I share creative, motivating and communicative oriented Spanish activities, games and worksheets.
Most of my resources have been designed for students who have a pre-intermediate, intermediate or upper-intermediate level of Spanish. However, you will also find various games and worksheets aimed at children from 7 to 12.
All my resources have proved to be engaging, effective and fun. Hope you enjoy them!
I share creative, motivating and communicative oriented Spanish activities, games and worksheets.
Most of my resources have been designed for students who have a pre-intermediate, intermediate or upper-intermediate level of Spanish. However, you will also find various games and worksheets aimed at children from 7 to 12.
All my resources have proved to be engaging, effective and fun. Hope you enjoy them!
This resource is 3 pages long and includes 3 activities around the topic travelling by plane and airports. It is intended for intermediate and upper-intermediate students but can also be used for GCSE, AS and A2 levels.
The activities included are:
- A vocabulary worksheet, in which students must identify and match useful vocabulary with images.
- A speaking worksheet with more than 15 questions for students to discuss in pairs, groups or the whole class around the topic travelling by plane. Students talk about anecdotes and their own experiences when travelling by plane. Questions are formulated in the present perfect tense (Alguna vez has...?), so this worksheet is very useful to practice speaking using the present perfect tense in Spanish.
- A research-oral presentation activity, where students need to prepare an oral presentation on one of the top ten airports around the world.
These worksheets have an inviting and motivating design and all the instructions are written in Spanish.
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This resource is a classic in foreign language teaching, Alibi game (la coartada perfecta) in which students have to act as criminals and police people. It is intended for pre-intermediate up to upper-intermediate students and it is a fun way to review the past tenses in Spanish.
This material includes cut-out instructions for both criminals and police with clear instructions on what they have to agree on.
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This resource pack includes several activities and games for Halloween week and is intended for pre-intermediate up to upper-intermediate students of Spanish.
The games included in this pack are:
- 6 ready-to-cut-out dice with different Halloween elements to build a spooky story based on spooky objects, setting, characters, animals, states, etc.
- A writing template for students to write their own spooky story in Spanish with the elements they got from throwing the dice.
- A Halloween memory game of 33 pairs. The cards are ready to cut out and laminate at wish.
- A guess who game based on 20 famous terryfying Halloween film characters. The cards are ready to cut out and laminate at wish.
Please take into account that students must have studied the past tense in Spanish before playing these games. All activities are in PDF format.
If you need further instructions or any help, feel free to email me at: laclasedeele@hotmail.es
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This resource includes several worksheets and activities for students to create their own soap opera (culebron, telenovela). It is ideal for boosting student’s potential and creativity as well as their Spanish language skills in a more motivating, dynamic and participative way. The activity should be carried out in groups and is intended for intermediate up to advanced students of Spanish.
This resource includes the following worksheets:
1. Instructions for teachers (step by step explanation) on how to organize and carry out the activity. (1 page)
2. Ready to cut out character cards, both male and female characters in included. (2 pages)
3. Ready to cut out plot cards + template for students to create their own dramatic plots. (3 pages)
4. Character biography template for students to describe their sopa opera characters. (1 page)
5. Sopa opera outline for students to organize the story. (1 page)
Take into account that this activity may take longer than one hour. After guiding my students in their creative writing process, we always act out a scene or part of the story for extra fun and oral practice.
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This resource is my own version of Boggle game for Spanish class. It is 10 pages long and includes:
- instructions for teachers on how to play the game
- a template for students to fill out with the words they build
- 10 boggle cards with random letters
- ready to cut-out letters of the alphabet
This is a fun and highly motivating game for all students to play individually, in pairs, groups or even with the whole class.
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This resource is 13 pages long and includes:
- 11 templates for students to find the odd one out based on colour
- Instructions with 3 game options
- Answer Key for the teacher
This is a fun and highly motivating vocabulary activity for students to play individually, in pairs or groups. Students need to find the odd ones out of a series of words based on 11 colours. The worksheets are intended for pre-intermediate to upper-intermediate students of Spanish.
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Creative writing activities require learners to manipulate the language in original, motivating and demanding ways. That is why I have created this 10 pages long resource with 9 creative writing activities and ideas for intermediate up to advanced students of Spanish. Each writing activity is 1 page long. All the instructions are written in Spanish.
These are the creative writings worksheets included here:
1. Write your own haiku
2. Write your own spooky story
3. Write your own fantasy tale
4. Write your own autobiography
5. Write your own weekly horoscope
6. Write your own recipe for a dream
7. Write your own letter-story
8. Write your own colour-story
9. Write your own letter to your future self
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This 24-pages long resource includes 23 sets of questions by topic. It can be used to review A-level topics orally and make sure students have enough practice before their oral exams. These conversation questions can also be handed in, so that students know what questions they may be asked in their oral exams.
The questions are for students who have an intermediate, upper-intermediate level of Spanish (B1-B2+, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
The questions listed in this bundle are related to the following topics:
Internet and social media
Fashion and physical appearance
Globalization and environment
Shopping and money
Family and marriage
Phones and communication
Inmigration and racism
Learning foreign languages
health and well-being
Cinema and piracy
Sleeping and dreaming
Childhood memories
Gender equality, sexism and gender violence
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This resource is 23 pages long and includes 8 activities and games to learn summer vocabulary in Spanish. The activities included in this pack are intended for primary students of Spanish aged 8-12. It can also be used for support, extension or homeschooling, ideally when close to summer holidays.
The pack includes:
1 matching activity
1 list of vocabulary for children to complete in their own language
1 bingo
2 word search puzzles
1 dobble or spot-it game with 31 cards ready to cut out and laminate
2 I Spy templates
1 list of things to do during summer holidays + writing template
1 template to write a crazy summer story
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This resource is 35 pages long and includes several activities and games to learn the letters of the alphabet with animals in a fun way. It is intended for primary students of Spanish aged 6-8. It can also be used for support, extension or homeschooling when learning the alphabet and vocabulary about animals.
The pack includes:
2 animal alphabet templates for display
2 matching activities
2 activities to put the animals in alphabetical order
a 54 cards memory game ready to laminate and cut out
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This cute monster-based resource pack is 8 pages long and includes the following activities/games to practice parts of the body and personal information in Spanish:
- 4 ready to cut out bookmarks for students to complete with personal information about the chosen monster.
- Activity to indicate the monsters' parts of the body.
- Roll a dice game for student's to draw their own monster.
- 4 different monster-templates for detailed description of the chosen monster (hobbies, what food it eats, the superpowers it has, physical description, etc.).
Please, note that this resource is intended for beginners and elementary students or children aged 7 to 11.
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This is a presentation on Christmas traditions in Spain which includes full details on key events and celebrations such as:
- Sorteo de la Lotería de Navidad (22 de diciembre)
- Día de Nochebuena (24 de diciembre)
- Día de Navidad (25 de diciembre)
- Día de los Santos Inocentes (28 de diciembre)
- Día de Nochevieja (31 de diciembre)
- Día de Año Nuevo (1 de enero)
- Día de la cabalgata de Reyes (5 de enero)
- Día de Reyes (6 de enero)
- Other Christmas traditions: el aguinaldo y la cesta de Navidad
This cultural-topic based resource also includes 5 activities to practice conversation and identify key events and vocabulary in Spanish Christmas tradition. The fifth activity is final test with 22 questions on the whole presentation, which I usually carry out in groups as a Christmas competition game.
Bare in mind that this resource is 24 pages long and is intended for pre-intermediate and upper-intermediate levels. Depending on the students' level, teachers may have to pre-teach or explain some new vocabulary. I also recommend showing students short videos of 'el sorteo de la lotería de navidad', 'el discurso del Rey Felipe VI', 'la gala Inocente Inocente', 'las 12 campanadas en la Puerta del Sol', 'villancicos españoles' and/or 'el desfile de Reyes'. You will find lots of videos available on Youtube to exemplify these traditions and celebrations.
The day I use this presentation in class, I usually bring with me several Spanish Christmas carols to sing along with my students and some 'carbón dulce', 'turrón' or 'roscón de Reyes' for students to try some Spanish traditional Christmas desserts and sweets. So far it has always been a great success and students really got into Spanish Christmas mode!
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This resource includes 10 literacy themed craft door hangers based on basic Spanish vocabulary:
Los colores
Los deportes
Las frutas
Los animales del agua
Los animales salvajes
Me gusta España
Mi casa
El material escolar
Mi familia
El tiempo
These cut-out door hangers are intended for elementary and primary levels. There is also a blank door hanger template included in the pack.
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This resource includes a compilation of 10 group dynamics and introduction games in Spanish. These are ideal for the first school days to make students introduce themselves in a fun and different way as well as create a motivating and relaxed atmosphere in class. The instructions on how to develop each group dynamic are included.
I decided to create this compilation in order to have different introduction activities for my groups and not have to repeat the same one year after year.
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This resource is 7 pages long and includes a Spanish vocabulary template for students to fill out with the new word of the week. It is ideal to help students increase their vocabulary in Spanish in a visual way.
How can you use this template?
Students will need to fill out information on the new word of the week such as: definition, synonyms, antonyms, root, prefixes, suffixes, part of speech, etc.
I ask my students to keep a little dictionary throughout the course and each week I have them complete this template with a new word they have learned. In addition, you can ask your students to create a sentence so that they are forced to use the new word or even find examples of the word in context and bring them to class.
I have included the same template in different colours, since my students use a colours for differientating parts of speech.
Please, note that this resource works well for pre-intermediate up to upper-intermediate or advanced students of Spanish.
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This is a collection of some of my primary resorces and games for Spanish. It inludes:
- 3 pizza-vocabulary worksheets
- a set of hangman cards to play in class
- days of the week board game
- days of the week crossword with key
- telling the time card game
- ready to cut-out clock to learn how to tell the time
Check out each resource separately for further details.
This bundle includes 4 resources on the topic love, relationship and St. Valentine's Day which can be used with upper-intermediate students.
The resources included are:
- 5 activities around the topic breaking up a relationship based on a Youtube video and a comic by Quino.
- 45 cut-out conversation cards for debate
- A Reading Comprehension+ Answer Key on the Topic Speed Dating
- A personalized poster-worksheet for students to fill out
For further details, please check each resource individually.
This resource contains a one page printable and customizable end of year diploma for Spanish students. Hope you like it!
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This is a worksheet that can be used as extra oral practice for GCSE or AS students. It includes instructions on how to organize a group debate in class around the topic advantages and disadvantages on using the bike or the car. The worksheet includes 4 activities:
- questions in order to prepare for the final debate
- an advantages-disadvantages brainstorming activity
- a vocabulary and ideas-collection exercise prior to the debate
- useful Spanish phrases to express and reject opinions
The worksheet is 2 pages long and has an inviting and appealing design. The instructions and activities are written in Spanish. It is ideal to practice oral conversation and encourage students to carry out a meaningful and structured debate using Spanish.
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This file is a 3-pages long worksheet which includes a Spanish defintion-game called Pasapalabra on the topic fruits. It works as follows: It can be played in pairs, in groups or with the whole class. It consists of reading aloud definitions for different sports by saying the letter each sport starts with. The students have to guess the fruit the definition refers to. You can use an ABC spinning wheel to make the game even more real.
This game is ideal to review vocabulary in a fun and motivating way.
The worksheet has an appealing and inviting design and the instructions are written in Spanish.
Key: arandano, banana, ciruela, dátil, aguacate, fresa, granada, higo, lichi, naranja, kaki, limon, melocoton, nispero, piña, mango, platano, albaricoque, mora, sandia, tamarindo, uva, oliva, kiwi, chirimoya, cereza.
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