This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on class differences in educational achievement. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 12 slides on the power point.
Starter activity- recap of methods.
Title page- students to think about who performs better in education and the reasons for this.
Explanation of how class is measured.
Reasons for inequality- cultural and material factors.
Introduction to cultural capital- quiz for students to have a go at. Attached as a separate document.
Explanation of cultural capital.
How is cultural capital different to cultural deprivation?
Introduction to language codes. Restricted and elaborate language code. Student task- facebook statuses attached as a separate document.
Language codes summary- fill in the blanks task.
How does the nature of schools favour the middle class?
Outline of material factors and class differences.
Plenary- practice exam questions. 5 marker and 8 marker.
This is a GCSE sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS] lesson which focuses on the education unit. The lesson is centered around the hidden curriculum and anti-school subcultures. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 13 slides on the power point. Challenge questions and extension tasks provided throughout.
Starter, methods recap. Board rush game. Instructions on the pp. Post-it notes are needed for this task.
Title page, encouraging students to think about what a anti-school subculture is.
Explanation of what an anti-school subculture is. Easy and difficult explanation provided. Students choose which one they write down.
Short video clip outlining the behaviours of an anti-school and pro-school subculture.
The impact of labelling on anti-school subcultures. Reading/ question task. Questions and answers provided on the pp. However, students will need access to the GCSE eduqas textbook to complete this task (pages 102-103).
Paul Willis and anti-school subcultures.
Explanation of the difference between the formal and hidden curriculum.
Explanation of what each theory argues about the hidden curriculum. Feminists, Marxists and Functionalists. Examples and challenge questions provided. This then leads on to an application task whereby students summarise what each theory says using the key concepts on the power point.
Plenary- guess the fact. Teacher will need an envelope with a key fact written down from the lesson. (most important piece of information from the lesson) Students to guess what key fact the teacher has written. A key fact is provided in the notes section of the pp.
This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on authority and power. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 12 slides on the power point.
Starter, retrieval practice - education unit. Answers on pp.
Title page- students to start to think about who has the most power in school.
What is power?
Feminist view on power in society.
Explanation of social control.
Links between social control and theory.
Who has more power and authority why? images on board- discussion task.
Do some people have more power than others? student task- worksheet provided. Explanation on power point.
What is authority?
Weber three types of authority.
Student task- what type of authority do the people in the images have?
Plenary- key question on pp slide.
This is a GCSE sociology lessson [WJEC/ EDUQAS]. The lesson focuses on the social stratification and differentiation topic. With a particular focus on social exclusion and deprivation. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 11 slides on the power point.
Starter activity. Education recap- students work out the missing words.
Title page. Encouraging students to think about what deprivation means, recap absolute and relative poverty. Outline of spec provided on pp slide.
Definition of deprivation and how it can be a social construct.
Research into relative deprivation. Townsend. Handout provided on a separate document.
The cycle of deprivation. Explanation and student task. Provided on a separate work sheet. Students make their own cycle of deprivation, put the statements in the correct order. Answers provided on a separate document.
What is social exclusion? - explanation & student task. On pp slide.
Social inclusion, explanation provided & challenge question for students.
Why are poverty and social exclusion hard to solve?
What do sociological theories say about poverty? Student task- instructions on the pp slide. Goes through, marxism, the new right, functionalism and feminism.
Plenary- student task. Explaining why some groups are more likely to suffer from poverty, Instructions and examples on pp slide.
This is an A-Level psychology lesson which focuses on the social psychology unit. The lesson is based on realistic conflict theory by Sherif 1966. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 13 slides on the power point.
Starter, scrabble board, students to work out the highest scoring key concept.
Title page- encouraging students to think about if they know anything about realistic conflict theory and what we mean by prejudice.
Prejudice recap- fill in the blanks. Worksheet provided, answers on the pp.
Explanation of the theory included: intergroup competition, limited resources, negative interdependence, positive interdependence and superordinate goals.
4 mark exam question- example answer included on pp slide.
Evaluation of the theory.
Introduction to 8 mark question- students to plan.
Model answer provided on a separate worksheet.
Introduction to the Robbers Cave Experiment- two video clips, links provided on the pp slide.
Consolidation- creative task.
This is an Alevel psychology lesson which focuses on the social psychology unit. This lesson links to the prejudice side of the course, the lesson includes social identity theory- explanation and evaluation. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 13 slides on the power point.
Starter- recap questions which range in difficulty. Refers to social psychology.
Title page- ‘everyone is prejudice’ encouraging students to debate how far they agree with the statement.
Explanation of social identity theory- referring to in-groups and out-groups, social categorisation, social identification and social comparison. Challenge questions provided throughout.
Explanation of how social identity theory can lead to prejudice and discrimination.
Example to illustrate social identity theory- student worksheet. Answers provided.
summary task- key words provided.
Evaluation of the theory- students will need to use the edexcel book 1 to answer the questions. I have not attached a scanned copy but if this is needed please email me on Answers provided on the power point.
8 mark exam question on SIT. Brief plan included on the pp slide. Mark scheme for the question is attached as a separate document.
This is a power point which includes a mind-map which summaries each of the key topics taught in the GCSE sociology eduqas specification. The mind-maps include key concepts and studies where necessary. The topics included are: Cultural transmission, Families & households, Education, Crime & Deviance, Social stratification & differentiation.
This is a GCSE sociology revision session which focuses on the social stratification and differentiation unit. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 7 slides on the power point. All resources are provided.
Title page - 4 2 mark questions for students to answer, all based on the straf/ diff unit.
Large mind-map of the whole unit- students are advised to mind- map/ summarise the unit on an A3 piece of paper whilst teacher goes through main content on the board.
Practice short answer exam questions- provided on a separate worksheet. Mark schemes provided on the power point.
Strat / diff game (may need printing for students to play). Provided on the power point.
This is a GCSE sociology lesson based on the education unit. This lesson is lesson 2 of ethnic differences which focuses on internal factors. The lesson is designed to last a 90 minute lesson and there are a total of 9 slides on the power point. Challenge questions provided throughout.
Starter- methods recap. Unscramble the key words. (answers on pp)
Title page- encouraging students to think about how schools/ teachers may be unconsciously racist.
Quick recap of ethnic differences lesson 1. Includes, who performs better in education, also material and cultural factors.
Explanation of how racism can lead to underachievement.
Explanation of how institutional racism can lead to underachievement.
Explanation of how labelling and low expectations can lead to underachievement.
Explanation of how the ethnocentric curriculum can lead to underachievement.
Consolidating knowledge task. Students to complete the mind-map using all the information they have learnt about ethnic differences. The mindmap has been started, students too add as much information as they can. Attached as a separate document.
15 mark practice exam question. Students have the option of two questions focusing on ethnic differences. Example structure provided.
This is a GCSE sociology lesson [wjec/ eduqas]. The lesson focuses on the eduction unit, specifically labelling, banding and setting. The power point has a total of 12 slides and is designed to last a 90 minute lesson. Challenge questions and extension tasks provided throughout.
Starter, methods recap. 2 mark exam questions, students answer whilst register is being taken.
Title page. Encouraging students to think about what labelling means and the type of sociologists that are interested in labelling.
Guess your label game! post it notes with different labels written on are needed for this task. Instructions included on the power point. Students tick the labels on their head- partner acts out their partners label until they guess it correctly.
Outline of what labelling is and where labels come from.
Explanation of how teachers arrive at their labels.
Diagram of how self-fulfilling prophecies occur. Student task.
Explanation of how teachers communicate their labels.
Explanation of what banding and setting is.
The effects of banding and setting on labelling. Reading task (Ball), students answer questions. Reading provided on a separate document.
Applying understanding, 5 mark exam question. Success criteria provided.
Marking exam question- mark scheme provided. Encourage peer assessment.
Plenary 5,4,3,2,1. Students to reflect on what they have learnt during the lesson.
This is a GCSE psychology lesson which covers the basics of research methods. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are 15 slides on the power point. This lesson also comes with a booklet/ worksheet which students should fill in whilst the lesson is being taught. All key information and activities are included on this worksheet. Challenge and extension tasks are provided on the power point.
Starter, students to work out the key methods based on the images.
Title page, encouraging students to think about what they already know about research methods.
Key concepts that will be covered- students to see which ones they can already define.
Explanation of primary and secondary data- workbook task.
Explanation of qualitative and quantitative data- workbook task.
Different types of hypotheses, dependent & independent variables, controlling extraneous variables. Key content on the pp slide and in the workbook- application tasks for students to complete.
Sampling techniques- students to complete strengths and weaknesses task in workbook. May need access to the GCSE psychology Edexcel textbook to help them with this.
Research and experimental designs- students to complete table in workbook based on info on pp slide.
3 x short answer practice exam questions. Provided on the workbook. Mark schemes are included on the pp slides.
Plenary- students workout missing words in the sentences.
This is a GCSE sociology lesson (EDUQAS/ WJEC) which focuses on the Feminist view of the family. The lesson is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. This is a full lesson which includes 14 powerpoint slides and two worksheets.
-starter activity, ‘give me 5’- recap of Functionalism and Marxism.
-introduction to Feminism, encouraging students to think about what they already know about Feminism in general.
-explanation of the ‘braches’ of Feminism. - Brief explanation of radical, liberal and marxist feminism with application to the family.
-brief explanation of feminism as a conflict theory.
-in what ways are women oppressed in the home?- students to discuss this question, images on the powerpoint to encourage ideas. - explanation is then on the power point.
-‘The family as a patriarchal institution’- explanation of Delphy and Leonard.
-explanation of Ann Oakley
-knowledge check- assessment of what students have understood so far.
-‘social control of females’- explanation of how women are controlled at a young age which then transfers to adulthood. Referring to key concepts such as; ‘double standards’.
-reading activity. Students to complete the reading about domestic abuse, answer the questions which are included on the powerpoint. Reading is on a separate worksheet attached. Extension activity provided.
-one powerpoint slide on key statistics.
-evaluation of the Feminist view of the family.
-an extract from the ‘good housing keeping guide’- students to read through the extract and decide whether an article like this would be published today. Activity on a separate worksheet included.
-homework task (could be completed during the lesson if time allows). To create a poster on the Feminist perspective. Students may need access to pages 74-77 in the eduqas gcse sociology textbook to support them.
This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the cultural transmission unit. This lesson specifically focuses on cultural diversity. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are 12 slides in total.
Starter activity, recapping/ introducing basic sociological theory.
Title page, encouraging students to think about what cultural diversity means.
Short clip explaining cultural diversity. Link is on the pp. Students to make notes.
Explanation of what cultural diversity means and why it is important. Discussion question provided.
Cultural diversity over time.
Explanation of subcultures and connections to cultural diversity within different countries.
Cultural diversity across the world.
2 mark exam question- model answers provided.
What things make up your culture? student task.
Differences in norms for different groups.
Plenary- Cultural diversity consolidation, poster/ revision task. Could be finished for homework.
GCSE psycyology- Edexcel. This is a workbook which takes students through the whole of the development unit. This booklet goes alongside the lessons which are available in my shop. There is space in the workbook for students to complete activities which are instructed on the lesson powerpoints. This booklet has a total of 48 pages, it includes a check list for students to pin point any gaps in their knowledge, as well as two pages of key terms with their definitions.
This booklet consists of a total of 9 lessons, including the issues and debates lesson (the development of morality).
This is an A-Level psychology lesson which focuses on the social psychology unit. The lesson consists of situational and personal factors affecting prejudice. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes, however I would imagine it would take longer so a homework task is also included. The majority of the lesson requires students to work in pairs- they then teach their pair what they have found it (mainly student led).
Starter task - unscramble the key words, answers provided.
Title page- encouraging students to start to think about how and why our personality could lead to prejudice behaviours.
Outline of how individual differences can lead to prejudice. - teacher led
Outline of how situational and cultural factors can lead to prejuduce. - teacher led
Instructions about how the paired learning task is going to work.
Questions for students to answer based on individual and situational factors- textbook is needed for this task. If you do not have the textbooks in school, please email me at and I can send you over scanned copies.
Question sheets for students to complete based on situational and personal factors- attached as word documents.
Homework/ extension task. Summary sheet which includes all factors students need to be aware of- students to fill in using their notes/ reading/ knowledge and understanding. Attached as a separate document.
This lesson focuses on Green crime part of the crime and deviance unit of the AQA specification. The power point consists of 8 slides and would fill a 80 minute lesson. The starter activity consists of a true or false task which assesses students previous knowledge on globalisation and crime. The lesson then goes on to give a definition of green crime, explain global risk society and the environment and types of criminology.
One activity included in this lesson refers to primary and secondary crimes. Students are required to read about types of green crime and decide whether they are primary or secondary (worksheets are included with this lesson, along with the correct answers). The lesson then leads on to an independent research task whereby they should have access to the internet. The lesson finishes with a 4 mark exam style question.
This is a lesson based on The media and Crime. Content addresses that covered in the AQA Sociology Specification. The lesson goes through the Sociological perspectives of the crime and the media, along with detailed information about cyber-crime. The lesson finishes with a 30 mark exam style question, this is based on the AQA specification. The powerpoint suggests what students could take out of the item when writing this question.
The lesson consists of 12 slides.
A-Level sociology (AQA) the Neoliberal and New Right perspective on education. This lesson consists of a total of 12 slides and is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson.
It contains:
a starter activity based on recapping the Functionalist perspective on education (quiz). The power point also includes the answers.
introduction to the New Right hand out, students to read through and then read through as a class.
detailed power point slides explaining the Neoliberal and New Right view of education.
slides explaining the two roles of the state and education & national identity as explained by the New Right.
criticisms of the New Right perspective.
Ball et al’s study explaining parental choosers as a criticism of the New Right. The three different types of choosers are explained on the powerpoint, there is also a worksheet to go through this. The last slide is based on a documentary called ‘admissions impossible’- i do not think you can find this online anymore, some school’s may have this available on DVD if not, please ignore the last slide.
This is an AQA A-level sociology lesson which focuses on streaming, with reference to labelling. The lesson is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson, the power point consists of 12 slides.
-starter, fill in the blanks activity. This recaps students knowledge on the labelling theory. Task included on a work documents.
-explanation of streaming with links to labelling and the self-fulfilling prophecy.
-explanation of Gillborn and Youdell 2001, the educational triage (A-C economy)
-quick knowledge check- questioning activity.
-explanation of pupil subcultures. With reference to Lacey (1970) concepts of polarisation and differentiation.
-explanations of pro and anti-school subcultures with reference to key sociologists such as Hargreaves.
-Stephen Ball abolishing streaming
-Woods (1979)- other student responses to streaming and labelling.
-criticisms of the labelling theory
-finish the lesson with a Kahoot. One is already made on Kahoot: titled ‘class differences in achievement’ by AFitch7.
This is a GCSE sociology lesson [WJEC/ EDUQAS]. The lesson focuses on The changing role of men in society and in the family. The lesson power point consists of 10 slides and is designed to last a 90 minute lesson.
-starter activity. This is a retrieval practice task, whereby students should try to answer as many questions as possible. The questions are differentiated.
-task one encourages students to think about what it means ‘to be a man’.
-traditional masculine roles. Students to create a mindmap, some ideas have been put on the slide to support students. Challenge question also included.
-explanation of how traditional masculine roles have changed and what they used to be.
-why men’s traditional gender roles are changing. Video slip- questions for students to answer.
-reasons for the changing masculine role.
-crisis of masculinity. Reading task, students to answer questions. The reading is provided on a separate document.
-the mask of masculinity- Video slip, students to answer questions on power point whilst watching the clip.
-poster task, students to consolidate everything they have learnt today. May need access to the GCSE textbook to support them.
-plenary 5,4,3,2,1 - students to think about what they have learnt today, any questions they have about the content, question other students. (all instructions are on the powerpoint)