A matching and labeling activity for how structure and presentation of texts contribute to their meaning
Children need to match the device to the definition.
There is also an example text that uses all these devices that the children could label/find examples of each device
The activity is differentiated for higher and lower ability
Presentation first gets children to think about the best way to act in an emergency. There is a link to a video on the St John’s Ambulance website that goes through the recovery procedure step by step.
I got my children into pairs and they took it in turns to follow this step by step, I paused the video a lot so they could keep up. Finally I asked them to tell me what the next step was before hitting play to see if they could remember.
There is a differentiated matching activity to finish, where children match the picture to the sentence and put them in the correct order. The HA version also has some missing vocabulary.
Please note I do not own any of the images used in these resources.
A fantastic lesson that generated some great discussion about jobs and their salaries. The discussion was so rich in mine that it carried over two lessons.
First children are given cards with different jobs (discuss any unfamiliar to children before starting). They are asked to rank them from most important to least important and give feedback on their answers.
They are then asked to consider what they think the salary for each job might be and try to match these. The powerpoint then reveals the average salaries in descending order. This generates excellent discussion about whether this is fair, which jobs should earn less/more, are you surprised by any etc
As a final activity children can research a job they would like to pursue in the future and then create an advert for this job based on what they have found. I have included a SEN template, a word mat and some links for useful websites.
Please note I do not own any of the images used in the presentation.
The starter activity is a glossary, matching key words to their definition. It is differentiated for higher and lower (higher have ore words)
The presentation then discusses why we experience night and day. There are lots of youtube links to help visual learners.
The main activity requires children to shade in a diagram and then explain why we experience night and day.
Higher children have key words and need to write their own sentences
Lower children fill in missing words
SEN children have first letter of each missing word
Please note I do not own any of the pictures or videos used in these resources.
This lovely powerpoint is great to use in the first half term and encourages children to think about what they want to achieve by the end of the academic year. It encourages children to think about the impact of their words and actions on those around them and consider how to make better choices.
The first activity in the presentation has a blank space for your school’s mission statement. You could discuss the key words as a class or make it into an activity for their books. I personally put the key words on stickers, got the children to match them to a definition and then think of a way to show that quality. More able pupils used dictionaries to support their own definitions. For the other children I put the definitions on stickers and they had to match them up.
Children then need to think of 6 goals for the year ahead - 3 personal and 3 learning (the powerpoint discusses the difference) - which they can record on the worksheet
As a reflection at the end of the lesson they can start to think about how they can achieve these
Complete writing unit pack includes:
Instructions and guidance
11 lesson plans
Slides for each lesson
Model Text
Example story map images
Paper resources (where relevant)
Vocabulary flashcards for display
Guidance includes advise for differentiation, building vocabulary, oral rehearsal and extension activities.
Please leave a review if you enjoy this unit! You can also tag/message me on Instagram @carlyoconnortutoring
The session starts by playing Chinese whispers to show children how the original information has been changed and distorted. The presentation then explains rumours and how this can be a form of bullying like name calling.
Children are given a scenario to discuss - Is the child being bullied? What could she do that would make the situation better? What would make it worse?
For the main activity you will need boards/mats for snakes and ladders (or alternatively print some from online). Children will need to come up with a bullying scenario using a particular theme e.g. racism. They need to create two sets of cards. One set for things that will make the situation better (for when a player lands on a ladder) and one et for things that will make the situation worse (for when a player lands on a snake).
Please note I do not own any of the images used in this presentation.
Maths questions focusing on place value within 20.
Ideal for assessment at the start and end of a unit.
Pictoral representations
Counting forwards and backwards
Matching words to numerals
Part-whole representations
1 more/1 less
Using more than, less than and equal to symbols ><=
Comparing pictoral representations
Ordering smallest to greatest
Includes an editable word version and a pdf version
Aligns with White Rose
Presentation that explains each type of bullying and the difference between them.
There are scenarios for the children to discuss.
The main activity has examples of bullying for the children to sort into direct or indirect (sticker format)
Please note I do not own any of the images used in these resources.
This bundle of activities are fantastic for teaching children how to proof read and spot mistakes in writing.
The two booklets contain three different activities using extracts from Roald Dahl stories. First pupils look at punctuation errors, then common spelling mistakes and finally improving grammar and vocabulary. Both booklets are the same but the LA has fewer mistakes to find.
The extension activity brings all these skills together. The column with hints down the side could easily be removed for more able children.
The lesson 2 activities also bring all these skills together, with a table to support pupils in ensuring they have found ALL the errors. Again, the LA document has fewer errors to find.
Maths questions focusing on addition and subtraction within 10.
Ideal for assessment at the start and end of a unit.
Part-whole models
Completing number sentences with and without pictures for support
Word problems
Number bonds to 10
Fact families
Comparing number bonds
Includes an editable word version and a pdf version
Aligns with White Rose
Maths questions focusing on multiplication and division problems.
Ideal for assessment at the start and end of a unit.
Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s with pictures for support
Repeated addition
Sharing equally
Includes an editable word version and a pdf version
Aligns with White Rose
A great presentation that first looks at ideas around ‘normal’ body types and how to promote a healthy body image. It then moves onto looking at images presented in the media and how these have been altered, including some useful web links.
The main activity challenges children to think about someone they admire and come up with reasons why, without solely focusing on their looks.
Please note I do not own any of the images used in these resources.
A lovely lesson that requires children to consider what they want in the futue and where they see themselves at certain ages.
You can also look at dreams of childen in other cultures. For the slide that asks children to look at the pictures on their table, I would simply google ‘children in other cultures’ and choose some suitable images. I believe I used a child in a school that looked very dofferent to our own schools, a child carrying lots of bottles and buckets of water and a child using tools to gather crops.
The BBC learning clip (link on power point) generated some excellent discussion. For the book activity you could create a Venn diagram for own dreams and Evangeline’s dreams. I did not have time in my lesson so we simply answered the questions on the slide.
Please note I do not own any of the images used in the presentation
Alphabetical display for tricky words. Editable. A4.
Top tip: Keep in the same place throughout year and refer to it as often as possible when model writing.
A two part activity that requires pupils to identify the abstract verb n each sentence. They will then be given a choice of abstract verbs to use in sentences.
A good activity for more able pupils to complete during grammar lessons on verbs.
This looks at all aspects of a helathy lifestyle rather than just focusing on food. It is a great powerpoint to use at the end of a Healthy Me unit as it brings everything togther and consolidates learning
Please note I do not own any of the images used in this resource.
Maths questions focusing on recognising numbers to 10 and counting within 10.
Ideal for assessment at the start and end of a unit.
Ordering digits 0-5
Counting objects (array and non-array)
Colouring/crossing out objects
Includes an editable word version and a pdf version
Aligns with White Rose