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Resources for Geography at KS3, KS4 and KS5 (OCR exam boards)
OCR A Living in the UK today - Landscapes of the UK revision materials

OCR A Living in the UK today - Landscapes of the UK revision materials

These resources are a revision grid, with questions relating to sections of the topic to help condense a students revision onto a single sheet of A3. Could be used as an end of topic recap or revision for all topics for mocks and exams. Also a revision booklet, this is a more visual way of revising with multiple questions and images to re-cap the topics. Both of these can help to structure a students revision, covering the topics needed for their final exams. Good Luck!
GCSE OCR A The World Around Us - Ecosystems of the Planet

GCSE OCR A The World Around Us - Ecosystems of the Planet

These resources are a revision grid, with questions relating to sections of the topic to help condense a students revision onto a single sheet of A3. Could be used as an end of topic recap or revision for all topics for mocks and exams. Also a revision booklet, this is a more visual way of revising with multiple questions and images to re-cap the topics. Both of these can help to structure a students revision, covering the topics needed for their final exams. Good Luck!
Coastal Zone Project KS3

Coastal Zone Project KS3

This coastal zone project is designed for multiple lessons to cover coastal processes, landforms, case study examples and put into an article - aimed at KS3. No prior knowledge needed.
Tropical Rainforest Project KS3

Tropical Rainforest Project KS3

This rainforest project is designed for multiple lessons to cover rainforest structure, uses, case study examples and put into an article - aimed at KS3. No prior knowledge needed.
Geography of the UK Project

Geography of the UK Project

This project is to help students learn some extra information about the UK, what it is like, what makes it special. 10 task half term project for KS2 and 3
GCSE OCR A The World Around Us - Environmental Threats

GCSE OCR A The World Around Us - Environmental Threats

These resources are a revision grid, with questions relating to sections of the topic to help condense a students revision onto a single sheet of A3. Could be used as an end of topic recap or revision for all topics for mocks and exams. Also a revision booklet, this is a more visual way of revising with multiple questions and images to re-cap the topics. Both of these can help to structure a students revision, covering the topics needed for their final exams. Good Luck!
OCR A-Level Component 3 Geographical Debates Hazardous Earth

OCR A-Level Component 3 Geographical Debates Hazardous Earth

Here are some revision powerpoints and a revision grid for component 3 of OCR A-Level Geographical Debates Hazardous Earth. Included in this is: A revision grid for the whole topic A powerpoint breaking down section A of the paper (knowledge) - Including a breakdown of the course and a question bank for each section of the course outline A powerpoint breaking down section B of the paper (Synoptic) - Including questions of each topic the questions might link to synoptically A powerpoint breaking down section C of the paper (33 Marker) - Including exemplar 33 markers for hazardous Earth, with suggested key terms and success criteria for each question
GCSE OCR A Living in the UK today - Environmental Challenges

GCSE OCR A Living in the UK today - Environmental Challenges

These resources are a revision grid, with questions relating to sections of the topic to help condense a students revision onto a single sheet of A3. Could be used as an end of topic recap or revision for all topics for mocks and exams. Also a revision booklet, this is a more visual way of revising with multiple questions and images to re-cap the topics. Both of these can help to structure a students revision, covering the topics needed for their final exams. Good Luck!
GCSE OCR A The world Around Us - People of the Planet

GCSE OCR A The world Around Us - People of the Planet

These resources are a revision grid, with questions relating to sections of the topic to help condense a students revision onto a single sheet of A3. Could be used as an end of topic recap or revision for all topics for mocks and exams. Also a revision booklet, this is a more visual way of revising with multiple questions and images to re-cap the topics. Both of these can help to structure a students revision, covering the topics needed for their final exams. Good Luck!
GCSE OCR Living in the UK Today - People of the UK

GCSE OCR Living in the UK Today - People of the UK

This resource is a revision grid, with questions relating to sections of the topic to help condense a students revision onto a single sheet of A3. Could be used as an end of topic recap or revision for all topics for mocks and exams. This can help to structure a students revision, covering the topics needed for their final exams. Good Luck!