Ou est...? Wordsearch
Wordsearch based on prepositions. Useful starter/plenary or for cover work.
le temps match up
Match up activity of useful weather vocabulary. Useful for starter/plenary.
A trip to Paris
Worksheet to accompany Metro 2 Module 5. Transport exercises.
Garder la forme
Sentences to be tranlsated from English to French.
Blank bingo grids
Blank bingo grids for students to fill in - saves time, as they don't have to draw them themselves!
Ostern wordsearch
Wordsearch based on Easter vocabulary. Useful starter/plenary or for cover work.
Ostern match up
Match up activity of useful Easter vocabulary. Useful for starter/plenary.
etre wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the conjugation of etre. Useful starter/plenary or for cover work.
Vous vous entendez bien
Worksheet with match up and q&a on personal relationships with family and friends.
Weather flashcards
Flashcards to be used for the weather topic.
GCSE Speaking Booklet with example answers
GCSE speaking booklet with lots of questions to answer and some example answers.
les vacances match up
Match up activity of useful GCSE holiday vocabulary. Useful for starter/plenary.
les vacances wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the topic of holidays. Useful starter/plenary or for cover work.
Mes vacances - complex phrases
Match up vocabulary sheet for more complex phrases which could be used to help describe a past holiday.
Powerpoint explaining 'weil' using the weil monster. With exercises.
a la tele wordsearch
Wordsearch based on the topic of TV. Useful starter/plenary or for cover work.
Clothes worksheet - to be used in conjunction with Echo 2 Unit 5
Hausarbeit match up
Match up activity of useful household chores vocabulary. Useful for starter/plenary.
etre present tense noughts and crosses
Noughts and crosses game to show on whiteboard. Pupils come to front to participate in the game. Useful starter/plenary.
Qu'est-ce que tu as fait pendant les vacances?
A letter in the past tense about a holiday with a find the French activity and then can be used to write their own letter.