I am a History Teacher with a love for producing high quality and easily accessible history lessons, which I have accumulated and adapted throughout my teaching career.
I am a History Teacher with a love for producing high quality and easily accessible history lessons, which I have accumulated and adapted throughout my teaching career.
Why was slavery abolished?
LO: to analyse the different interpretations for why slavery was abolished.
Key words:
popular movement
Interpretations lesson: This lesson comes with the powerpoint and hand out outlining the 3 different interpretations of why slavery ended. It lends itself to debate among students and is a great way to help them develop their explaining and reasoning skills.
How did enslaved women experience slavery?
Lo: To understand how enslaved women experienced slavery and begin to evaluate why it was different for them.
fully resourced: Powerpoint and word doc hand out included
fully editable
answers included
KS3 or 4
stretch and challenge
This is a complete lesson that delves into the experiences of enslaved womens experiences of slavery in particular. Slavery was cruel to every person subjected to it. However men and women experienced slavery in different ways. It is important to note these differences. This lesson outlines how women experienced slavery in particular. They had different vantage points to men and were in some ways more vulnerable to some of the most horrific parts of the institution of slavery. The activities include reading hand out with knowledge check questions, think/pair/share and source work. Answers are all included.