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Wild Resources

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A passionate teacher here to help with your workload. Keen to support class teachers to inspire children's imaginations. Creating resources for both the National Curriculum in England and The Scottish Curriculum for Excellence.




A passionate teacher here to help with your workload. Keen to support class teachers to inspire children's imaginations. Creating resources for both the National Curriculum in England and The Scottish Curriculum for Excellence.
Number bonds Precision Teaching Intervention

Number bonds Precision Teaching Intervention

Precision Teaching – (Download included word and PDF form to support editing) Number bonds to 10 (20 page intervention) • Number bonds within 10 • Doubles to 10 • Systematic number bonds within 10 • Systematic number bonds to 10 • Mixed number bonds to 10 • Adding on 10 • Adding 0 within 10 • Near doubles to 10 • Bridging and compensating addition to 10 Number bonds to 20 (14 page intervention) • Number bonds within 20 • Systematic number bonds within 20 • Systematic number bonds to 20 • Mixed number bonds • Adding on 10 • Adding 0 within 20 • Bridging and compensating addition within 20 National curriculum links: Year 1 • Read, write, and interpret mathematical statements involving +, - and = signs. • Represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20. • Add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including zero. • Solve one step problems that involve addition and subtraction. Year 2 • Show that addition of two numbers can be done in any order (commutative). • Recognise and use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction and use this to check calculations and solve missing number problems. Please email wildresourcesTES@outlook.com, if you have any questions.
Tricky Words Precision Teaching (Spelling and Reading)

Tricky Words Precision Teaching (Spelling and Reading)

Precision teaching is a structured method designed to improve the accuracy and fluency of reading, spelling, and maths. These documents have been created to support children’s progress when reading and spelling phase 2, 3, 4 and 5 tricky words/common exception words. The documents follow the Letters and Sounds recommended words - phase 2, 3, 4 and 5. These documents are editable and PDF form for printing. Please email wildresourcesTES@outlook.com, if you have any questions.
Story Writing planning - Talk for Writing

Story Writing planning - Talk for Writing

This resource is suitable for KS1 following the National Curriculum in England targets. This planning document has 3,600+ words, 12 pages and 13 suggested lessons. The aim of this unit is to immerse children in the story writing experience and develop their confidence creating their own stories. The series of lessons follow the Talk for Writing process which is well-known for its fantastic impact on children’s writing. The unit has been designed to be editable for all topics and all abilities. The class teacher is encouraged to choose their own texts and use the planning to support the flow of story writing lessons. Please email wildresourcesTES@outlook.com, if you have any questions.
KS1 Poetry - Limerick poem

KS1 Poetry - Limerick poem

This resource is suitable for KS1 and editable for any topic. I know as a KS1 teacher I am reluctant to teach poetry. This plan has supported me to teach LIMERICK poems for a variety of topics. It includes 5 lessons and 1140 + words. Please email wildresourcesTES@outlook.com, if you have any questions.
Precision Teaching Phonics Intervention Phase 2, 3 and 5  BUNDLE

Precision Teaching Phonics Intervention Phase 2, 3 and 5 BUNDLE

4 Resources
Precision Teaching is an excellent intervention method to improve accuracy and fluency. This bundle includes: 28 page Phase 2 intervention 21 page Phase 3 intervention 17 page Phase 5 intervention Tricky words Intervention - reading and spelling Each intervention includes a progression of sound and word recognition precision teaching documents. Early finisher games tricky word fly swat games - phase 2, 3 and 5 colour the sounds - phase 2, 3 and 5 tricky word car park - phase 2, 3 and 5 Please email wildresourcesTES@outlook.com, if you have any questions about this resource.
Precision Teaching Phase 5 Phonics - 17 page intervention

Precision Teaching Phase 5 Phonics - 17 page intervention

This precision teaching resource is an excellent intervention method to support children through Phase 5 phonics. This has been developed alongside the Letters and Sounds word sets. This resource includes: 17 page intervention booklet (individual sounds and phase 5 words) -colour the sounds game (4 pages) -car parking tricky word game -fly swat tricky word game All resources are editable to meet the needs of individual children. Please email wildresourcesTES@outlook.com, if you have any questions about this resource.
Precision Teaching Phase 3 Phonics - 21 page intervention

Precision Teaching Phase 3 Phonics - 21 page intervention

This precision teaching resource is an excellent intervention method to support children through Phase 3 phonics. This has been developed alongside the Letters and Sounds word sets. This resource includes: 21 page intervention booklet (individual sounds and set 1-5 precision teaching words) -colour the sounds game (5 pages) -car parking tricky word game -fly swat tricky word game All resources are editable to meet the needs of individual children. Please email wildresourcesTES@outlook.com, if you have any questions about this resource.
Precision Teaching Phase 2 Phonics -  28 page intervention

Precision Teaching Phase 2 Phonics - 28 page intervention

This precision teaching resource is an excellent intervention method to support children through Phase 2 phonics. This has been developed alongside the Letters and Sounds word sets. This resource includes: 28 page intervention booklet (individual sounds and set 1-5 precision teaching words) -colour the sounds game -car parking tricky word game -fly swat tricky word game All resources are editable to meet the needs of individual children. Please email wildresourcesTES@outlook.com, if you have any questions about this resource.
Recount Writing - Talk For Writing (Moon Landing)

Recount Writing - Talk For Writing (Moon Landing)

Suitable for KS1. This resource will provide you with a weeks worth of Literacy planning. It is based around a Moon Landing Recount, including a link to an engaging moon landing video. National Curriculum targets highlighted to support assessment. Please email wildresourcesTES@outlook.com, if you have any questions.
Space and Earth MTP

Space and Earth MTP

Suitable for KS1. This Medium Term Plan is created to engage children in the Space and Earth topic and save you time. From personal experience children have an engaging and inspiring experience from these lessons. Most lessons include links to engaging videos to show real-life space experiences. Please see my Space Literacy Planning to work alongside this MTP. Please email wildresourcesTES@outlook.com, if you have any questions.
Place Value - White Rose Maths - LKS2

Place Value - White Rose Maths - LKS2

Suitable for LKS2 (YEAR 3 WHITE ROSE) 3 weeks of planning (2800+ words). This planning works effectively alongside the interactive 47 page PowerPoint. This well developed PowerPoint, includes animations and ideas for further challenges. Each lesson has been developed alongside the White Rose and NCETM progression. National Curriculum Targets Met: • Recognise the place value of each digit in a three-digit number. • Compare and order numbers to 1000. • Identify, represent, and estimate numbers using different representations. • Read and write up to 1000 in numerals and words. • Solve number problems and practical problems using these ideas. Please email wildresourcesTES@outlook.com, if you have any questions.


3 Resources
This download will provide you with: A KS1 music planning unit - composition A composing knowledge organiser A music progression of skills tracker The unit begins on developing children’s body percussion knowledge and then progresses into children composing 2 or 3 note melodies. The children will be challenged to begin to make connections between notations and musical sounds. This is a lesson resources I have used within KS1 in England. It can be easily adapted to EYFS. Skills met: YEAR ONE: • Improvise simple vocal chants, using question and answer phrases. • Create musical sound effects and short sequences in response to stimuli. • Understand the difference between creating a rhythm pattern and a pitch pattern. • Invent, retain and recall rhythm and pitch patterns and perform these for others. • Recognise how graphic notation can represent created sound. • Explore and invent own symbols • Listen to sounds in the local school environment, comparing high and low sounds. • Sing familiar songs in both low and high voices and talk about the difference in sound. • Explore percussion sounds to enhance storytelling. • Follow pictures and symbols to guide singing and playing. YEAR TWO: • Create music in response to a non-musical stimulus (e.g., a storm, a car race, or a rocket launch). • Work with a partner to improvise simple question and answer phrases, to be sung and played on untuned percussion, creating a musical conversation. • Use graphic symbols, dot notation and stick notation, as appropriate, to keep a record of composed pieces. • Use music technology, if available, to capture, change and combine sounds. Please see my further Music resources to complement this unit. Please email wildresourcesTES@outlook.com, if you have any questions.
Music  Knowledge Organiser Year 1 Composing

Music Knowledge Organiser Year 1 Composing

Suitable for KS1. 2 formats included to enable you to edit the document. This resource is created to meet the requirements of the Model Music Curriculum Key Stages 1 and 2. 6 Week planning document available to complement this document - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12632035 Please email wildresourcesTES@outlook.com, if you have any questions.
Music Progression Map

Music Progression Map

10 page document Clear progression This resource is created to meet the requirements of the Model Music Curriculum Key Stages 1 and 2. Please see my other music resources to complement this assessment document. Please email wildresourcesTES@outlook.com, if you have any questions.
Fractions Intervention booklet

Fractions Intervention booklet

Suitable for KS1. This resource has been developed to follow the NCETM and Whiterose KS1 Fractions guidance. This is an excellent whole class resource, intervention booklet and visual guide. Editable to support workload! It achieves the following targets: • Name the fraction ‘one-half’, ‘one-quarter’ and ‘one-third’. • Read and write the fraction notation 1/2, 1/3 and ¼, • Find half of numbers. • Find ¼ and 1/3 of a number. • Find 2/4 and ¾ of an object, shape and quantity. • Recognise the equivalence of 2/4 and ½. Please email wildresourcesTES@outlook.com, if you have any questions.
EASTER - Why Does Easter Matter to Christians?

EASTER - Why Does Easter Matter to Christians?

This resource targets the KS1 RE knowledge, skills and progression. It includes: A 26 slide PowerPoint ( 2 LESSONS) (Lesson 1 - Core, Lesson 2 Digging Deeper) Key words Holy Week Ordering Activity Easter story Ordering Activity Cross Template Egg Template Please email wildresourcesTES@outlook.com, if you have any questions.
Precision Teaching Numeracy Times Tables

Precision Teaching Numeracy Times Tables

Precision teaching is an excellent intervention to close the attainment gap. 1 minute of daily teaching will support retention. Is someone in your class struggling to retain their 2, 5 and 10, times tables? This download will support a step by step intervention to support basic number skills. This resource will provide a step by step intervention to develop your pupils recall of their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. counting in 2s 2 times tables 2 times tables mixed 2 times tables including division counting in 5s 5 times tables 5 times tables mixed 5 times tables including division counting in 10s 10 times tables 10 times tables mixed 10 times tables including division 2, 5 and 10 tables mixed Please email wildresourcesTES@outlook.com, if you have any questions.
Precision Teaching Phonics Intervention Phase 2, 3 and 5

Precision Teaching Phonics Intervention Phase 2, 3 and 5

Do you have a child in your class struggling to retain phase 2, 3 or 5 sounds? Do you have a child in your class that struggles to focus for long periods of time? Want to save time not making resources? This resource provides you with Phase 2, 3 and 5 phonics precision teaching progression documents and early finishing activities. All documents are editable to allow you to edit to meet individual targets. All phase work is saved in one document This precision teaching download includes : Phase 2 sounds Phase 2 tricky words Phase 2 cvc words Phase 2 colouring words and sounds Phase 2 car park game Phase 2 fly squat game -Phase 3 sounds -Phase 3 tricky words -Phase 3 words -Phase 3 early finish games -Phase 5 sounds -Phase 5 tricky words -Phase 5 words -Phase 3 early finish games -Consonant diagraphs and vowel diagraphs -Phase cvcc and ccvc words -Adjacent consonants -Phase CCVCC, CCCVC and cccvcc All documents are editable and will download in the correct format. Please leave a review after downloading this resource. Email wildresourcesTES@outlook.com if you have any questions.