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EYFS Computing Scheme of Work (Early Years, Reception)
A 6 unit scheme of work for Computing in the Foundation Stage.
Year 3 and 4 word problems for division and multiplication
This is a powerpoint presentation (which can be printed obviously) that has 6 word problems for division and multiplication, aimed at Y3/4. The 6 problems/questions are repeated 3 times to give 3 different levels of questions for differentiation starting with higher ability, then middle, then lower.
Story Mountain Planner
This is a story mountain planner - one blank, one filled in. The idea is that the 5 boxes that follow the mountain shape should help children when they’re planning and writing a story to write effectively. It encourages children to look at the beginning, the build up, the problem, the resolution and the ending, giving them a few questions to consider for each area to help them. I’d say that this is suitable for all of KS2 and into KS3.
Year 5 - Computing - Full Scheme of Work with Lesson Plans
A full scheme of work including Medium Term Plan and a week by week breakdown for Computing in Year 5. This is everything that you would need to deliver computing for the year.
3D structures
Comic design
Research and Awareness
Year 2 Morning Tasks - Autumn Week 1 - Maths, SPAG, Writing
An all in one range of activities for children to complete as their morning task covering:
Place Value
Number Bonds
Font: Twinkl cursive looped
Key Stage 2 (KS2) Computing Scheme of Work
Full Scheme of Work to deliver Computing across Years 3 to 6.
Includes an overview mind map for each unit of work, as well as weekly breakdowns to ensure teachers have all they need to deliver the Computing curriculum effectively.
Reception Maths Planning Autumn Phase 2 It's Me 1, 2, 3 Week 1 (White Rose Maths)
A weekly plan and powerpoint to meet the objectives for week 7 of Autumn term of White Rose Maths. This is Week 1 of Phase 2: It’s Me 1, 2, 3!
The weekly plan includes links to the development matters statements to show coverage across the week.
The powerpoint is literally a step by step guide to the full week with interactive activities.
This is literally everything that you need to be able to teach and deliver the week 1 of this phase.
Reception Assessment for learning outcomes for the Summer term of White Rose Maths Scheme & ELG
A comprehensive but simple to follow assessment tool to assess children’s attainment against the expected outcomes for Summer of White Rose Maths Scheme for Reception, linked to Development Matters:
To 20 and Beyond
First, Then, Now
Find My Pattern
On the Move
The assessment is easy to follow, with step by step instructions and questions, with all resources needed to assess children’s understanding of the intended learning outcomes of the Summer units.
This assessment pack includes:
Individual assessment record to record individual answers
Instructions for carrying out the assessment
Links the questions to the appropriate Development Matters statements for easy tracking
Resources to carry out the activities
Group assessment record
Early Years Fine Motor Skills Activities Booklet
A booklet of 20 different easily resourced and quick to set up fine motor skills activities that will support the development of children in the Early Years.
Perfect to be used by any member of staff in 1:1 situations, in small group interventions and for continuous provision activities.
Year 2 Maths - Measuring - Weekly Plan
A weeks plan for numeracy/maths lessons in Year 2 focusing on measuring. The week covers estimating, comparing and measuring lengths, capacity and weight as well as problem solving. Each day has a new learning objective and success criteria (WALT and WILF), oral and mental starter, activities, key vocabulary, differentiated tasks and plenary activities.
Letters and Sounds Phonics Assessment Sheets
The attached document has assessment sheets for recording ability and progress in each of the 5 phases of the Letters and Sounds phonics scheme. Each section can be printed a number of times until you have one for each child at the phase they’re doing. They can then be used to assess their ability at that phase. Each assessment sheet covers areas such as: grapheme-phoneme correspondence, oral blending, oral segmenting, reading nonsense words, decodeable and tricky high frequency words (reading and spelling), spelling from spoken words, letter formation etc. as appropriate for each level.
Year 2 Money Shopping Cards for giving change
Differentiated shopping cards with prices that can be used for any money lessons in Numeracy. They’ve been made with Year 2 in mind but can easily be adapted by changing the amounts, they’ve been differentiated into 5 different difficulties. They were made for a lesson about giving change which can be found here too.
Primary 3-11 Computing Scheme of Work
Full Scheme of Work to deliver Computing across the full Primary phase, including EYFS.
Includes an overview mind map for each unit of work, as well as weekly breakdowns to ensure teachers have all they need to deliver the Computing curriculum effectively.
Each year group is available to purchase separately, this is a discounted bundle for the full Primary phase but there is also EYFS/KS1 and KS2 available to purchase as bundles.
Year 6 - Computing - Full Scheme of Work with Lesson Plans
A full scheme of work including Medium Term Plan and a week by week breakdown for Computing in Year 6. This is everything that you would need to deliver computing for the year.
Film Making
Multi-modal presentations
Research and awareness
Game building (scratch)
Reception Maths Planning Spring Phase 4 Alive in 5! Week 1 (White Rose Maths)
A weekly powerpoint to meet the objectives for the wfirst week of Alive in 5 for the first week of the Spring term.
The powerpoint is literally a step by step guide to the full week with interactive activities. Notes are added for you for anything you may need to know.
This is literally everything that you need to be able to teach and deliver the week 1 of this phase.
Early Years/EYFS Planning Templates
A couple of different planning formats for planning for weekly topics in the Early Years. Personally, I complete one of these each for Literacy and Maths, sometimes Topic if we’re having a heavy topic week.
Includes the planning of intended learning outcomes/statements, resources, continuous provision area enhancements etc.
A separate format includes more detail if you do split inputs with the use of a TA.
A pretty comprehensive yet simple plan that allows you and all staff within the classroom to know what’s going on that week in the main areas of learning, as well as in provision.
CVC Word Cards - Tracing and Copying
40 different cards to help children practise their letter formation, reading CVC words and spelling CVC words.
First the children use arrowed letters to help them trace the letters and then have a go at copying the words below.
Pictures are used on the cards that have picture suitable words.
The cards are made of a mixture of high frequency words and other CVC words with a few CVCC (back, sock, sack etc.) type words.
A4 size, can be printed 2 per page or 4 per page.
Phase 3 Phonics Lesson Plan - /ai/
Learning objectives:
*To recognise the /ai/ grapheme and be able to sound out its phoneme
*To segment and blend /ai/ words for reading and spelling
Phase 3 Phonics Lesson Plan - /oo/ (short sound)
A lesson plan for the short ‘oo’ sound in Phase 3 of the Letters and Sounds phonics programme.
Pirate WALT/Learning Objective Image
I did a maths lesson based around a pirate theme and created this Pirate themed WALT image that you can add into any powerpoint presentation, smart notebook etc. and add a text box over it with your WALT/Learning Objective to show children what it is they’ll be covering that lesson. It could even be printed, laminated and written on using a whiteboard pen and changed for each lesson. If anyone wants it so that it says Learning Objective rather than WALT, just let me know.