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haben match up
Match up activity of the conjugated forms of 'haben' in the present tense. Useful for starter/plenary.
Wochentage missing letters
Fill in the missing letters to create the days of the week. Useful starter/plenary.
Education & Work speaking questions
A bank of speaking questions for the students to answer in preparation of their exams.
infinitives noughts and crosses game
Noughts and crosses game to show on whiteboard. Pupils come to front to participate in the game. Useful starter/plenary.
Die Zimmer OX game
Noughts and crosses game to show on whiteboard. Pupils come to front to participate in the game. Useful starter/plenary.
Going out OX game
Useful starter/plenary display for noughts and crosses for students to come up and play.
Films OX game
Useful starter/plenary display for noughts and crosses for students to come up and play.
books vocbaulary OX
Useful starter/plenary - display for noughts and crosses game for students to come up to the board and play.
GCSE chores OX game
Useful starter/plenary display for noughts and crosses for students to come up and play.
attendre past tense OX game
Display for whiteboard for students to come to board to play noughts and crosses game.
books vocbaulary OX
Useful starter/plenary - display for noughts and crosses game for students to come up to the board and play.
faire imperfect tense OX
Useful starter/plenary display for noughts and crosses for students to come up and play.
finir past tense OX
Useful starter/plenary display for noughts and crosses for students to come up and play.
GCSE at the shops OX game
Useful starter/plenary display for noughts and crosses for students to come up and play.
Graphs se lever/se coucher
Graph outline to draw up results of a survey to ask when do you get up/go to bed?
Letter applying to 'Kleiner Bruder'
Based on Unit 1A of GCSE German for OCR textbook. An example letter of an application to 'kleiner Bruder' with exercises.
Powerpoint introducing different excuses not to go out with someone. Also shows the conjugation of 'pouvoir' in the present tense.