Energy intake and expenditure.
covers Basel metabolic rate, Thermic effect of food, METs, energy, energy intake, expenditure and balance
powepoint (12 page)
video -uploaded
designed for OCR A Level PE
adapt for your learners
you can use a prompt sheet to differentiate the worksheet
3 x Powerpoints
Micronutrients (Vitamins)
Fibre Minerals and Water
I broke this down into 3 presentations to make it a bit more manageable for teaching and learning.
this are purely powerpoints and do not have questions/tasks built in. I have been using these for home learning during lock down or as a flipped learning task.
once a pupil has viewed the powerpoint and made notes they can answer questions you set them. I will be producing a question powerpoint and worksheet shortly.
its aimed at OCR A Level PE but could be used for many other courses and also makes a good PSHE activity/lesson.
Its quite rare to get specific exam questions on micronutrients but the general purpose of vitamins and minerals is required.
Powerpoint with fun tasks and past paper questions for recapping on the energy systems, 18 pages
I use this after I have taught the 3 energy systems to embed learning.
feel free to edit, change pics, or take out/add slides
about 1.5 hours of work on here depending on pace/level
designed for OCR A Level spec but energy systems is standard across boards
Short Revision Powerpoint for the cardiovascular system - A Level PE
thinking hard strategies
knowledge chain
key words
what if?
Matching definitions
only 5 slides but plenty of talking and thinking points
The Skeletal System - A Level PE
designed for OCR PE but this will be the same or easily adaptable for all specs and GCSE/BTEC also.
The powerpoint covers:
the functions of the skeleton
key bones
joint types
includes 2 worksheets (labeling worksheets) and tasks throughout.
11 slides in a professional looking powepoint. No rocket science here just the hard work done for you so you can get on with teaching. Adapt to teach your class, teaching, school, preferred teaching and learning strategies etc. Also think about adding using a video.
4 Powerpoints to cover the Diet and Nutrition section of the OCR A Level PE spec. She individual descriptions. Includes worksheet and questions within presentations.
Separate selling price £10