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Year 2 Money Shopping Cards for giving change
Differentiated shopping cards with prices that can be used for any money lessons in Numeracy. They’ve been made with Year 2 in mind but can easily be adapted by changing the amounts, they’ve been differentiated into 5 different difficulties. They were made for a lesson about giving change which can be found here too.
Year 2 Full Lesson - Money - Giving Change - Lesson, IWB, worksheets
Learning Objective: To give change using money.
A Year 2 numeracy lesson about giving change. The children have to find change for different items when they are paid with using a specific coin. The worksheets are differentiated so that different abilities give change from different amounts. Easily adaptable to suit your class and needs.
Full lesson with lesson plan, IWB notebook and differentiated worksheets.
The shopping cards that are mentioned can be found here: http://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/Y2-Money-Shopping-Cards-for-giving-change-6145185/
Year 2 Money Problems Lesson
Learning Objective: To solve problems involving money
A numeracy lesson plan and resources aimed at a Year 2 class. There’s the lesson plan, interactive whiteboard presentation and all activity sheets. If there is a 2 after the name, it’s the higher ability of that ability group.
Letters and Sounds Phonics Assessment Sheets
The attached document has assessment sheets for recording ability and progress in each of the 5 phases of the Letters and Sounds phonics scheme. Each section can be printed a number of times until you have one for each child at the phase they’re doing. They can then be used to assess their ability at that phase. Each assessment sheet covers areas such as: grapheme-phoneme correspondence, oral blending, oral segmenting, reading nonsense words, decodeable and tricky high frequency words (reading and spelling), spelling from spoken words, letter formation etc. as appropriate for each level.
Pirate WALT/Learning Objective Image
I did a maths lesson based around a pirate theme and created this Pirate themed WALT image that you can add into any powerpoint presentation, smart notebook etc. and add a text box over it with your WALT/Learning Objective to show children what it is they’ll be covering that lesson. It could even be printed, laminated and written on using a whiteboard pen and changed for each lesson. If anyone wants it so that it says Learning Objective rather than WALT, just let me know.
Year 2 Science Sound Investigation Lesson Plan
Learning Objectives:
To understand how an investigation is carried out by taking part in a class investigation and by giving ideas and suggestions about how it could be carried out.
To know how to carry out the skill of measurement – distance.
To understand that sounds travel away from a sound source and become fainter as they do so.
To understand that sounds from different sound sources vary in how far away they can be heard.
This lesson gives children the opportunity to investigate how sound changes in relation to distance.
Money Shopping Cards for giving change
Differentiated shopping cards with prices that can be used for any money lessons in Numeracy.
1st Grade Money - Giving Change
Learning Objective: To give change using money. 1st Grade math lesson about giving change. The children have to find change for different items when they are paid with using a specific coin. The handouts are differentiated so that different abilities give change from different amounts.
Y2 money word problem
A powerpoint with a money related word problem that was used as a plenary after a money lesson where children had to add coin values together. Can easily be adapted.
Y2 Money Shopping Cards (for printing &laminating)
Differentiated shopping cards with prices that can be used for any money lessons. in Numeracy. They’ve been made with Year 2 in mind but can easily be adapted by changing the amounts.
Y2 Numeracy - Adding coin values
Learning Objective: To add 2 amounts using money and find exact coins.
This lesson uses shopping item cards which were printed and laminated and can be found here: http://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/Y2-Money-Shopping-Cards-for-printing-and-amp-laminating-6145182/
The cards are differentiated so the worksheet is the same for all the children.
Y2 Dance Fireworks lesson plan (mirroring)
LO: To be able to use strong/light movements, developing and adding to their dance.
A dance lesson for year 2 class, with full details of the warm up, development activity and cool down. The previous lesson looked at shadowing, now in this lesson the children need to do mirroring. This lesson actually worked really well and children really enjoyed it! I used the song ‘Firework’ by Katy Perry for the warm up, seemed an appropriate choice but you can use any song that you want obviously.
Numeracy - Finding difference between money
This is a maths/numeracy lesson for a 1st Grade class. The learning objective is to find the difference between amounts of money. There are five lots of handouts for different ability groups as my class has a higher LA and lower LA as well as for MA and a
Phase 3 Phonics Lesson Plan - /oo/ (long sound)
A lesson plan for the long ‘oo’ sound in Phase 3 of the Letters and Sounds phonics programme.
Phase 3 Phonics Lesson Plan - /oo/ (short sound)
A lesson plan for the short ‘oo’ sound in Phase 3 of the Letters and Sounds phonics programme.
Y2 Science Lesson - Sounds
Learning Objective:
To understand that a sound from a sound maker can be changed by changing how the sound is made, such as tapping softly, tapping harder, blowing gently, blowing harder etc.
Relates to:
National Curriculum Sc4 3c
Y2 Maths lesson plan - units of time
Learning objective:
To use units of time (seconds, minutes, hours, days) and know the relationship between them.
Children estimate how many times they can do an activity in one minute, carry out the activity and record the accurate number. I found that this encouraged children to really consider how long a minute is rather than make random guesses as they did for the first estimate, after that they came up with more more sensible, rational and accurate estimates.
Relates to:
NC Ma3, 4a, 4d
National Framework Numeracy: Block D, Measuring
Phase 3 Phonics Lesson Plan - /ai/
Learning objectives:
*To recognise the /ai/ grapheme and be able to sound out its phoneme
*To segment and blend /ai/ words for reading and spelling
Y2 Florence hospital comparison lesson plan
LO: To compare and contrast hospitals before Florence, after Florence and today.
A lesson plan for a year 2 class looking at Florence Nightingale and the improvements and changes that she made in nursing and hospitals. This is part of a 4 week Information Text block where the children are writing an information booklet about Florence Nightingale. I’ve uploaded other lessons for this block/activity.
Y2 Dance Fireworks lesson plan
LO: To be able to use strong/light movements, developing and adding to their dance.
A dance lesson for year 2 class, with full details of the warm up, development activity and cool down. This lesson actually worked really well and children really enjoyed it! If you don’t know the warm up and need more details, just send me a message.