Valentine's Day - Numeracy Provision

Valentine’s Day - Numeracy Provision Activity mats for the numeracy area in the provision. Children need to make the correct number of hearts out of play dough. Children need to build a tower of cubes to match the number on the heart. Hearts on numbers - order numbers
Alphabet Hunt

Alphabet Hunt

Early Years Literacy Children could either find letters hidden in the outdoor area/woodlands and record their answers as a tally chart on the worksheet. Alternative activities: Letter hunt in books Letter hunt around the school Find flashcards Included Word document (editable) and PDF copy.