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Make Pancake Faces Printable
Create faces on pancakes using the toppings included in this printable activity.
Download information:
1 x pdf document
Download contains:
2 x pancake and toppings together on one page
2 x larger pancake templates
1 x full page of toppings

New Year's Resolution Goal Setting Writing Prompt Mini Book
If you’re looking for a low prep printable for children to reflect on 2024 and goal set for 2025, this download is perfect.
10 pages with 2 prompts on each page (20 prompts in total)
Print, fill in, complete and cut out. You can staple or stick the left side of the circles to make mini books.
Great for a back to school display.

CVC Tree Christmas Word Reading
Read the baubles on the tree and match the pictures below.
10 x tree pages, there are repeats on words but each page is different

Nativity Phone Book
Are you teaching children the Nativity story this year? Grab these cute phonebook printables for children to role play calling up the people they’ve been learning about.
Download information:
1 x pdf document (11 pages)
Product information:
Two phone number cards to a page.
‘phone’ number and ‘email’ address
Characters included:
Baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, King Herod, Angel Gabriel, Angel, Casper, Melchior, Balthasar, Three Kings, Shepherd, Innkeeper, Star, Donkey, Sheep, Pig, Goat, Camel, Elizabeth, Zechariah
2 x blank phonebook templates

Cosy Christmas Counting Hot Cocoa & Marshmallows Numbers to 20
Practise counting to 20 by reading the numeral or the word and countng out the correct number of marshmallows.
1 pdf document included:
0-20 on mugs
zero-twenty on mugs
larger marshmallow images
smaller marshamllow images
table sign

Christmas Tree Counting 0-20 Fine Motor Tuff Tray Activity
Christmas tree counting
Download information:
trees numbered 0-20
4 blank trees to add your own numbers to
numbers in words zero to twenty
printable pom pom and button images
table sign with visual prompts

Gingerbread Man Caption and Picture Match CVC Word Reading Game
Gingerbread man matching activity
16 pictures and captions to match together
Print off, cut up and ask children to match them together. Great for table top provision, tuff trays or just on the caprpet!
The captions begin:
‘a gingerbread man’ and this is repetitive and in all captions. Children will then read the word/s and find the corresponding picture. Please see pictures on the cover for examples of the wording and pictures included.
There are a couple of more challenging captions and pictures which you may wish to leave out, at least initially (black cat, fat cat, black hat, red hat)
This will download as a pdf document.

Glitter Fine Motor Pattern Disks Christmas Tuff Tray
22 glitter design disks with patterns on. Perfect for fine motor practice. There are some repetitions of colours and patterns.
Print, cut and laminate and pop them into a tuff tray with some glitter - perfect for the festive season!

3 Little Pigs Snout Sequencing Story Sequencing
Practise sequencing the story of The 3 Little Pigs with this Snout Sequencing activity. Once children are familiar with the story, they can put the pictures in order to tell the story.
The picture cards are ‘snout’ shaped so that they can be stuck onto the pig’s snout. Once they have been stuck down, you can turn each piece over to retell the story,
Choose the pictures or combination of pictures you want to use for your child/children.
Print off onto card. You can print each page on a4 or do as I did, and print two to a page.
Children cut their pig face and picture cards.
Put their picture cards in order.
Fold and glue the flap on each picture card.
Stick the pictures in order, starting from the end onto the pig’s snout.
Once secured, you can retell the story of the 3 little pigs in order.

Sentence Roll Dice Sentence Game The Three Little Pigs Capital Letters Full Stops Sentence Structure
Sentence Roll: The Three Little Pigs
This dice game is a great resource for practising sentences with young or less able writers.
**About: **
There are 8 pages of ‘Spelling Roll’ games. There is a page focused on each character plus alternatives of names (the wolf/ Mr Wolf) and 2 mixed character pages. You can provide all versions for your class or focus on one specific game depending on the needs of your children.
How to use: **
Roll a dice, find the corresponding sentence stem. Think of a way to complete the sentence and say it. You may want to extend this by having children record their sentences or write them down. This is a great game to use in pairs so that children can practise saying and writing sentences with a partner.

Pancake Counting Subitising 0-10
Practice counting to 10 and subititing skills with these pancakes.
Download information:
1 x pdf document
Download contains:
0-10 pancakes with different ‘toppings’ (blueberries, strawberries, sprinkles, chocolate drops)
Blank pancakes with add your own ‘toppings’ (blueberries, strawberries, sprinkles, chocolate drops)
Pancakes with numerals
Plate templates for stacking pancakes

Number Doodle 1-20 Independent Retrieval Place Value Counting Practice Assessment
Doodle numbers is a no prep activity that encourages children to explore their understanding of place value to 20.
The pages feature doodle prompts (e.g dienes, dice, tens frames) and a large blank space for children to doodle the focus number in as many different ways as possible.
This activity is great for retrieval practice, assessment and morning work.

Meet the Elf Writing Prompts
Are you looking for an engaging, no-prep printable for Christmas? Look no further than these adorable ‘Meet the Elf’ writing prompts! Simply print and go when you need a fun activity in that mad Christmas rush.
Meet the Elf is a festive take on the classic ‘Meet the teacher’ (obvs!) You can choose your favourite elf or let your students get creative and design their own. What I love about these is that you can use them in multiple grade levels. There are different versions and you can have student complete it at their own writing level without losing its festive charm. Keep this festive activity for years to come even if you move grade levels!
Download information:
1 x pdf document (24 pages)
You will receive your pdf download as soon as you check out.
Product information:
5 different elves
4 versions for each elf:
lined version (writers confident writing sentences on lines)
heading/ blank space (less confident writers, perfect for words/phrases or pictures
blank version (perfect for children adding their own headings and having some creative control of their writing
black and white version - picture is in colour so you would need to change printer settings if you want the template completely black and white
4 no elf templates
heading + lines
heading + blank space
no heading + blank space
black and white version
Please note that the first page in this document is an EXAMPLE. You can use this to show children a completed version or completely disregard it!

Dice Counting Game Roll Count Build The Three Little Pigs Maths Game 1-12
The Three Little Pigs Counting Dice Game
A hands on game to get children practicing their counting. There are 8 game boards included in this download. To use, simply print and go. You may wish to laminate or pop them into reusable wallets to keep them stronger for longer. I printed mine onto a3 so there was plenty of room for children to build their towers. This game accompanies Literacy units in the 3 Little Pigs beautifully.
**To play: **
Children will need dice and some sort of building material (cubes, lego…). You could have children play this by themselves or in pairs. The aim is to build all of the buildings on their board first.
Children to take turns rolling a dice. They should see which number it lands on and check their game board. If they have that number free, they must build a tower with the correct number of bricks to cover it over. It is then their partner’s turn. This should repeat until one child has built all of their buildings. If the dice lands on a number that they don’t have, the child must miss a turn.
Versions included:
Easier version (4 game boards) numbers 1-6. so only one dice needed
Harder version (4 game boards) numbers 2-12 so two dice needed

The Three Little Pigs Sentence Makers Scaffolded Writing Practice
Sentence makers are the perfect scaffold for young, less confident writers. These sentence makers are based on the story The Three Little Pigs. Children workfrom the outside in to make a sentence. All words and punctuation is included, children just need to piece it together and check for sense. I love these in KS1 because it enables children to write lots of simple sentences with confidence.
There are 24 sentence makers included.
4 characters (pig 1, pig 2, pig 3, wolf) and 3 versions of each.
e.g. Pig 1
He is
He is The pig is
Horace is
The named character version is based on the story by Maria Alperin. You can still use these without the text, just don’t use the named pig sentence makers.

Numbers to 20 Spinners Count and Represent Numbers In Different Ways
0-20 Spinners
Each spinner features a focus number in the middle. Around the number are various pictorial representations of numbers. Children should clip pegs or paper clips onto the pictures that have the same value as the focus number.
Great for counting practice, recognising numbers and amounts in different ways and adding to maths provision.

Monster Roll One More One Less Game
A super cute way to practise one more and one less. I used googly eyes on the monsters but you could draw them in pen or represent eyes with counters.
To use:
Print and pop into reusable wallets (or laminate!) Roll a dice and place it in the middle. Children should then work out what one less is and count out the right number of eyes, and one more…and count out the eyes.

Download contains:
1 x pdf document
Download content:
1 x dessert menu without prices
1 x dessert menu with prices
1 x dessert menu with prices & tick boxes
18 x sticky note ‘orders’ (3 pages)
6 x blank sticky notes (1 page)
16 x tick list order form (2 pages)
2 x blank order form tick list (1 page)
34 x picture orders (4 pages)
8 x blank cards for picture orders (4 pages)
8 x I spend… I buy… cards (1 page)
8 x blank I spend… I buy (1 page)
18 x what did I buy (3 pages)
6 x blank what did i buy (1 page)
8 x tick what I could buy (3 pages)
1 x blank what i could buy
6 x different ways to spend (2 pages)
1 x worksheet (1 page)

Superhero Tens and Ones Teen Numbers Counting to 20 Maths Phonebook
36 superhero characters, set 2 to a page in the style of a phonebook
Underneath each character are 4 boxes containing a combination of tens and ones. Children should count the tens and ones to work out the superhero’s phone number.
There is a worksheet included if you want children to record their answers, or you could use them through play and provide real phones for children to tap the numbers out on.

The Snail and the Whale Reading Comprehension Retrieval Inference Prediction Linking Texts KS1 Year2
The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson
Please note: the story is not included and no copywrited images are used
This product contains 40+ pages of key stage one assessment focused learning tasks. You could use them to support your assessments or use them as part of your guided reading lessons when teaching and practising different reading domains.
Download includes:
Word reading practice
Retrieval practice: multiple choice, different representations and written answers
Inference: different representations
Linking texts
This makes a perfect assessment resource or you could break it up into individual lessons. You could easily teach 2 weeks of Guided Reading with this resource.