I enjoy making educational products students can use independently for lessons, centers and research. My goal is to provide teachers with Ready To Go products that save or provide teachers precious TIME. I have decades of experience as a classroom teacher, Resource Teacher and elementary Media Specialist.
I enjoy making educational products students can use independently for lessons, centers and research. My goal is to provide teachers with Ready To Go products that save or provide teachers precious TIME. I have decades of experience as a classroom teacher, Resource Teacher and elementary Media Specialist.
Easy Continent Word Search.
Words horizontal and vertical only in an all uppercase puzzle.
Comes in Full Color for those that like to laminate and reuse.
Also in B&W reproducible.
**Easy Map Skills Word Search.
Words across and down only in an all lowercase puzzle. **
Comes in Full Color for those that like to laminate and reuse.
Also in B&W reproducible.
Answer Key included.
Bonus find on this sheet: How many times can you find “map” in ANY direction?
**This Landforms and Bodies of Water Word Search is Hard. **
The 41 related words are hidden across, down, backwards, and diagonally.
Color version
Print-friendly B&W version
Answer Key
The TpT Digital Activity Overlay Version is ready to go on this product. Extra pages have been removed and highlighter directions have been added. It comes ready for you to assign to your students digitally.
Great for Grades 5 to Adult!
This United States Word Search is HARD and includes all 50 states.
The 50 states are hidden across, down, backwards, and diagonally.
☑ Print-friendly B&W version
☑ Answer Key
Easier: 12 Summer words hidden in this Easy Word Search. Words can be found vertically and horizontally. NO backwards or diagonal words.
Harder: 19 Summer words hidden in this Hard Word Search. Words can be found in any direction - even backwards!
In full color for those that like to laminate and reuse as a center activity.
Also in B&W reproducible.
Answer Key included.
Learn the United States by region with these five activity sheets: Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest and West Regions. Each activity sheet has a blank map for student to label the states with the abbreviations provided and a Word Search. Also includes a BONUS U.S. blank map and a U.S. labeled map!
Word searches are of Medium Hardness with some backwards and diagonal.
Print-friendly B&W version
Answer Keys
Bonus Blank U.S. Map to label
Bonus Answer Sheet of the whole U.S. Map
This Earth Day Pack covers Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Trash, and Compost.
* 9 Writing Templates (with clip art)
* 1 Generic Writing Template
* 7 Acrostic Poem templates
* "I Can Help the Earth by... signed..." Reproducible Bulletin Board Activity. Includes 6 Peek Over Versions: boys & girls, a generic head for kids to draw themselves & even a ninja!
* Which Is It? Sorting Game Instructions
* Which Is It? 4 pages of clip art to get you started
* 5 full-page Sorting Posters (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Trash, Compost)
* Memory Game: Sorting Posters are one to a page, so in print options they can be printed as game cards.
* "What I Can Do" Reproducible Worksheet (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)
This State Poster Activity Sheet is 8.5" x 11"
It asks for the following information:
1. name of the state
2. color the state
3. abbreviation
4. nickname
5. capital
6. population
7. major cities
8. state symbols: flower, bird, tree
9. draw 1 symbol
10. draw flag
11. interesting facts
12. sources
Students can add their own decorative touches to it after they fill it out.
Want to introduce your K/1 students to research skills? Here is a 4 page booklet that they can be successful with.
I used these with my Kinders. We read an online encyclopedia entry together and write in answers as we find them.
1. Research Booklet - Copy front to back and fold into a booklet.
2. Mexico 2 page Reading Passage in B&W reproducible and in Color. (PDF)
3. Two graphic organizers - For those that want to do their own research.
Use the PDF Reading Passage Read Aloud function and you have a Research Center for second graders.