The 4 texts focus on Theme 3 (Future Aspirations, Study and Work) set by the Pearson Edexcel Examination Body (2017 specification):
Text 25 Планы на будущее
Text 26 Изучение языков
Text 27 Волонтёрство и благотворительность
Text 28 Работа
All words in the texts contain stress marks to facilitate correct reading and pronunciation.
All texts contain recommended, including higher tier, vocabulary, as well as additional words derived from the same root.
The grammar is kept at the elementary level.
At the end of each text you will find thematic questions, which form the basis of the productive skills – speaking and writing.
These texts can be used by teachers as a supplementary resource or by students for self study and exam preparation.
The 2 texts focus on Theme 5 (International and Global Dimension) set by the Pearson Edexcel Examination Body (2017 specification):
Text 29 Экологические проблемы
Text 30 Защита планеты
All words in the texts contain stress marks to facilitate correct reading and pronunciation.
All texts contain recommended, including higher tier, vocabulary, as well as additional words derived from the same root.
The grammar is kept at the elementary level.
At the end of each text you will find thematic questions, which form the basis of the productive skills – speaking and writing.
These texts can be used by teachers as a supplementary resource or by students for self study and exam preparation.
The 8 texts focus on Theme 2 (Local Area, Holidays and Travel) set by the Pearson Edexcel Examination Body (2017 specification):
Text 13 Транспорт
Text 14 Отдых надо планировать
Text 15 Мои каникулы
Text 16 Больше никогда!
Text 17 Гостиницы
Text 18 Великобритания
Text 19 Мой город
Text 20 Времена года
All words in the texts contain stress marks to facilitate correct reading and pronunciation.
All texts contain recommended, including higher tier, vocabulary, as well as additional words derived from the same root.
The grammar is kept at the elementary level.
At the end of each text you will find thematic questions, which form the basis of the productive skills – speaking and writing.
Theese texts can be used by teachers as a supplementary resource or by students for self study and exam preparation.
This is a list of major cities of the Russian Federation: the words are stressed and arranged in two columns (one page document). Can be used for reading / pronunciation rules practice and cultural exposure.
The latest Pearson Edexcel Russian (9-1) Vocabulary lists, based on 5 Themes with a Contents page for convenience (see below). This is a Word Document, which you can amend and edit as per your individual requirements. I put stressed vowels in bold font to make them user-friendly for the learners. You can use these lists as you go along through the Syllabus or as a revision tool just before the Exams.
High-frequency language
Areas, mountains, seas, places
Common Adjectives
Common Adverbs
Common Verbs
Days of the week
Language used in dialogues and messages
Months and seasons of the year
Ordinal numbers
Other high-frequency words
Quantities and Measures
Question Words
Social conventions
Some Useful Connecting Words
Time Expressions
Times of Day
Useful acronyms
Useful Expressions
Topic Specific Vocabulary Lists
Theme 1 Identity and Culture
• Cultural Life
• Dress and Style
• Food and Drink
• Relationships, Personal and Physical Characteristics
• Using Social Media
Theme 2 Local area, Holiday and Travel
• Asking for directions
• Dealing with problems
• Local area, Holiday and Travel
• Phrases associated with weather
Theme 3 School
Theme 4 Future aspirations, study and work
Theme 5 International and Global Dimension
20 questions per 10 topics:
Learning Russian Language
Food and Drinks
Fruit and Vegetables
Cinema and TV
Clothes and Fashion
Exercises and Sport
Health and Medicine
Planet Earth
This resource can be printed out double-sided to accompany any GCSE (basic and lower intermediate) learner. It covers Opinions, Certainty and Uncertainty, Speech structures, Connecting words and Adverbs if frequency.
The two-sided printable booklet includes words and phrases in the following categories:
Speech structures
Connecting words
Essay phrases (Intro, Main part and Conclusion)
An excellent companion to an A-level learner!
This is a list of names that can be used for reading practice or cultural awareness. It introduces the beginner to the common Russian female first names and the way they are shortened.
This is a list of names that can be used for reading practice or cultural awareness. It introduces the beginner to the common Russian male first names and the way they are shortened.