Hero image




Quality Street (Context and Representation - Eduqas GCSE Media Studies)

Quality Street (Context and Representation - Eduqas GCSE Media Studies)

A Powerpoint and additional resources on historical/ social/ cultural context and representation of women in the Quality Street advert. This looks at some adverts from the 1950s and discusses the representation of women and the application to the QS advert, as well as introducing some context and setting up for a 5 mark exam question on context.
Intro to This Girl Can - Rep of Women

Intro to This Girl Can - Rep of Women

A PowerPoint introducing The This Girl Can Campaign, with a focus at the beginning of how representations of women have changed in the last 15 years using Getty images as a source. Also introduces Acorn Groupings and 4Cs to allow for understanding of how key groups are targeted.
Introduction To Taylor Swift

Introduction To Taylor Swift

A complete ppt lesson introducing students to the artist for the Component 2 Section B Eduqas exam. It includes information on TS’s evolution as an artist and an introduction to her social media presence. Also included is a marketing resource sheet for use alongside one task.
How to Revise - intro for GCSE students

How to Revise - intro for GCSE students

This is a powerpoint that goes through: The basics - where to revise, creating a routine, fuelling your body correctly Creating a revision timetable - including how many hours, using the 7,5,3,1 method Example timetable Quick intro to Pomodoro Active and Passive revision activities
ACC - Guide to writing an essay - Scrooge as an Outsider

ACC - Guide to writing an essay - Scrooge as an Outsider

This is an extended document designed to help students develop essay writing technique. It focuses on the question ‘How does Dickens present Scrooge as an outsider?’ and provides a scaffold for planning and writing an essay. It includes guidance on creating a thesis statement as well as how to structure paragraphs. The second section of the resource provides space for students to write their own essay with feedback space so they can plan, draft and then edit their own essay.
AIC - Guide to Writing an Essay - Sheila Learning Lessons

AIC - Guide to Writing an Essay - Sheila Learning Lessons

This is an extended document designed to help students develop essay writing technique. It focuses on the question ‘How does Priestley present Sheila as a character who learns important lessons about herself and society’ and provides a scaffold for planning and writing an essay. It includes guidance on creating a thesis statement as well as how to structure paragraphs. The second section of the resource provides space for students to write their own essay with feedback space so they can plan, draft and then edit their own essay.
Eduqas Media Studies Exam Question Pack (Over 60 exam questions) Comp 1

Eduqas Media Studies Exam Question Pack (Over 60 exam questions) Comp 1

This is a 62 slide exam question pack. It covers the Eduqas Media Studies Component 1 products ( Section A - Adverts, Magazines, Newspapers, Film Posters and Section B- Fortnite, The Archers, The Sun Industry/Audiences, No Time To Die Industry). This is for the 2024 exam so includes the Raheem Sterling GQ and the two Covid Newspapers. For the Section A products the pack includes questions and space for answers for Questions 1a,b,c and 2a (please note - 2b comparison questions are not included in this pack). For the Section B products the pack includes questions and space for answers for Questions 3a,b,c,d and 4a,b,c,d (except for No Time To Die which is Industry only - Question 3). There are approximately 64 questions for Section A, and over 100 questions for Section B.
Full SOW: Heroes and Villains in Film, Comics and Literature

Full SOW: Heroes and Villains in Film, Comics and Literature

A 14 lesson scheme of work on Heroes and Villains in Film, Comic and Literature, looking at archetypes, character development and symbolism. Includes a mid-unit assessment on Maleficent, and an optional end of unit assessment on comic design. Resources include: Lesson by lesson scheme of work PPTs for all lessons Additional resources for lesson tasks *Please note, for lesson 10 the comic has not been provided for copyright reasons, but a link to an online version has been provided.