A2 Physics Edexcel. Whole lesson resource. Description of luminosity and calculation practice. Discussion of the 4 ways of measuring astro distances and practice calculations (stellar parallax, Cepheid variables, standard candles, supernovae and red shift. Exam practice questions (long answer) and example answers for students to mark themselves to promote understanding or mark schemes.
A2 Physics Edexcel. Whole lesson discussing the life cycle of a star in significant detail. Discussion of the Hertzsprung Russell digram and paths different stars take in the diagram. Past exam questions and solutions.
A2 A level physics edexcel. Derivation of time dilation using the moving train example. Discussion of the principles of general and special relativity and muon’s extended lifetime. Examples questions and worked solutions.
GCSE 9-1 Physics Edexcel. Single lesson, 3rd in chapter sequence calculating acceleration using velocity and time, and using distance and time for grade 9 challenge work. Questions and answers given.
GCSE Physics Edexcel Chapter 1 Motion
Lesson 1a of 4 double lessons in this chapter including calculations of speed (questions and answers), two demonstrations, and one practical activity. Drawing d-t graphs and labeling shapes on graphs and plenary quiz.
GCSE 9-1 Physics Edexcel. Definitions and examples of vectors and scalars. Practical activity demonstrating the difference between vectors and scalars. Progress check quiz. Scale diagram of resultant forces for separate science students.
GCSE Physics 9-1 Edexcel. Lesson 4 of 4 lesson sequence for this chapter.
Resource makes use a matrix graph task adapted from previous resources, then uses differentiated analysis of graphs. Drawing of graphs showing each stage of motion, calculation of distance traveled and acceleration. Questions and answers given. Plenary quiz.
A lesson for Year 12 Physics students recapping vectors, scalars, d-t and v-t graphs, speed and acceleration from GCSE level and introducing the increased difficulty found in A level.
Taught for Edexcel A level Physics. Answers to questions given.
AS Physics Edexcel A Level. Double Lesson introducing the idea of interference with Young’s double slit experiment. Double and single slit patterns discussed and compared. Explanation created using prior knowledge about phase and path difference. Huygen’s principle discussed and applied to single slits. Students are prompted to make their own predictions of behaviour. Demo of single and double slit needed to accompany this. Multiple exam questions and answers throughout and knowledge check quiz.
AS Physics Edexcel A Level.
A double lesson. Introducing superposition, coherence, standing waves, constructive and destructive interference. Description of standing waves and how they occur, labeling of nodes and anti-nodes. Comparison of standing and progressive waves. Simple exam question quiz with answers. Application to standing waves in a microwave practical and exam question testing understanding of the practical.
Practice questions and answers given throughout.
AS Physics Edexcel A level.
Double lesson applying standing waves to string, reed and wind instruments talking about harmonics and overtones. Exam questions and answers given.
AS Physics Edexcel A Level. Core Practical 7 guide encouraging students to identify relationships and plan investigation and graphical techniques. Full set of instructions, results table, link to y=mx+c, and example results. Lab report word template sheet given.
AS Physics Edexcel A level.
Double lesson recapping the basics of waves that students should know from GCSE and a multiple choice AS level quiz. AS content introducing radians, wave phase, along with key terms anti-phase and in phase.
GCSE Physics Edexcel. Over 20 model answers to 6 mark QWC questions from the Edexcel 9-1 GCSE complete with questions and mark schemes.
Question sheet of just questions, and sheet of model answers and mark schemes.
A2 Physics Edexcel. Lesson about nuclear binding energy, mass deficit, and the binding energy per nucleon graph. Example questions and solutions. Nuclear fusion and how much energy is released in the Hydrogen to Helium process.
A2 A level physics edexcel. A complete double lesson dedicated to the standard model including quarks, leptons, baryons and mesons. Details the fundamental particles, their relative size and charges. Predicting the quark composition of mesons due to charge. The hierachy of quark matter.
Conservation laws and applying them to practice questions to see if particle decays are allowed. Quiz about all the basic facts. Questions and answers given.
As Physics Edexcel A Level. Lesson stretching single and souble slit interference to compare coloured light patterns (i.e red vs purple) and the effect of using white light. Application to CD’s reflecting coloured light and exam question to test understanding.