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Early Years / Foundation Phase 💜

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Early Years activities - worksheets, ideas for the provision, outdoor learning, literacy, numeracy etc...




Early Years activities - worksheets, ideas for the provision, outdoor learning, literacy, numeracy etc...
Bwyd / Food Word Mat & Flash Cards

Bwyd / Food Word Mat & Flash Cards

Reception Foundation Phase Second Language Welsh Welsh translation for food Focus on the question ‘Wyt ti’n hoffi …?’ Includes: Word Mats x2 Splat Cards - A4 (laminate, then place them on the ground. Shout ‘wyt ti’n hoffi …?’ Children need to listen, understand the command and jump on the correct picture) Flash cards - include food and question ‘wyt ti’n hoffi…?’ (used in role play area for shop keepers etc. Also used for pairs/snap) Colourings of food - Welsh vocabulary included
Subtraction for Early Years

Subtraction for Early Years

During subtraction week, we carried out 3 activities. We used the ‘Playdough Smash’ laminated sheet to make blobs of playdough up to 10. Then we used whiteboard pens to write subtraction number sentences. When children took numbers away, they smashed the playdough then counted to see how many were left. We used the purse and the 10 frame to pay for items in the shop. We started with 10p (1p in each square) the we took pennies away to find out how much we had left. We used the differentiated worksheets to cross out the objects to see how many were left.
Colours - Lliwiau

Colours - Lliwiau

Second Language Welsh Activity for Early Years / Year 1 / Year 2 1 - Board Game. Could be played with a TA/put in the provision for children to play independently. 2 - Colour Hunt worksheets. 3 different activity sheets. Children could go on a colour hunt in the school/outdoor area/woodlands etc… Children could record findings by drawing or writing what they find. 3 - Read/Write/Colour Welsh vocabulary Included Word document (editable) and PDF copy.
Design a Dinosaur

Design a Dinosaur

My Year 1 class worked in groups to complete a TASC wheel. Contains the powerpoint we used to discuss the different sections of the TASC wheel. Also contains the worksheet they used to design their dinosaur. We printed out the TASC wheel from A4 to A3 for each group to work on.
Pattern - 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p coins

Pattern - 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p coins

Early Years Maths Numeracy Provision Cut and laminate the patterns in strips. Provide plastic / real coins for children to make repeating patterns in the maths area. Challenge children to make their own patterns.
Count in 2s

Count in 2s

Worksheet for Early Years/Reception/Year 1 Differentiated for 3 ability groups to help consolidate understanding of counting in 2s. Included an editable Word document and a PDF.
Positional Language Year 1

Positional Language Year 1

x2 worksheets Positional language year 1 - next to, below, above, between, under etc. Turns - whole, half and quarter turns - cut and stick activity
Spider Counting to 10

Spider Counting to 10

Halloween - Spider Counting to 10 This includes 2 games (PDF & Word documents to edit) Spider pegs - children will need to peg on the correct number of legs to match the number on the spider. Spider eyes - children will need to roll a dice to put the correct number of eyes on the spider. I use these games for Halloween & minibeasts.
Sort Autumn & Winter pictures

Sort Autumn & Winter pictures

Early years - sorting the seasons autumn & winter. Lower ability - Draw a line to match the picture to the correct season. Middle ability - cut and stick the pictures into the correct season. Higher ability - draw and label the pictures. I’ve attached editable copies & PDF copies. Print out the A4 worksheet then enlarge it to A3.
KS1 Science - Ears/Hearing Experiment

KS1 Science - Ears/Hearing Experiment

Year 1 Science - Hearing/Ears This was a part of our science topic ‘The Senses’. We completed these 3 differentiated worksheets/anticipation grids to activate prior knowledge. Half way through our topic, we completed the ‘expanding statements’ as children had a better understanding of hearing. We then completed the beaker experiement. Children predicted what the beakers would sound like when struck when they were full and empty. We had been learning about low and high pitch.
Toys KS1 - Old and New

Toys KS1 - Old and New

As part of our topic on toys, we planned our explanation writing about how a toy car works. We used the skeleton to help us with our ideas first. We also focused on adjectives to describe old and new.
Pom Pom Christmas Tree

Pom Pom Christmas Tree

Make a pom pom Christmas tree in the enhanced provision. Use tweezers to put pom poms on the Christmas tree. Measure the pictures using cubes/counters/lego. Predict how many first, then measure.