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'ar' Phonics snap
16 snap cards of words and pictures using the ‘ar’ sounds after w. Made for Year 2 Guided Reading

Year 2 Greater Depth Maths Comparing fractions of amounts
Activity made for Greater Depth Year 2 Maths. Children to use <,> and = to compare 1/2 and 1/4 of amounts.

Year 2 Mastery style Maths- Describing 2D shapes
Quiz describing the properties of 2D shapes for children to guess.
Activity- Children to cut out the 2D shape and name it before filling in stem sentence or writing the stem sentence in their books. This is a __________ because it has ______ sides and ______ corners.

Year 2 Geography- Physical and Human features at the seaside.
Pictures and definitions to support the teaching of human and physical features of the seaside. Aimed at Year 2 but would support KS1 and lower KS2 teaching.

Year 2 Victorian seaside and creating a postcard
Aimed at Year 2 but would support KS1 and KS2 learning about the Victorian seaside. Introduces children to what postcards are and imagining they were at the Victorian seaside. Pictures included to support text.

Year 2 Science. Animals, Including Humans Lesson 1
What humans and animals need to survive and why. Food, water and air. Main task explained on the final slide- Children to create a poster with steps to follow. 1.Name the three basic needs of animals, including humans.
2.Draw and name a species of animal.
3.Write a sentence about why we need either food, water or air.

Year 2 Science. Animals, Including Humans. Lesson 5. Human life-cycle.
Powerpoint going through the stages of the human life-cycle in detail. Final slide to tell the children what to do. Differentiated 2 ways. Lower ability children to cut and stick pictures on the blank life-cycle. Other children to fill it in and complete sentences underneath.

Year 2 Science. Living things and their habitats. Lesson 2.Sorting living, dead and never been alive
Powerpoint recapping how we know if something is living. Identifying objects around the classroom that are living, dead and have never been alive. Main activity differentiated 3 ways. Lower ability- sort pictures into the correct columns. Middle- sort words. Higher- children to write in their own ideas in the table. Addresses National Curriculum.

Year 2 Maths- Interpreting Tally Charts
Smartfile starting with a SATs style question, constructing a class tally chart and asking and answering questions about different tally charts. Activity differentiated 2 ways answering questions about tally charts.

Year 2 Science. Animals, Including Humans. Lesson 4. Keeping fit and good hygiene.
Powerpoint explaining the importance of exercise and good hygiene. Main activity explained on the final slide. Differentiated 2 ways. Children to create a new physical activity and explain why we exercise.

Year 2 Science. Animals, Including Humans. Lesson 6. Animal life-cycles.
Powerpoint explaining how animals grow and change. Life-cycles of different animals but life-cylce of a butterfly in-depth. Main activity differentiated 3 ways. Children creating a butterfly life-cycle out of pasta pieces.

Year 2 Science. Animals, Including Humans. Lesson 2. Five food groups.
Eating a balanced diet. Exploring the five main food groups, what they are and foods you find in them. Final slide explaining main activity. Children need to fill in a blank eatwell plate.

Year 2 Science- Habitats, micro habitats and adaptation
Powerpoint showing definitions of habitats, micro habitats, environment, polar region, deserts, ocean and adaptation. How seals, camels and polar bears are adapted to their environments.

Year 2 Science. Animals, Including Humans. Lesson 3. Healthy Eating.
Powerpoint recapping the five main food groups. Which ones we should have less of and which ones we should eat more of. What healthy eating means. Pictures of packed lunches for children to vote if they are healthy or not and why. Main task explained to children. Differentiated 2 ways. Lower ability- draw a healthy packed lunch. Middle and higher- complete the table about which food you would put in a packed lunch, which food group it belongs in and why they have chosen it.

Year 4 RE- Jesus as an adult. The Good Samaritan
LO: To retell the story of The Good Samaritan.
Powerpoint retelling the Bible story The Good Samaritan.
Activity- Storyboard of The Good Samaritan differentiated 3 ways.

Great Fire of London- Samuel Pepys' Diary
Brief description of Samual Pepys’ Diary encouraging children to think about what he saw, heard and smelt before writing a diary entry imagining they were at the fire.

Year 2 Science. Living things and their habitats. Lesson 1. Living human focus.
Powerpoint explaining how we know something is alive using MRS GREN. Movement, respiration, sensitivity, growth, reproduction, excretion, nutrition. Activity differentiated 3 ways. Children to draw a picture of themselves and use Mrs Gren to explain how they know they are living. Works with Year 2 National Curriculum for Science.

Year 2 Mastery style Maths- Describing 2D shapes and their properties
Year 2 2D shape lesson smartfile.
Mastery Maths style lesson.
Short activities to go through as a class; matching shapes to their names, recognising quadrilaterals and drawing 2D shapes on geoboards.

Ocean Habitat
Definition of marine habitat and animals and plants found there. Information about Dolphins, Octopus, Mangroves and coral reefs. Brief reminder of food chains at the end.

Rainforest as a habitat
Definition of the rainforest as a habitat, information about how the Red- Eyed Tree Frog is adapted and plants of the rainforest.