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Central London Reading Comprehension
A clear and well presented non fiction text that focuses on Central London and some of her landmarks. The questions examine a child’s understanding and inference skills and cover a range of the assessment criteria for the updated National Curriculum. Perfect as part of a series of work on the nation’s capital.

Area of irregular shapes worksheet
8 different irregular shapes for area calculation. Perfect for able Year 4 and Year 5 and 6 classes this pick up and go sheet is an easy solution for your planning issues.

Totem Poles
A range of materials that can be used to support the design of Native American and Pacific Islander Totem Poles. With examples of existing poles and cut outs and design tools this really is everything you need.

Ancient Greek Gods Poster
High quality images with titles of all the major Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses. Perfect for adding detail to your classroom and supporting learners.

Book Review Writing Frame
A formatted and ready to use, differentiated book review frame. Two levels are included to make this easy to use and ready to go and it is easily trimmed to fit in a book or display. Perfect starter activity for after a break.

Pre and Post Assessment Year 5 Fractions
A pre and post assessment for fractions in upper KS2. Perfect to influence planning and form part of assessment.

Pre and Post Assessment Multiplication KS2
A varied pre unit and post unit assessment covering the Year 5/6 multiplication objectives. Ready to go and completable on the sheet or in books.

Non Fiction Book Covers
A range of 20 Non Fiction book front covers perfect for displays and feature hunting lessons!

Charles Dicken's Christmas Carol Activities and Questions KS2
An abridged version of Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol with questions and activities for each of the chapters. Ideally suited to Years 4, 5 and 6 but also easily adapted this is a high quality resource that is ready to pick up and go. Perfect for home learning or the last few weeks of term.

Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe Activities
A selection of activities linked to The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe including a matching game for pictures and words, emotion charts for specific scenes and a truth meter task.

Viking Boy Supporting Materials
A collection of resources to support the teaching Viking Boy. A non fiction text about Iceland, images of Viking objects discussed in the text, a flipchart with modeled writing for a discussion text and a true or false game are all included.

Equivalent Fractions in Shapes Workpack
4 ready to use equivalent fractions sheets covering, quarters, fifths, halves and thirds. This pick up and go resource is editable, clearly structured and perfect for introducing equivalent fractions in a hands on and visual way. A real time saver.

Neil Gaiman Introduction
A detailed powerpoint explaining the early life, career and achievements of the hugely talented Neil Gaiman. Perfect for author studies in reading or English lessons.

Possessive Apostrophes Worksheet
A quick two page apostrophes worksheet using images to support children’s understanding of correct use.

Roman Numerals Converting Activity
A range of ready to use Roman Numeral converting tasks with a converting grid attached on a separate sheet for use if you wish. These problems are ideal for Key Stage 2 and can be used with instruction or as a recap on prior learning.

Antony Gormley Powerpoint
A introductory guide to Antony Gormley and his most famous projects. Using images and information this informative ppt is a great start to a unit of work on his designs and gives children an insight into his methods and philosophy.

Ancient Greece Word Bank
Ready to use, Ancient Greece word bank complete with images, definitions and an alphabetised word listing. This resource is ideal for Key Stage 2 children or to be issued to parents to assist with home learning. Save yourself plenty of time with this ready to go resource.

Multiplying and Dividing by Powers of 10 ppt
An easy to use, highly detailed lesson powerpoint that recaps the basic principles of multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. This is a pick up and go lesson with questions slides for children to attempt either on whiteboards or on the board themselves. A question slide is included at the end so this is a complete lesson ready to go.

Historical Timeline Game
An earlier or later historical timeline game that uses key events from world history to recap and plot events for children.
Using an interesting page format and high quality images this is a great way to test your learners prior knowledge.