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Mrs Shaw's Shop

Average Rating3.40
(based on 23 reviews)

High-quality, value for money teaching resources covering English language and literature; literacy; history; media and Spanish. With twenty-seven years' teaching experience I know what works in the classroom. Engaging, thorough and fun, your students will love these lessons.




High-quality, value for money teaching resources covering English language and literature; literacy; history; media and Spanish. With twenty-seven years' teaching experience I know what works in the classroom. Engaging, thorough and fun, your students will love these lessons.
La Casa de Bill Gates

La Casa de Bill Gates

Two-page word document with magazine text about Bill Gates’ new house in Spanish (three paragraphs); followed by ten comprehension questions in Spanish; followed by various follow-up activities: Translate a paragraph from Spanish into Engish. Research other philanthropists. Write a paragraph explaining what you like to do for your money. Enough activities to keep students occupied for an hour. Could be used for cover. Activities aimed at GCSE syllabus.
Climate Change Open Letter

Climate Change Open Letter

In 2016 over three hundred scientists wrote an open letter to argue that the United States should not leave the Paris climate change agreement, which was under threat by Donald Trump. This folder contains a Word copy of the letter; a Word copy of the letter annotated with the language techniques used and a Powerpoint (30 slides)that introduces the letter; includes the letter; reviews the techniques and then suggests ideas for students to write their own open letters on a topic of interest to them. Step-by-step help to learn how to write to persuade and to argue a case.
Present Subjunctive in Spanish: Lesson 2

Present Subjunctive in Spanish: Lesson 2

This thirty-eight slide Powerpoint begins with exercises to revise the regular formation of the subjunctive in Spanish of the three verb forms. It then moves on to how to conjungate irregular verb forms. A Word practice sheet is included in the folder. Students are then taught how the Spanish is used to in impersonal expressions that give advice and with verbs that give advice. There are practice exercises that culminate in students writing a letter of advice to a Spanish friend on what to do when they visit their home town. The lesson ends with a quiz to translate the expressions that use the subjunctive into English. A natural follow-on lesson from Present Subjunctive: Introduction. It could also be used as a revision lesson.
Present Subjunctive: Introduction

Present Subjunctive: Introduction

This forty-four slide Powerpoint introduces students to the uses and conjugation of the present subjunctive in its regular forms in easy-to-digest, step-by-step slides. There are exercises to identify when the subjunctive is used, as well as how to conjugate the three verb forms. A consolidation Word worksheet is included that could be used for homework. Learners cannot progress in Spanish without knowing the subjunctive and this is a gentle introduction to what can be a very confusing subject for native English speakers.
Present Subjunctive in Spanish: Lesson 3

Present Subjunctive in Spanish: Lesson 3

With this twenty-four slide Powerpoint students revise the use of the subjunctive to give advice and then learn how it is used to express possibility, probability, doubt, opinions and hopes. After completing various exercises, students write an article for a Spanish newspaper in which they express their opinions on the future of the world and their own hopes and dreams for the future. A vocabulary sheet is included in the folder.
Personify An Element Poem

Personify An Element Poem

Taking three poems which personify the wind as examples, students will be inspired to write their own personification poem on one of the three remaining elements - fire, water or the Earth. The thirty-five slide powerpoint explains how the Ancient Greeks used to personify the four winds. An accompanying worksheet includes a fill-in-the-blank exercise on the key poem and asks students to consider the effect of the personification. Step by step on how to create your own poem to lead to understanding of how and why writers use personification.
Words from French Quiz

Words from French Quiz

Approximately 7,000 words have come into English from French and there are several ‘true friends’, words that are the same in both languages. Surprise your students with how much French they know already with these forty clues to French words. If the clue is too difficult, the first letter of the word is also included on the slide. All answers provided. Students can work independently or in groups and mark their own work.
Idioms from Sailing

Idioms from Sailing

Teach your students the importance of the history of sailing and its effect on the language with three-part lesson. First read a timeline of the history of sailing. Then create sentences with seven idioms from the semantic field of sailing. (Both these terms are explained on the Powerpoint). Finally, students create and educational poster to explain the origin of idiomatic expressions from the world of sailing.