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Wise Ark Resources

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WiseArk Ltd which is a ‘micro-company specialising in supplying educational resources. We specialise in resources for use in tutor time -many of which are also suitable for use in citizenship/PSHE. We also have a range of resources to support learning in history. I was a teacher for over 20 years so know from first-hand experience how engaged students can be when given challenges and puzzles.




WiseArk Ltd which is a ‘micro-company specialising in supplying educational resources. We specialise in resources for use in tutor time -many of which are also suitable for use in citizenship/PSHE. We also have a range of resources to support learning in history. I was a teacher for over 20 years so know from first-hand experience how engaged students can be when given challenges and puzzles.
Moral Dilemmas (example)

Moral Dilemmas (example)

A resource to encourage purposeful talk and students to reflect on their values. This example slide has 5 separate ‘questions’ to stimulate discussion and reflection. The objectives are to encourage students to discuss and so develop oral skills; reflect on their values
British Values? (selected sample)

British Values? (selected sample)

This resource challenges students to think about what being British means, including being critical of aspects such as how democratic is Britain? In particular the resources help consideration of: Democracy and the rule of law Providing information on the development of democracy and the rule of law; Working co-operatively to solve puzzles and challenges is a method of developing team working and listening skills which supports democratic methods. Individual liberty and personal and social responsibility Reflecting on these topics and learning about how they have come about. Respect and tolerance Having opportunities to learn about how Britain has become a more tolerant and welcoming nation. For each aspect there is some information –including that which is critical of common perceptions of the nation (especially in the past but also today as with gender inequality). There is a range of activities some of which help develop greater knowledge and understanding of modern Britain and others which require a co-operative problem solving approach which involves listening to others ideas and accepting different approaches as well as reflecting on their own values. This sample resource has examples from each category.
Imperial soldiers in WW1 -wordsearch

Imperial soldiers in WW1 -wordsearch

This free resource is taken from a collection of resources that illustrate the role that Imperial forces played in WW1 -did you know that over 1m Indian troops served? The wordsearch features fifteen of the nations that supplied troops and labourers to the Allied war effort. In the full collection there is also a power point with a map slide showing the main contributors to the Imperial forces with each linked to a brief information slide; this information is also provided in a word document. A worksheet looks at where Imperial soldiers fought and how many there were from around the globe. Ideal for study of the British Empire as well as ‘Black History’
A female century :100 significant females from the 20th century -sample

A female century :100 significant females from the 20th century -sample

An introduction to one hundred notable women with a connection to the 20th century -such as Billie Jean King and the ‘Battle of the Sexes’ in 1973. This is a sample of two women from the 20th century selection which covers the well known (e.g. Mrs Thatcher) to the less well known (such as Rita Loza, first female No.1 chart artist) For each one there is a brief overview of their life/ impact (250-300 words). This is provided as a word document. There is also a powerpoint presentation which has a picture of each woman and a descriptive sentence. The full version contents are: Elizabeth, the Queen Mother; Barbara Cartland;;Barbara McClintock; Marie Curie ;Jennie Lee;Gertrude Ederle ;Grace Hopper ;Frida Kahlo ;Simone de Beauvoir ;Raymond de Laroche ;Elizabeth Arden ;Mildred Didrikson ;Julliete Gordon Low ;Emily Davison ;Hedy Lamarr ;Edith Cavell ;Lois Weber ;Jessica Mitford ;Marie Stopes ;Rosa Luxemburg ;Edith Burton Hughes ;Betty Wilson ;Helena Normanton ;Maria Callas ;Sue Ryder ;Laura Ashley ;Elisabeth Beresford ;Constance Markievicz ;Maya Angelou ;Margaret Bondfield ;Ellen Church ;Lilian Baylis ;Dorothy Day ;Fay Wray ;Leni Reifenstahl ;Lucy Duff-Gordon ;Diana Mitford ;Edith Wharton ;Ellen Sirleaf ;Jane Bolin; Hattie McDaniel ;Amy Johnson ;Anita Roddick ;Sophie Scholl ;Alice Walker ;Violet Szabo ;Mamie Smith ;Anne Frank; Donna Summer ;Mo Mowlam ;Grace Kelly ;Ethel Rosenberg ;Maria Montessori ;Lita Roza ;Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence ;Rosa Parks; Irene Curie ;;Dorothy L Sayers ;First female Peers ;Barbie ;Sirimavo Bandaranaike ;Grandma’ Moses ;Valentina Tereshkova ;Edith Piaf; Nancy Astor ;Stephanie Kwolek ;Indira Gandhi ;Alice Toklas ;Barbara Harrison ;Shirley Temple ;Betty Friedan ;Dorothy Fields ;Mary Peters ;Billie Jean King ;Virginia Apgar ;Margaret Thatcher ;Agatha Christie ;Virginia Wade ;Hannah Dadds ; Mary Pickford ;Bette Nesmith Graham ;Dame Mary Donaldson;Rachel Heyhoe-Flint ;Corrie Ten Boom ;Mary Warnock ;Gale Sondergaard ;Neerja Bhanot ;Diane Abbot; Elizabeth Lane ;Lucille Ball ;Eve Balfour ;Helen Sharman ;Betty Boothroyd ;Audrey Hepburn ;First female Priests ;Alison Hargreaves; Ella FitzGerald ;Mother Teresa ;Barbara Mandell ;Iris Murdoch
Welsh people and events -free sample

Welsh people and events -free sample

Two examples from our selection of information on a range of 40 people or events associated with Wales. There is a power point presentation with some information on each person/event. Please note these are taken from resources which have been provided as part of our Daily Tutor Time © subscription from 2012 to 2017.
Black British Firsts -developing awareness

Black British Firsts -developing awareness

A set of linked resources and activities to help students improve their knowledge and understanding of a range of Black British Firsts. This features a range of 50 Black British firsts (the same as in linked resources). These resources are designed specifically to help with developing an awareness of the contribution of Black Britons -from the 16th century to the modern day. There are two activities which involve matching people to their achievement. The first is a set of printable ‘cards’ which can be used for sorting or matching tasks (such as the matching pairs game) – each person is on a separate ‘card’ from their achievement (organised in sets of 10). The second is a set of ‘domino cards’ to provide a more supported matching challenge; each card has a person and an achievement that links to another person -so making a sequence of people and achievements.
Holocaust Memorial Day: The wider picture

Holocaust Memorial Day: The wider picture

A resource to reinforce knowledge and understanding of the wider context of Holocaust Memorial Day. This worksheet looks at some groups of victims of the Nazis: Jews, Poles, Roma, Ukrainians with a range of activities (mostly numeracy based) looking at the number and proportion murdered as well as the Nazi’s ‘reasons’ for their murders. The information used makes it clear that the Jews were the main victims of the Nazis but that, in the words of the UN resolution, the victims included ‘countless members of other minorities.’
Black British Firsts

Black British Firsts

A selection of 50 people who were the first in an occupation or to achieve a specific goal, ranging from the first Black MPs to the first British Ladies footballer via No1. Pop artist and police officers. An ideal resource to support Black History Month: A power point presentation with one slide per person and their achievement (also in a ‘run through’ version that plays automatically); One of a set of linked resources featuring the same people.
Remembrance day: Imperial soldiers in WW1

Remembrance day: Imperial soldiers in WW1

A collection of resources that illustrate the role that Imperial forces played in WW1 -did you know that over 1m Indian troops served? There is a power point with a map slide showing the main contributors to the Imperial forces with each linked to a brief information slide; this information is also provided in a word document. A worksheet looks at where Imperial soldiers fought and how many there were from around the globe. There is also a wordsearch featuring fifteen of the nations that supplied troops and labourers to the Allied war effort. Ideal for study of the British Empire as well as ‘Black History’
British elections and Prime Ministers since 1892-information

British elections and Prime Ministers since 1892-information

An information sources on who has governed Britain since the late 19th century* with two components: 1: A power point information presentation: 34 slides- one per election to 2019; each having a slide with two pie charts showing the percentage of vote and share of MPs elected for the main parties at each election plus a picture of the winning PM. There is also a set of slides with line graphs showing votes for the main parties over time, A pie chart showing the amount of time spent in power. 2: A word document 34 tables -one per election-with the data used for the pie charts on the power point (seats and votes) A set of line graphs showing the votes for the main parties since 1918 (the first when all men-and most women-could vote). A table showing the turnout in each election since 1918-plus a line graph. A table showing the winners of elections and a pie chart showing time in office. *1892 was when Keir Hardie was the first ‘Labour’ MP elected.
How Democratic is the UK?

How Democratic is the UK?

The UK is one of the world’s few full democracies but how well does the current system reflect voting and society? This resource encourages students to consider a range of ways in which the UK falls short- including the gender make up of representatives and how election results do not reflect votes cast. Topics covered: What is democracy? The system in the UK Representative democracy? Do results reflect votes? Votes and results –by party Women in politics Ethnic minorities in politics ‘Fairer’ voting systems Local Authorities Who are the councillors? For each aspect there is some information –including that which is critical of common perceptions of the nation (especially in the past but also today as with gender inequality). Most of them also have a selection of discussion points to stimulate debate. This is a revised version of part of the British Values resource and is ideal for promoting discussion in citizenship or tutor time. It is particularly appropriate with a General Election in 2024- especially as young people are less likely to vote than older people. Provided in both word document and power point formats.
Prime Ministers ‘Firsts’: A selection from Walpole to Thatcher

Prime Ministers ‘Firsts’: A selection from Walpole to Thatcher

Information and comprehension tasks on a range of 12 Prime Ministers who in some way were a ‘first’ (or last in the case of Douglas Home!). There is a one page summary sheet with their image and ‘first’. There are two sheets with some outline information on each of the selected PMs- along with a set of comprehension tasks. These come in three formats: ‘5,4,3,2,1’ ; ‘True or False’ and simple questions (same information each time). There is also a crossword -and a support version with the first letter of the answer- and a word search. Ideal for this period leading up to the General Election, but also for developing knowledge and understanding of British political history.
How to vote: A brief guide to the election process.

How to vote: A brief guide to the election process.

Of particular use to those now old enough to vote – a brief guide to key elements of the voting process for General elections from the electoral register to the count. A power point presentation (7 information slides) covers the various stages of the process including: Registering to vote; At the polling station including voting; The count -and how the winner is decided. Reminder that are choosing MP not PM. There is also a one sheet word document that summarises this information
Black British Firsts: word searches and quizzes combined.

Black British Firsts: word searches and quizzes combined.

A more challenging version of the always popular activity (even for adults!) There are 3 different word searches on fifty Black British Firsts (same people as featured in linked resources). Each wordsearch has a grid and 10 words to find. However first you need to use the clues (questions) to work out what word you are searching for. Each word search & quiz comes in five different versions (the answers are the same each time); Each has the same clues but one also has the first letter of the answer; one has the number of numbers in the answer and one has both the first letter and number of letters; one has ‘just’ the questions whilst there is also a ‘traditional’ version with no questions and a list of words provided. Ideal for use in a wide range of settings such as a last-minute cover resource or homework task (good for getting students to organise their own time) Maybe even to help staff relax at lunchtime!!
Black British Firsts

Black British Firsts

3 Resources
A set of linked resources and activities to help students improve their knowledge and understanding of a range of Black British Firsts. This features a range of 50 Black British firsts- from the 16th century to the modern day. There are three linked resources: Power point (in two versions -one a run through); Word searches and quizzes - word searches in a range of versions (most featuring quizzes/questions ) Matching and dominoes -again featuring the same fifty people.
Remembrance : Imperial soldiers in WW2

Remembrance : Imperial soldiers in WW2

A collection of resources that illustrate the role that Imperial forces played in WW2 -did you know that over 2m Indian troops served? There is a word document with some basic information about the main contributors to the Imperial forces -used as the basis for the worksheet. There is a power point with the same information , including a map slide linked to a brief information slides about each major participant. A worksheet looks at where Imperial soldiers fought and the casualties they suffered. There is also a wordsearch featuring some of the nations that supplied troops to the Allied war effort, as well as some major campaigns. Ideal for study of the British Empire as well as ‘Black History’ -this is a companion to our resource on Imperial soldiers in WW1
A female century :100 significant females from the 20th century

A female century :100 significant females from the 20th century

An introduction to one hundred notable women with a connection to the 20th century -such as Billie Jean King and the ‘Battle of the Sexes’ in 1973. The selection covers the well known (e.g. Mrs Thatcher) to the less well known (such as Rita Loza, first female No.1 chart artist) For each one there is a brief overview of their life/ impact (250-300 words). This is provided as a word document. There is also a powerpoint presentation which has a picture of each woman and a descriptive sentence. The women featured are: Elizabeth, the Queen Mother; Barbara Cartland;;Barbara McClintock; Marie Curie ;Jennie Lee;Gertrude Ederle ;Grace Hopper ;Frida Kahlo ;Simone de Beauvoir ;Raymond de Laroche ;Elizabeth Arden ;Mildred Didrikson ;Julliete Gordon Low ;Emily Davison ;Hedy Lamarr ;Edith Cavell ;Lois Weber ;Jessica Mitford ;Marie Stopes ;Rosa Luxemburg ;Edith Burton Hughes ;Betty Wilson ;Helena Normanton ;Maria Callas ;Sue Ryder ;Laura Ashley ;Elisabeth Beresford ;Constance Markievicz ;Maya Angelou ;Margaret Bondfield ;Ellen Church ;Lilian Baylis ;Dorothy Day ;Fay Wray ;Leni Reifenstahl ;Lucy Duff-Gordon ;Diana Mitford ;Edith Wharton ;Ellen Sirleaf ;Jane Bolin; Hattie McDaniel ;Amy Johnson ;Anita Roddick ;Sophie Scholl ;Alice Walker ;Violet Szabo ;Mamie Smith ;Anne Frank; Donna Summer ;Mo Mowlam ;Grace Kelly ;Ethel Rosenberg ;Maria Montessori ;Lita Roza ;Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence ;Rosa Parks; Irene Curie ;;Dorothy L Sayers ;First female Peers ;Barbie ;Sirimavo Bandaranaike ;Grandma’ Moses ;Valentina Tereshkova ;Edith Piaf; Nancy Astor ;Stephanie Kwolek ;Indira Gandhi ;Alice Toklas ;Barbara Harrison ;Shirley Temple ;Betty Friedan ;Dorothy Fields ;Mary Peters ;Billie Jean King ;Virginia Apgar ;Margaret Thatcher ;Agatha Christie ;Virginia Wade ;Hannah Dadds ; Mary Pickford ;Bette Nesmith Graham ;Dame Mary Donaldson;Rachel Heyhoe-Flint ;Corrie Ten Boom ;Mary Warnock ;Gale Sondergaard ;Neerja Bhanot ;Diane Abbot; Elizabeth Lane ;Lucille Ball ;Eve Balfour ;Helen Sharman ;Betty Boothroyd ;Audrey Hepburn ;First female Priests ;Alison Hargreaves; Ella FitzGerald ;Mother Teresa ;Barbara Mandell ;Iris Murdoch
Remembrance day: A century of global conflict

Remembrance day: A century of global conflict

Since the end of WW1 the world has never been fully at peace. This resource is ideal for use at this time of remembrance (whilst also extending horizons to look at the wider world) This resource shows in visual form how the past 100+ years have still been a period of ongoing conflict (despite hopes that WW1 would be the ‘war to end all wars’). There is a selection of 50 different conflicts; a range covering civil wars, invasions and multi-national wars. The emphasis is on the post WW2 period to help support citizenship learning-in particular through helping show why there are so many refugees given the recent and on-going conflicts. (The emphasis is on the global community so wars such as the Falklands which was ‘just’ UK v an opponent are not included in this resource). In the main presentation each slide represents one year (running through takes just over 5 minutes) with each year showing the selected conflicts taking place in that year (so some slides are rather crowded!). For each conflict the dates are given as well as one sentence about it (this only appears when the conflict begins). There is also a power point presentation of 50 slides -one per conflict- as well as a word document with the same information. Finally there is a set of three word searches featuring most of the nations involved in the featured conflicts.
Migration & British Isles -wordsearches/quizzes

Migration & British Isles -wordsearches/quizzes

A set of word searches and associated sorting activity to help develop knowledge of migration to the British Isles –both individuals born abroad and nationalities that have provided many migrants to Britain over the centuries. Has twenty of each of a range of individuals and nationalties… Word search and mini quiz combined A more challenging version of the always popular activity (even for adults!) There is a set of four different word searches – two on individuals , two on nationalities. However before finding the ten people or nationalities events you have to use the clue to work out who the person or nationality it is that you are searching for. Each word search & quiz comes in three different versions (the answers are the same each time); providing different levels of support/difficulty. Each quiz has the same clues but one has the first letter of the answer; one has the number of letters in the answer and one has both the first letter and number of letters. Ideal for use as a reinforcement activity or homework task -maybe even for a staffroom challenge! P.S There is also a set of ‘traditional’ word searches featuring the same people/nationalities Sorting challenge : This uses the same people/nationalities and clues as in the word searches. There is a set of printable ‘cards’ which can be used for sorting or matching tasks (such as the matching pairs game) – each person or event is on a separate ‘card’ from its clue (organised in sets of 10).
Timeline of English and British monarchs- run through to show passing of time

Timeline of English and British monarchs- run through to show passing of time

Updated for Charles III This resource is a power point with a difference to support knowledge and understanding of chronology. Each slide features a picture of the monarchs of England/Britain from Alfred the Great to Charles III. Each slide appears for a varied amount of time. This helps show how much real time they reigned for – in this presentation 1 second equals 4 years (so the presentation lasts for around 5 minutes) .