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Advanced PE

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Physical Education, Sports and Fitness resources




Physical Education, Sports and Fitness resources
Ergogenic aids Revison OCR A Level PE

Ergogenic aids Revison OCR A Level PE

Ergogenic aids revision resource. Powerpoint and matching worksheet tasks build up in difficulty from AO1 to AO3, ending in 20 mark extended writing with essay plan include interleaved topic of flexibility to help with recaping and knowledge retention designed for OCR board complete lesson
Physical training booklet GCSE PE

Physical training booklet GCSE PE

14 page Booklet designed to put the physical training theory into practice. Students learn and use the knowledge from the physical training unit, develop a training programme and monitor/track the programme (and write it all down) I use this as a breakfast club or intervention but can be used for all or as a h/w designed for AQA spec
The Olympic Games OCR A Level PE

The Olympic Games OCR A Level PE

A Level OCR PE Olympic games powerpoint with tasks and questions 31 slides thinking hard strategies info of each key olympic games (for the spec) questions with mark schemes all animated teach over a few lessons depending on lesson length and class
Energy systems - thinking hard and recap - A Level PE

Energy systems - thinking hard and recap - A Level PE

Powerpoint with fun tasks and past paper questions for recapping on the energy systems, 18 pages I use this after I have taught the 3 energy systems to embed learning. feel free to edit, change pics, or take out/add slides about 1.5 hours of work on here depending on pace/level designed for OCR A Level spec but energy systems is standard across boards
Joints, Movements and Muscles - A Level PE

Joints, Movements and Muscles - A Level PE

18 page powerpoint with Movement analysis questions There is usually 1 on these questions in every paper 1 and they are worth 5-6 marks. identification of agonist, antagonist, joint types, movement, contraction type practice possible questions with this powerpoint - answers included
Joints movements and muscles - A Level PE - revision and exam prep

Joints movements and muscles - A Level PE - revision and exam prep

Powerpoint with movement analysis questions you know… the picture and grid you get on most papers, which muscle is the agonist, antagonist, joint type, movement, contraction type. 7 examples with answers 2 x pupils make your own question 1 x fill the gaps for muscle stimulation I use this for revision and exam prep, this for me is one whole lesson, discussing each question and possible variations aimed at OCR but works for any qualification with movement analysis switch any pictures you want
Heart rate regulation - Neural control question

Heart rate regulation - Neural control question

Guidance on answering a question on neural control of heart rate. I do this as a 10 mark question or can combine with respiratory system to allow more marks to be gained. Also can switch the question to intrinsic or hormonal control so pupils understand the difference between them all. Do some recap, discussion, model answers then answer the question in exam conditions at the start of next lesson. with question paper
Types of Strength - Thinking hard and revision A Level PE

Types of Strength - Thinking hard and revision A Level PE

13 page powerpoint with thinking hard strategies for types of strength and their application and importance to different sports and movements. get your students thinking, summerising and prioritising. Students enjoy discussing and debating questions asked in this powerpoint use for revision or activities after content is taught or flipped learning.
Fats - A Level PE - Thinking Hard Tasks

Fats - A Level PE - Thinking Hard Tasks

Powerpoint (11 pages) with tasks to make students think hard about Fats in a diet and as a fuel. Prior knowledge is required for pupils to complete questions/tasks. I use this as a revision lesson. Students enjoy the tasks and really to start to think and discuss Fat. Make sure you give them time to discuss each question task and then feedback in a class discussion.
Ergogenic Aids - thinking hard- revision-A Level PE

Ergogenic Aids - thinking hard- revision-A Level PE

This powerpoint contains thinking hard teaching and learning strategies to get students really thinking about topics. They must have been taught the content first. This is designed to consolidate learning or for revision. Just 4 slides but this may take a full lesson if the class get into good discussions/debates etc designed with OCR spec in mind but may be useful for others good luck
Arousal in Sport GCSE PE

Arousal in Sport GCSE PE

Arousal In sport GCSE PE Powerpoint with tasks, learning strategies, discussion points and past paper question with mark scheme. This powerpoint should take at least 1 lesson to get through (1 hour) gives knowledge of Arousal definition Inverted U theory Arousal control techniques 15 page powerpoint - tasks throughout I hope this helps.
Protein - A Level PE - Diet and Nutrition - Thinking hard

Protein - A Level PE - Diet and Nutrition - Thinking hard

Powerpoint with built in resources to get students thinking and discussing the topic. A basic knowledge of the topic is required before doing this lesson. Can also be used as a revision lesson. Strategies/tasks include - Reduce, Transform, Prioritise, What if? and past paper questions please adapt for your own students. good luck