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Butterfly Number Bonds

Butterfly Number Bonds

Number bonds to 10 - add the corresponding number to the wings of the butterflies to make 10. 0-10 includes blank butterfly to stretch and challenge by allowing children to create their own number bond.
Numbers in the Nest Addition

Numbers in the Nest Addition

A cut and stick activity to support addition of numbers -0-20. 2 activities per page all addition total to 20 or less. Supports the EYFS (early learning goals) and Year 1 (read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition, subtraction and equals signs)
EYFS (preschool) 5 week PE lesson plan

EYFS (preschool) 5 week PE lesson plan

Physical Education can be overlooked in preschoolers, however adding a structured PE session can not only be engaging for children, but also develop their school readiness by introducing them to a planned physical developement session. Each lesson plan consists of a warm up game, 3-4 activities and a cool down game. Each lesson plan is themed, for example, wild animals, space and more. These plans also include ‘stretch and challenge’ adaptations more suitable for reception aged children, or children with some athletic background.
Build a Beanstalk maths sheet

Build a Beanstalk maths sheet

Use counting cubes to build a beanstalk to match the number sentence. Or use counting pebbles or stones to create a horizontal beanstalk. Perfect for Reception - all number sentences are 10 or below.
Easter Egg Doubling

Easter Egg Doubling

Easter Doubling - children can use pen dots, counters or balls of play dough to make the doubles. Allows children to complete the number the sentence e.g. “double 5 is…” Includes numbers 1-10
Phonics - trace, make, find and write

Phonics - trace, make, find and write

7 pages per phase/ set of phonics Supports jolly phonics/ Read write inc/ little wondle Children should be encouraged to trace a word, then make that word with phonics stones, play-dough, or letter cubes, then find the image that matches the word, before writing the word 3 times independently. Each phase is a different colour for ease - beginning with simple CVC words, moving onto CVCC and CCVC words, ending with split digraphs.