We love teaching and making resources to promote enjoyment, motivation, and understanding for children and teachers with a particular passion for learning outside the classroom.
We love teaching and making resources to promote enjoyment, motivation, and understanding for children and teachers with a particular passion for learning outside the classroom.
This math board game is a great way for students to practise multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 without them even realising that they’re learning. The game is ideal for 2 – 4 players and only needs the board, some counters, and some dice to play. They’ll roll the dice to progress along the board, landing on squares with differentiated multiplication and division problems that they must work out and move their counter accordingly. This pack contains 4 levels of differentiation. We love using this game for extension and filler work as well as a whole lesson activity as it’s a fun way to teach addition.
Diff. 1: Whole numbers
Diff. 2: Larger whole numbers
Diff. 3: Includes decimals
Diff. 4: Includes decimals (more challenging)
Check out our Other Board Games:
Column Addition With and Without Carrying Board Game
Column Addition Board Game With & Without Carrying Including Decimals
Elapsed Time
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This math board game is a great way for students to practise long multiplication without them even realising that they’re learning. The game is ideal for 2 – 4 players and only needs the board, some counters, and some dice to play. They’ll roll the dice to progress along the board, landing on squares with differentiated long multiplication problems that they must work out and move their counter accordingly. This pack contains 4 levels of differentiation. We love using this game for extension and filler work as well as a whole lesson activity as it’s a fun way to teach multiplication.
Diff. 1: 1 digit x 2 digit numbers
Diff. 2: 1 digit x 3 digit numbers
Diff. 3: 2 digit x 2 digit numbers
Diff. 4: 2 digit x 3 digit numbers
Check out our Other Board Games:
Column Addition With and Without Carrying Board Game
Column Addition Board Game With & Without Carrying Including Decimals
Elapsed Time
Multiplying and Dividing By 10, 100, and 1000
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This coordinate activity pack contains two different sets of activities and is designed to help children master coordinates in a fun and engaging way.
One of the activities contains 8 differentiated (4 quadrant and 1 quadrant) worksheets where the children need to crack the code by finding the hidden animal name in the coordinates gird.
The second is an outdoor activity where the children must hide words that make up a secret message at the correct coordinates around your school. This activity was a real hit with my class and now they do it for fun! It is also great for improving map reading skills.
- 8 differentiated ‘Hidden Animal’ worksheets
- 2 differentiated worksheets for the outdoor activity with a ‘How To Use’ explanation sheet
Sticks are a great resource when looking at shape, angles, and lines. These task cards / slides get your students building shapes using sticks based on a set of criteria (for example it must contain 2 right angles).
Using the task cards: Place the cards in your outdoor space for your students to find. They will then build the shape using sticks and either take a picture of it or draw their shape.
Slides: Students can take an I-pad outside and create the shapes using sticks, take a photo of their shapes, and upload it onto the correct slide.
Topics covered: - Right, acute, and obtuse angles, - Parallel lines, - Perpendicular lines
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Take the confusion out of algebra wit this fun outdoor activity where the students will simplify and solve differentiated algebraic problems. They will be given a task card containing an equation which will consist of sticks, leaves and numbers.
They must first simplify the equation by creating it on the playground using stick, leaves and chalk before writing a possible solution to the algebraic equation underneath. It’s a great lesson to introduce students to solving equations and representing numbers through letters / objects.
This pack contains 24 differentiated task cards (1 - 10 are simple equations and 11 - 20 are more complex).
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A set of entertaining NO PREP long multiplication puzzles for your students to practice one, two, and three digit numbers. Each differentiated puzzle has a complete set and a muddled puzzle set. I have used these to great success over the last few months. My children have loved them as a way to reinforce or learn long multiplication.
This pack includes puzzles for:
- 1 digit x 2 or 3 digit
- 2 digit x 2 or 1 digit
- 3 digit x 3 or 2 digit
Check out our other Math Tarsia Puzzles
Multiplying and Dividing by 10, 100, and 1000
Fractions of Numbers
Equivalent Fractions
Times Tables Tarsia Puzzle Activity
Number Bond Tarsia Puzzles: 100, 500, and 1000
Measurement Conversion Tarsia Puzzles: MM, CM, and Meters
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This resource will give your class loads of practise working out number bonds to 100 using the bar model method. It’s a non-prep resource which contains multiple levels of differentiation from working with multiples of 10, working outside multiples of 10, and solving word problems.
B&W copies are included with this resource.
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This activity gets your students looking at fact families through the very popular bar model. This pack contains 8 differentiated sheets where they must use the bar model to help them complete the blank boxes to make the fact family by finding the appropriate additions and subtractions. The sheets contains bonds to 20, 30, 50 and 100 with the bonds both complete and incomplete.
It’s perfect for halloween, if you have a monster topic, or just like the fun graphics!
The bar model is a great visual way for students to visualise the problem.
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This pack contains four differentiated worksheets where your class will get loads of practise at working out 10 more and less as part of their addition and subtraction unit. These sheets are designed to be very visual with the use of base-ten images. For children who need more support you can provide them with base-ten apparatus or similar to help them physically see what’s happening to the numbers as they add and take away 10.
White Rose Maths aligned.
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This math board game is a great way for students to practise column addition with and without carrying without them even realising they’re learning. The game is ideal for 2 – 4 players and only needs the board, some counters, and some dice to play. They’ll roll the dice to progress along the board, landing on squares with differentiated addition problems that they must work out and move their counter accordingly. This pack contains 4 levels of differentiation. We love using this game for extension and filler work as well as a whole lesson activity as it’s a fun way to teach addition.
Diff. 1: Column addition without carrying.
Diff. 2: Column addition without carrying (larger numbers).
Diff. 3: Column addition with carrying.
Diff. 4: Column addition with carrying (larger numbers).
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A set of NO PREP differentiated practise questions and word problems using the bar model focussing on addition and subtraction for years 5 - 6. The bar model is great to help children visualise and solve problems and is becoming much more widely used across schools. This pack will guide your children through the idea while giving them loads of practise at using it with and without word problems.
- 2 Sets of differentiated practise questions with challenge word problems
- 3 Sets of differentiated word problems
Check out our Bar Model resources for other ages
Years 1 - 2
Years 3 - 4
Years 5 - 6
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This math board game is a great way for students to practise column subtraction with and without carrying without them even realising that they’re learning. The game is ideal for 2 – 4 players and only needs the board, some counters, and some dice to play. They’ll roll the dice to progress along the board, landing on squares with subtraction problems that they must work out and move their counter accordingly. This pack contains times table cards 2 - 10. We love using this game for extension and filler work as well as a whole lesson activity as it’s a fun way to get students practising their column subtraction method. We have also very successfully sent it home for them to play with family and friends.
Playing cards with carrying
Playing cards without carrying
Check Out Our Other Board Games:
Column Addition With and Without Carrying Board Game
Column Addition Board Game With & Without Carrying Including Decimals
Elapsed Time
Long Multiplication
Mental Multiplication
Multiplying and Dividing By 10, 100, and 1000
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This column addition activity (with carrying) turns column addition practice into a fun competition. Students roll dice to assign questions, then solve them before marking their answers on a game board. The player with the most completed squares wins! It’s a perfect way to introduce or reinforce column addition with carrying.
You will also love our other column addition dice game!
- Column Addition Dice Game: Without Carrying
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A set of 5 NO PREP worksheets using the bar model to look at inverse operations. The bar model is great to help children visualise and solve problems and is becoming much more widely used across schools. This pack will guide your children through the idea while giving them loads of practise at using it to solve inverse operation problems which include carrying / borrowing.
5 differentiated inverse operation worksheets + answer key.
Check out our inverse operations worksheets for years 2 and 3.
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A set of entertaining NO PREP number bond puzzles for your students to practice finding bonds to 100, 500, and 1000. Each puzzle has a complete set and a muddled puzzle set. I have used these to great success over the last few months. My children have loved them and their mental math number bonds skills have massively improved!
Check out our other Math Tarsia Puzzles!
Multiplying and Dividing by 10, 100, and 1000
Fractions of Numbers
Equivalent Fractions
Times Tables Tarsia Puzzle Activity
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A set of entertaining NO PREP long division puzzles for your students to practice long division. Each differentiated puzzle has a complete set and a muddled puzzle set. I have used these to great success over the last few months. My children have loved them as a way to reinforce or learn long division.
This pack includes puzzles for:
- 3 digit divided by 1 digit without remainders
- 3 & 4 digit divided by 1 & 2 digit without remainders
- 3 & 4 digit divided by 1 and 2 digit with remainders
Check out our other Math Tarsia Puzzles
Multiplying and Dividing by 10, 100, and 1000
Fractions of Numbers
Equivalent Fractions
Times Tables Tarsia Puzzle Activity
Number Bond Tarsia Puzzles: 100, 500, and 1000
Measurement Conversion Tarsia Puzzles: MM, CM, and Meters
Long Multiplication Tarsia Puzzle Activity
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Use these entertaining math puzzles for your students to practice finding a equivalent fractions. This pack contains three differentiated puzzles, which range from finding simple equivalent fractions to converting top heavy fractions and mixed numbers. Each puzzle has a complete set and a muddled puzzle set. I have used these to great success over the last few weeks. My children have loved them and are now pros at finding equivalent fractions!
- 1 x Simple Equivalent Fraction Puzzle Set (complete and mixed puzzles)
- 1 x More Challenging Equivalent Fraction Puzzle Set (complete and mixed puzzles)
- 1 x Equivalent Fraction Puzzle Set with top heavy fractions and mixed numbers (complete and mixed puzzles)
Check out our other Math Tarsia Puzzles!
Fractions of Numbers Large and Small Tarsia Puzzles
Fractions, Decimals, and Percents Tarsia Puzzle Activity
Multiplying and Dividing by 10, 100, and 1000
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This activity will help reinforce students’ understanding of place value as they sort numbers on a number line in a fun and practical way.
The pack contains two number lines and sets of number cards, one with numbers from 1 – 10 and another from 1 – 100.
Set up:
Print out the number line cards and number cards (laminate if possible so they can be re-used).
Create the number line by sticking / tying the number line cards to something (a fence, the floor, trees, etc.). Try to make the scales as accurate as possible.
Teaching structure:
Give each child a number card and get them to run to the correct place on the numbers line.
Once all students are in the correct place, get them muddle up, swap cards with somebody, then find the correct place on the number line.
You can do this several times, giving students lots of practise at finding numbers on a number line. This activity is great both as a whole class and with smaller groups.
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Outdoor scales are a great way to introduce and refresh measuring weight and comparing different objects. Students will build their own (or the teacher can pre-build) simple outdoor scales so they can have fun measuring different objects as well as completing our differentiated activity sheets where they are required to find and compare the weight of different objects.
Materials Needed:
Activity pack
Coat hangers
Buckets (or similar)
Teaching Structure
Build the scales: This is great for the students to do, however if you’re short of time this can be done prior to the lesson.
Have fun playing with the scales: Give students time to experiment and have fun with the scales.
Differentiated activity sheets: Students can now have more of a focus, completing the differentiated challenges on the activity sheets.
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This is a simple but fun activity that will help improve your classes measuring skills. Using a ruler, meter stick, trundle wheel, tape measure, or other measuring tool get your class to measure and record different items in your outdoor space.
It can be useful to give clear demonstrations as to how to use the different equipment. This activity can be further differentiated by allowing students to use a variety of equipment as well as asking them to measure to a greater level of accuracy.
Diff 1 - Students are given a pictures of which objects to measure.
Diff 2 - Students get to choose their own objects to measure.
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