Business Studies - The Business Environment and Managing Change Unit 4 BUSS4. AS/A Level
Business Studies AS and A Level
The Business Environment and Managing Change. BUSS4
Economic Growth / Business Cycle / Higher Interest Rate. AS/ A Level.
Covers what you need to know for OCR Spec.
- Lesson Plan
- PowerPoint. Which includes:
Lesson Objectives
Starter - Traffic Light Task (Differentiation)
Exam Question and Case Study
Countdown Game (Numeracy + Literacy)
- Work Sheet (Easy, Medium, Hard)
Trade Unions lesson and activity - Employer, ACAS and Employee
Trade Unions lesson and activity - Employer, ACAS and Employee
Countdown Timer & Countdown PowerPoint Numeracy and Literacy
Countdown (music) lasting 30 seconds. Perfect to use when playing the game, or for any quick quizzes!
Really makes a difference to the pupils engagement!
Causes of Business Failure - PowerPoint and Lesson Plan
Causes of Business Failure - PowerPoint and Lesson Plan
Excellent lesson that has good pace, challenges and ensures progress of all pupils.
Skills Audit - Business Studies & Economics. AS/A2. OCR AQA
Skills Audit - Business Studies & Economics. AS/A2. OCR AQA
Lesson Plan Help Sheet
Lesson Plan Help Sheet
Simple layout with advice on snippets of advice on what to include in each section.
Perfect for NQT's and qualified teachers.
AQA Business Studies GCSE Unit 1 (ALL Lessons + Resources) 2017
1 Starting a business
2 Marketing
3 Finance
4 People in Business
5 Operations Management
Over 20 lessons worth of resources including Powerpoints, Activity sheets and links to Kahoot quizzes based on lessons. Lessons are in number order so easy to go through.
Also includes a 70 page revision booklet based on Unit 1 content.
Business Structure GCSE Business Studies
Business Structure GCSE Business Studies
Business Location GCSE Business Studies
Business Location GCSE Business Studies
Market Research GCSE Business Studies AQA
Market Research GCSE Business Studies AQA
Full lesson with link to Kahoot quiz based on lesson content
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 2-3
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 2-3
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Learning Aim B 9 lessons (Business BTEC, New Spec 2017)
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Learning Aim B
(Business BTEC, New Specification 2017)
9 lessons for Learning Aim B
Scheme of Work
Mark / Assessment Grid
Business Terminology
Kahoot quiz which tests all content in final lesson
This is for the new specification for Unit 2 (Controlled Assessment).
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 4 Marketing Aims and Objectives
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 4
Marketing Aims and Objectives (Learning Aim A)
Full lesson with activity
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 11 External Influences
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 11 External Influences
Full lesson with activity
Scanned Textbook Page
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 12 - Revision Lesson (Learning Aim A)
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 12 - Revision Lesson (Learning Aim A)
List of topics for Learning Aim A
Link to Kahoot Quiz that covers all of content for Learning Aim A
Marketing Mix - Promotion and Branding
Marketing Mix - Promotion and Branding
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 5-6 Mass and Niche Markets
Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign Lesson 5-6 Mass and Niche Markets
Learning Aim A
Business Aims and Objectives GCSE Business
Business Aims and Objectives GCSE Business
PowerPoint with link to Kahoot Quiz
Health, Wellbeing, Development, Values (2 hours - PowerPoint, Lesson Plan, Resources)
Health, Wellbeing, Development, Values (2 hours - PowerPoint, Lesson Plan, Resources)
Well planned generic resources - no further planning required
Please visit our shop on TES for a link to all teaching resources
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Mental Health and Wellbeing (3 hours - PowerPoint, Lesson Plan, Resources)
Mental Health and Wellbeing (3 hours - PowerPoint, Lesson Plan, Resources)
Well planned generic resources - no further planning required
Please visit our shop on TES for a link to all teaching resources
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