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AAt Cambridge For Kids, we create engaging and educational audiobooks, comprehension activities, and scripts focused on History and Science for young learners. Perfect for home learning, our content is designed to be clear and accessible, with each episode under 10 minutes long, making complex topics easy to understand for children of all ages. Our content is written and narrated by Matthew John Brooks, a Cambridge University archaeologist with a passion for making learning fun and interactive.




AAt Cambridge For Kids, we create engaging and educational audiobooks, comprehension activities, and scripts focused on History and Science for young learners. Perfect for home learning, our content is designed to be clear and accessible, with each episode under 10 minutes long, making complex topics easy to understand for children of all ages. Our content is written and narrated by Matthew John Brooks, a Cambridge University archaeologist with a passion for making learning fun and interactive.
Lighthouse of Alexandria | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

Lighthouse of Alexandria | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

Designed for home / independent learning and aimed at children and young adults who are looking to further their knowledge in all things Ancient History and Science. Episodes are all under 10 minutes, packed full of information that is easy for children of all ages to understand. Typically taking around 30-45 mins to complete. Written and narrated by Cambridge University archaeologist Matthew Brooks. Lighthouse of Alexandria. The Lighthouse at Alexandria was the first known lighthouse and stood for 1600 years on the coast of Egypt. It was built on the island of Pharos, to help guide trade ships into its busy harbor at Alexandria. The lighthouse was damaged by several earthquakes and eventually became an abandoned ruin. WHAT AM I BUYING? A downloadable audio file (mp3) Comprehension questions (.docx) Comprehension activities (.docx) Answer sheets (.docx) EBook script of the episode (.docx) WHEN CAN I GET IT? Instantly As soon as payment has cleared your downloads will become available The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: Episode 1- The Hanging Gardens of Babylon Episode 2- The Colossus of Rhodes Episode 3- The Temple of Artemis Episode 4 – The Lighthouse of Alexandria Episode 5- The Statue of Zeus at Olympia Episode 6 – The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus Episode 7- The Great Pyramid of Giza
Greek Theatre & Literature | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheet

Greek Theatre & Literature | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheet

Designed for home / independent learning and aimed at children and young adults who are looking to further their knowledge in all things Ancient History and Science. Episodes are all under 10 minutes, packed full of information that is easy for children of all ages to understand. Typically taking around 30-45 mins to complete. Written and narrated by Cambridge University archaeologist Matthew Brooks. Literature and The Theatre. One of the favorite forms of entertainment for the Ancient Greeks was the Theatre. It began as part of a festival to the Greek god Dionysus but eventually became extremely popular amongst the public and nobility. Literature and theatre were an important aspect of Greek culture and helped influence modern drama, bringing together elements of myth, ritual, religion, dance, and music. WHAT AM I BUYING? A downloadable audio file (mp3) Comprehension questions (.docx) Comprehension activities (.docx) Answer sheets (.docx) EBook script of the episode (.docx) WHEN CAN I GET IT? Instantly As soon as payment has cleared your downloads will become available The Ancient Greeks: Episode 1 – Introduction to Ancient Greece Episode 2 – The Olympic Games Episode 3 – Government and Law Episode 4 – Philosophy, the First Thinkers Episode 5 – Literature and the Theatre Episode 6 – Architecture and Art Episode 7 – Greek Mythology Episode 8 – Athens and Sparta Episode 9 – The Olympian Gods Episode 10 – The Lasting Legacy of the Greeks
Cleopatra | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

Cleopatra | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

Cleopatra. Cleopatra, who reigned as queen of Egypt during the 1st century B.C., is one of the most famous female rulers in history. Her life inspired a Shakespeare play and several movies. Famous in history and drama as the lover of Julius Caesar and later as the wife of Mark Antony. She was the last of a series of rulers called the Ptolemies who ruled Egypt for nearly 300 years. She was also the last true pharaoh of Egypt. Designed for classroom | home | distance learning and aimed at children and young adults who are looking to further their knowledge in all things Ancient History and Science. Episodes are all under 10 minutes, packed full of information that is easy for children of all ages to understand. Typically taking around 30-45 mins to complete. Written and narrated by Cambridge University archaeologist Matthew Brooks. The Audiobook of Unit 5 - Cleopatra. Students will be able to ask and answer questions about key details in this audiobook using the eBook and Comprehension Questions. Listen - Read - Answer Listen to this Audiobook Cleopatra Read along using the eBook (with visuals) Answer Comprehension Questions and Activities Covered in this Audiobook: Ptolemy Dynasty Alexander the Great Battle of Actium Roman propaganda Betrayal Julius Caesar Mark Antony Tragedy The last pharaoh WHAT AM I BUYING? A downloadable audio file (mp3) WHEN CAN I GET IT? Instantly As soon as payment has cleared your downloads will become available The Age of The Egyptians Series: Unit 1 – Introduction to the Egyptians Unit 2 – The River Nile Unit 3 – Hieroglyphics Unit 4 – Inventions Unit 5 – Cleopatra Unit 6 – Tutankhamuns Curse Unit 7 – The Great Pyramid Unit 8 – Burial Customs and Beliefs Unit 9 – Art and Architecture Unit 10 – The Legacy of Ancient Egypt Follow Us
Discovering  Dinosaurs | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

Discovering Dinosaurs | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

Designed for home / independent learning and aimed at children and young adults who are looking to further their knowledge in all things Ancient History and Science. Episodes are all under 10 minutes, packed full of information that is easy for children of all ages to understand. Typically taking around 30-45 mins to complete. Written and narrated by Cambridge University archaeologist Matthew Brooks. The Discovery of Dinosaurs Existence. Ancient peoples most likely uncovered fossils of dinosaur bones from time to time, but they had no idea what they had found. Ancient Chinese writings from over 2000 years ago found “dragon” bones. In 1676, Reverend Robert Plot discovered a large thigh bone in England. He believed it belonged to an ancient species of human “giants”. Today we call them, dinosaurs! WHAT AM I BUYING? A downloadable audio file (mp3) Comprehension questions (.docx) Comprehension activities (.docx) Answer sheets (.docx) EBook script of the episode (.docx) WHEN CAN I GET IT? Instantly As soon as payment has cleared your downloads will become available When Dinosaurs Roamed the Earth: Episode 1 – Evolution and the Origins of Life Episode 2 – The Dinosaurs Episode 3 – Biology, the Biggest, the Smallest, and the Strangest Episode 4 – The Discovery of Dinosaurs Existence Episode 5 – Modern-day Study of Dinosaurs Episode 6 – The T-Rex, King of Dinosaurs Episode 7 – Velociraptor, the Smartest Creature to ever walk Earth? Episode 8 – The Herbivores Episode 9 – The Extinction Episode 10 – Could we bring dinosaurs back?
Ancient Greek Architecture | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheet

Ancient Greek Architecture | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheet

Designed for home / independent learning and aimed at children and young adults who are looking to further their knowledge in all things Ancient History and Science. Episodes are all under 10 minutes, packed full of information that is easy for children of all ages to understand. Typically taking around 30-45 mins to complete. Written and narrated by Cambridge University archaeologist Matthew Brooks. Ancient Greek Architecture and Art. Ancient Greek architects and artists have provided some of the finest and most unique buildings ever seen in the ancient world. Through the design and use of their temples, sculptures, and pottery, the Greeks would live by a central code, which was clear to see in their art and architecture. They would, in turn, be responsible for the start of classical design, which now dominates the western world. WHAT AM I BUYING? A downloadable audio file (mp3) Comprehension questions (.docx) Comprehension activities (.docx) Answer sheets (.docx) EBook script of the episode (.docx) WHEN CAN I GET IT? Instantly As soon as payment has cleared your downloads will become available The Ancient Greeks: Episode 1 – Introduction to Ancient Greece Episode 2 – The Olympic Games Episode 3 – Government and Law Episode 4 – Philosophy, the First Thinkers Episode 5 – Literature and the Theatre Episode 6 – Architecture and Art Episode 7 – Greek Mythology Episode 8 – Athens and Sparta Episode 9 – The Olympian Gods Episode 10 – The Lasting Legacy of the Greeks
Life as a Roman | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

Life as a Roman | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

Designed for home / independent learning and aimed at children and young adults who are looking to further their knowledge in all things Ancient History and Science. Episodes are all under 10 minutes, packed full of information that is easy for children of all ages to understand. Typically taking around 30-45 mins to complete. Written and narrated by Cambridge University archaeologist Matthew Brooks. Life as a Roman. Everyday life in a Roman city was totally reliant on your status in society. The city, however, contained a mix of rich and poor people. The rich had the advantage of slave labor, whether it was warming the water at the baths, cooking and serving them their late afternoon meal, or educating their children. The poor, on the other hand, had no education, lived in run-down apartment blocks, and lived off the assistance of the state. WHAT AM I BUYING? A downloadable audio file (mp3) Comprehension questions (.docx) Comprehension activities (.docx) Answer sheets (.docx) EBook script of the episode (.docx) WHEN CAN I GET IT? Instantly As soon as payment has cleared your downloads will become available The Rise of the Roman Empire: Episode 1 – Introduction to the Roman Empire Episode 2 – The Roman Conquest and Expansion Episode 3 – Romans and the Economy Episode 4 – Inventions of Transportation Episode 5 – Architecture and Engineering Episode 6 – Life as a Roman Episode 7 – The Arts and the Romans Episode 8 – Julius Caesar Episode 9 – Latin Literature and the shaping of modern-day English Episode 10 – The Legacy of the Romans
Tutankhamun's Curse | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

Tutankhamun's Curse | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

Tutankhamun’s Curse. The Pharaoh Tutankhamun died in 1323 BC aged around 18. His body was moved to the Valley of the Kings, across the Nile from the city of Luxor in Egypt. When famous British archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922 it was worldwide news but, what got more headlines was the story of the Curse of the Pharaoh, which is said to still exist today. Designed for classroom | home | distance learning and aimed at children and young adults who are looking to further their knowledge in all things Ancient History and Science. Episodes are all under 10 minutes, packed full of information that is easy for children of all ages to understand. Typically taking around 30-45 mins to complete. Written and narrated by Cambridge University archaeologist Matthew Brooks. The Audiobook of Unit 6 - Tutankhamuns Curse. Students will be able to ask and answer questions about key details in this audiobook using the eBook and Comprehension Questions. Listen - Read - Answer Listen to this Audiobook Tutankhamuns Curse Read along using the eBook (with visuals) Answer Comprehension Questions and Activities Covered in this Audiobook: Carter’s Discovery Lord Carnavon The burial chamber The curse An evil force Media frenzy Real or made up? An explanation WHAT AM I BUYING? A downloadable audio file (mp3) WHEN CAN I GET IT? Instantly As soon as payment has cleared your downloads will become available The Age of The Egyptians Series: Unit 1 – Introduction to the Egyptians Unit 2 – The River Nile Unit 3 – Hieroglyphics Unit 4 – Inventions Unit 5 – Cleopatra Unit 6 – Tutankhamuns Curse Unit 7 – The Great Pyramid Unit 8 – Burial Customs and Beliefs Unit 9 – Art and Architecture Unit 10 – The Legacy of Ancient Egypt Follow Us
The T-Rex | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

The T-Rex | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

Designed for home / independent learning and aimed at children and young adults who are looking to further their knowledge in all things Ancient History and Science. Episodes are all under 10 minutes, packed full of information that is easy for children of all ages to understand. Typically taking around 30-45 mins to complete. Written and narrated by Cambridge University archaeologist Matthew Brooks. The Tyrannosaurus Rex​. The name Tyrannosaurus Rex means ‘king of the tyrant lizards’ in Greek. It stood 4m tall and 12m long and weighed as much as 9 tons. It had very powerful legs and a muscular tail, which was necessary to balance its large, heavy head and permitted it to move quickly. Studies suggest the giant could run 10 to 25 mph. The T-rex’s bite could utilize up to 13,000 pounds of pressure, which is equal to the force of a medium-sized elephant falling on top of you. WHAT AM I BUYING? A downloadable audio file (mp3) Comprehension questions (.docx) Comprehension activities (.docx) Answer sheets (.docx) EBook script of the episode (.docx) WHEN CAN I GET IT? Instantly As soon as payment has cleared your downloads will become available When Dinosaurs Roamed the Earth: Episode 1 – Evolution and the Origins of Life Episode 2 – The Dinosaurs Episode 3 – Biology, the Biggest, the Smallest, and the Strangest Episode 4 – The Discovery of Dinosaurs Existence Episode 5 – Modern-day Study of Dinosaurs Episode 6 – The T-Rex, King of Dinosaurs Episode 7 – Velociraptor, the Smartest Creature to ever walk Earth? Episode 8 – The Herbivores Episode 9 – The Extinction Episode 10 – Could we bring dinosaurs back?
Mausoleum at Halicarnassus | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheet

Mausoleum at Halicarnassus | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheet

Designed for home / independent learning and aimed at children and young adults who are looking to further their knowledge in all things Ancient History and Science. Episodes are all under 10 minutes, packed full of information that is easy for children of all ages to understand. Typically taking around 30-45 mins to complete. Written and narrated by Cambridge University archaeologist Matthew Brooks. Mausoleum at Halicarnassus. It was a huge burial chamber built for Mausolus, the leader of Caria and governor of the Persian Empire, in 350 BC. It was built using Persia’s rich source of marble, set on a rectangular platform, and contained Ionic columns with a stepped roof in the shape of a pyramid. On top of the roof was a gigantic statue of Mausolus riding a chariot, in the image of Hercules. WHAT AM I BUYING? A downloadable audio file (mp3) Comprehension questions (.docx) Comprehension activities (.docx) Answer sheets (.docx) EBook script of the episode (.docx) WHEN CAN I GET IT? Instantly As soon as payment has cleared your downloads will become available The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: Episode 1- The Hanging Gardens of Babylon Episode 2- The Colossus of Rhodes Episode 3- The Temple of Artemis Episode 4 – The Lighthouse of Alexandria Episode 5- The Statue of Zeus at Olympia Episode 6 – The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus Episode 7- The Great Pyramid of Giza
Statue of Zeus at Olympia | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

Statue of Zeus at Olympia | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

Designed for home / independent learning and aimed at children and young adults who are looking to further their knowledge in all things Ancient History and Science. Episodes are all under 10 minutes, packed full of information that is easy for children of all ages to understand. Typically taking around 30-45 mins to complete. Written and narrated by Cambridge University archaeologist Matthew Brooks. Statue of Zeus at Olympia. The Statue of Zeus was a massive 12 meters high, statue of the god Zeus, the King of the Ancient Greek gods. The statue was made from an inner wooden structure then enclosed with luxurious materials such as ivory, ebony, bronze, gold leaf, and precious jewels. Zeus’s eyes were made of vibrant gems and around his head was a silver olive branch. The statue of Zeus stood for over 800 years and was considered the biggest statue the Ancient Greeks ever created. WHAT AM I BUYING? A downloadable audio file (mp3) Comprehension questions (.docx) Comprehension activities (.docx) Answer sheets (.docx) EBook script of the episode (.docx) WHEN CAN I GET IT? Instantly As soon as payment has cleared your downloads will become available The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: Episode 1- The Hanging Gardens of Babylon Episode 2- The Colossus of Rhodes Episode 3- The Temple of Artemis Episode 4 – The Lighthouse of Alexandria Episode 5- The Statue of Zeus at Olympia Episode 6 – The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus Episode 7- The Great Pyramid of Giza
The Study of Dinosaurs | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

The Study of Dinosaurs | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

Designed for home / independent learning and aimed at children and young adults who are looking to further their knowledge in all things Ancient History and Science. Episodes are all under 10 minutes, packed full of information that is easy for children of all ages to understand. Typically taking around 30-45 mins to complete. Written and narrated by Cambridge University archaeologist Matthew Brooks. Modern Day Study of Dinosaurs. In these modern times, we are just beginning to decode the information hidden within the fossil record. But keeping in mind that these remains have changed from their original living state to fossils over millions of years. Nevertheless, scientists are making huge progress in the way this research is obtained. These new techniques have also helped develop new medicine for the sick. WHAT AM I BUYING? A downloadable audio file (mp3) Comprehension questions (.docx) Comprehension activities (.docx) Answer sheets (.docx) EBook script of the episode (.docx) WHEN CAN I GET IT? Instantly As soon as payment has cleared your downloads will become available When Dinosaurs Roamed the Earth: Episode 1 – Evolution and the Origins of Life Episode 2 – The Dinosaurs Episode 3 – Biology, the Biggest, the Smallest, and the Strangest Episode 4 – The Discovery of Dinosaurs Existence Episode 5 – Modern-day Study of Dinosaurs Episode 6 – The T-Rex, King of Dinosaurs Episode 7 – Velociraptor, the Smartest Creature to ever walk Earth? Episode 8 – The Herbivores Episode 9 – The Extinction Episode 10 – Could we bring dinosaurs back?
Ancient Greek Mythology | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

Ancient Greek Mythology | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

Designed for home / independent learning and aimed at children and young adults who are looking to further their knowledge in all things Ancient History and Science. Episodes are all under 10 minutes, packed full of information that is easy for children of all ages to understand. Typically taking around 30-45 mins to complete. Written and narrated by Cambridge University archaeologist Matthew Brooks. Greek Mythology. Thousands of years ago people did not have sciences like we have today to help them understand life. Ancient Greek people could see sickness, death, and natural disasters, but they did not understand what caused them. Mythology in the ancient world was used as a way to explain these things which contained monsters, bizarre beasts, and the gods. WHAT AM I BUYING? A downloadable audio file (mp3) Comprehension questions (.docx) Comprehension activities (.docx) Answer sheets (.docx) EBook script of the episode (.docx) WHEN CAN I GET IT? Instantly As soon as payment has cleared your downloads will become available The Ancient Greeks: Episode 1 – Introduction to Ancient Greece Episode 2 – The Olympic Games Episode 3 – Government and Law Episode 4 – Philosophy, the First Thinkers Episode 5 – Literature and the Theatre Episode 6 – Architecture and Art Episode 7 – Greek Mythology Episode 8 – Athens and Sparta Episode 9 – The Olympian Gods Episode 10 – The Lasting Legacy of the Greeks
Who were the Greeks? | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

Who were the Greeks? | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

Designed for home / independent learning and aimed at children and young adults who are looking to further their knowledge in all things Ancient History and Science. Episodes are all under 10 minutes, packed full of information that is easy for children of all ages to understand. Typically taking around 30-45 mins to complete. Written and narrated by Cambridge University archaeologist Matthew Brooks. Introduction to Ancient Greece - Packed full of political, philosophical, artistic, and scientific achievements that formed a lasting legacy. WHAT AM I BUYING? A downloadable audio file (mp3) Comprehension questions (.docx) Comprehension activities (.docx) Answer sheets (.docx) EBook script of the episode (.docx) WHEN CAN I GET IT? Instantly As soon as payment has cleared your downloads will become available The Ancient Greeks: Episode 1 – Introduction to Ancient Greece Episode 2 – The Olympic Games Episode 3 – Government and Law Episode 4 – Philosophy, the First Thinkers Episode 5 – Literature and the Theatre Episode 6 – Architecture and Art Episode 7 – Greek Mythology Episode 8 – Athens and Sparta Episode 9 – The Olympian Gods Episode 10 – The Lasting Legacy of the Greeks
Who were the Romans? | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

Who were the Romans? | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

Designed for home / independent learning and aimed at children and young adults who are looking to further their knowledge in all things Ancient History and Science. Episodes are all under 10 minutes, packed full of information that is easy for children of all ages to understand. Typically taking around 30-45 mins to complete. Written and narrated by Cambridge University archaeologist Matthew Brooks. Introduction to The Roman Empire. The mighty Roman Empire’s rise and fall, its culture, economy, and famous leaders, and how it laid the foundations of the modern world. All will be revealed in this epic series. WHAT AM I BUYING? A downloadable audio file (mp3) Comprehension questions (.docx) Comprehension activities (.docx) Answer sheets (.docx) EBook script of the episode (.docx) WHEN CAN I GET IT? Instantly As soon as payment has cleared your downloads will become available The Rise of the Roman Empire: Episode 1 – Introduction to the Roman Empire Episode 2 – The Roman Conquest and Expansion Episode 3 – Romans and the Economy Episode 4 – Inventions of Transportation Episode 5 – Architecture and Engineering Episode 6 – Life as a Roman Episode 7 – The Arts and the Romans Episode 8 – Julius Caesar Episode 9 – Latin Literature and the shaping of modern-day English Episode 10 – The Legacy of the Romans
Roman Art | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

Roman Art | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

Designed for home / independent learning and aimed at children and young adults who are looking to further their knowledge in all things Ancient History and Science. Episodes are all under 10 minutes, packed full of information that is easy for children of all ages to understand. Typically taking around 30-45 mins to complete. Written and narrated by Cambridge University archaeologist Matthew Brooks. Ancient Roman Art. The Romans greatly appreciated the ancient Greeks, especially their art. Instead of inventing new forms of art the Romans simply copied Greek styles and called them Roman. But where they truly flourished was in their revolutionary architecture, portraits, and carved relief sculptures. WHAT AM I BUYING? A downloadable audio file (mp3) Comprehension questions (.docx) Comprehension activities (.docx) Answer sheets (.docx) EBook script of the episode (.docx) WHEN CAN I GET IT? Instantly As soon as payment has cleared your downloads will become available The Rise of the Roman Empire: Episode 1 – Introduction to the Roman Empire Episode 2 – The Roman Conquest and Expansion Episode 3 – Romans and the Economy Episode 4 – Inventions of Transportation Episode 5 – Architecture and Engineering Episode 6 – Life as a Roman Episode 7 – The Arts and the Romans Episode 8 – Julius Caesar Episode 9 – Latin Literature and the shaping of modern-day English Episode 10 – The Legacy of the Romans
Hanging Gardens of Babylon | Distance Learning| Audio & Comprehension Activities

Hanging Gardens of Babylon | Distance Learning| Audio & Comprehension Activities

Designed for home / independent learning and aimed at children and young adults who are looking to further their knowledge in all things Ancient History and Science. Episodes are all under 10 minutes, packed full of information that is easy for children of all ages to understand. Typically taking around 30-45 mins to complete. Written and narrated by Cambridge University archaeologist Matthew Brooks. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon - The Hanging Gardens were ancient botanical gardens and thought to have been sited near the royal palace in Babylon, the capital city of the civilization Babylonia, which is in modern-day Iraq. The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World were marvels of architecture, human ingenuity, and engineering on a scale that even the greatest minds today would struggle to reproduce. How did the ancients manage such a feat? Let’s find out. WHAT AM I BUYING? A downloadable audio file (mp3) Comprehension questions (.docx) Comprehension activities (.docx) Answer sheets (.docx) EBook script of the episode (.docx) WHEN CAN I GET IT? Instantly As soon as payment has cleared your downloads will become available The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: Episode 1- The Hanging Gardens of Babylon Episode 2- The Colossus of Rhodes Episode 3- The Temple of Artemis Episode 4 – The Lighthouse of Alexandria Episode 5- The Statue of Zeus at Olympia Episode 6 – The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus Episode 7- The Great Pyramid of Giza
The Great Pyramid of Giza | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

The Great Pyramid of Giza | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

Designed for home / independent learning and aimed at children and young adults who are looking to further their knowledge in all things Ancient History and Science. Episodes are all under 10 minutes, packed full of information that is easy for children of all ages to understand. Typically taking around 30-45 mins to complete. Written and narrated by Cambridge University archaeologist Matthew Brooks. The Great Pyramid of Giza. Situated on the Giza plateau near the modern-day city of Cairo in Egypt, the Great Pyramid was the tallest structure ever built until the 19th century. Part of a royal burial complex it rises to a height of 146m and is made up of over two million blocks of hand-worked stone. But important questions still linger over the pyramids. How was it built? And who built them? WHAT AM I BUYING? A downloadable audio file (mp3) Comprehension questions (.docx) Comprehension activities (.docx) Answer sheets (.docx) EBook script of the episode (.docx) WHEN CAN I GET IT? Instantly As soon as payment has cleared your downloads will become available The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: Episode 1- The Hanging Gardens of Babylon Episode 2- The Colossus of Rhodes Episode 3- The Temple of Artemis Episode 4 – The Lighthouse of Alexandria Episode 5- The Statue of Zeus at Olympia Episode 6 – The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus Episode 7- The Great Pyramid of Giza
Egyptian Customs & Beliefs | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheet

Egyptian Customs & Beliefs | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheet

Egyptian Customs and Beliefs. Ancient Egyptians believed that each person’s soul was immortal. In order for the soul to reach the afterlife a complex, traditional set of customs was required, sometimes ending with mummification. If these rites were not completed the dead would come back to haunt the living in the form of a ghost. In this episode, you will learn about burial customs and what they represented. The nine aspects of the soul. The use of shabti dolls to work for the god Osiris. And the different realms of the afterlife such as the Hall of Truth and the Field of Reeds. Designed for classroom | home | distance learning and aimed at children and young adults who are looking to further their knowledge in all things Ancient History and Science. Episodes are all under 10 minutes, packed full of information that is easy for children of all ages to understand. Typically taking around 30-45 mins to complete. Written and narrated by Cambridge University archaeologist Matthew Brooks. The Audiobook of Unit 8 - Burial Customs and Beliefs. Students will be able to ask and answer questions about key details in this audiobook using the eBook and Comprehension Questions. Listen - Read - Answer Listen to this Audiobook Burial Customs and Beliefs Read along using the eBook (with visuals) Answer Comprehension Questions and Activities Covered in this Audiobook: The Field of Reeds Mummification The soul Burial practices Rituals Shabti dolls Anubis & The Hall of Truth WHAT AM I BUYING? A downloadable audio file (mp3) WHEN CAN I GET IT? Instantly As soon as payment has cleared your downloads will become available The Age of The Egyptians Series: Unit 1 – Introduction to the Egyptians Unit 2 – The River Nile Unit 3 – Hieroglyphics Unit 4 – Inventions Unit 5 – Cleopatra Unit 6 – Tutankhamuns Curse Unit 7 – The Great Pyramid Unit 8 – Burial Customs and Beliefs Unit 9 – Art and Architecture Unit 10 – The Legacy of Ancient Egypt Follow Us
The Velociraptor | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

The Velociraptor | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Worksheets

Designed for home / independent learning and aimed at children and young adults who are looking to further their knowledge in all things Ancient History and Science. Episodes are all under 10 minutes, packed full of information that is easy for children of all ages to understand. Typically taking around 30-45 mins to complete. Written and narrated by Cambridge University archaeologist Matthew Brooks. The Velociraptor. Velociraptors walked the Earth during the late Cretaceous period, about 90 to 65 million years ago, and are closely related to modern birds. Extremely clever and deadly predators, these turkey-sized dinosaurs evolved to become perfect trackers and some could even glide using strong feathered wings. WHAT AM I BUYING? A downloadable audio file (mp3) Comprehension questions (.docx) Comprehension activities (.docx) Answer sheets (.docx) EBook script of the episode (.docx) WHEN CAN I GET IT? Instantly As soon as payment has cleared your downloads will become available When Dinosaurs Roamed the Earth: Episode 1 – Evolution and the Origins of Life Episode 2 – The Dinosaurs Episode 3 – Biology, the Biggest, the Smallest, and the Strangest Episode 4 – The Discovery of Dinosaurs Existence Episode 5 – Modern-day Study of Dinosaurs Episode 6 – The T-Rex, King of Dinosaurs Episode 7 – Velociraptor, the Smartest Creature to ever walk Earth? Episode 8 – The Herbivores Episode 9 – The Extinction Episode 10 – Could we bring dinosaurs back?
Evolution & the Origins of Life | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Work

Evolution & the Origins of Life | Distance Learning | Audio & Comprehension Work

Designed for home / independent learning and aimed at children and young adults who are looking to further their knowledge in all things Ancient History and Science. Episodes are all under 10 minutes, packed full of information that is easy for children of all ages to understand. Typically taking around 30-45 mins to complete. Written and narrated by Cambridge University archaeologist Matthew Brooks. Evolution and the Origins of Life - The theory formed by Charles Darwin, which was outlined in his book The Origin of Species written in 1859, clarified how a single common ancestor could have created the huge variety of life that we find today. WHAT AM I BUYING? A downloadable audio file (mp3) Comprehension questions (.docx) Comprehension activities (.docx) Answer sheets (.docx) EBook script of the episode (.docx) WHEN CAN I GET IT? Instantly As soon as payment has cleared your downloads will become available When Dinosaurs Roamed the Earth: Episode 1 – Evolution and the Origins of Life Episode 2 – The Dinosaurs Episode 3 – Biology, the Biggest, the Smallest, and the Strangest Episode 4 – The Discovery of Dinosaurs Existence Episode 5 – Modern-day Study of Dinosaurs Episode 6 – The T-Rex, King of Dinosaurs Episode 7 – Velociraptor, the Smartest Creature to ever walk Earth? Episode 8 – The Herbivores Episode 9 – The Extinction Episode 10 – Could we bring dinosaurs back?