Christerry_11's ShopAverage Rating2.50(based on 2 reviews)Head teacher and ex History with 20 years experience. Edit shopAdd a resource
christerry_11What is the Magna Carta?(0)Two worksheets on the Magna Carta. Part of Medieval History at KS3.
christerry_11Who was the best Medieval King?(0)Works sheets, powerpoints and video on medieval kings judging what makes a good king.
christerry_11What did William do after the Battle of Hastings?(0)A powerpoint with card sort tasks thinking about the problems King William had after the battle of Hastings. Part of the Norman Conquest topics in History usually done at KS3.
christerry_11Battles and warfare in World War One.(0)Battles and warfare in World War One. Series of lessons and exercises, worksheets and powerpoints.
christerry_11End of World War One and Treaty of Versailles(0)End of World War One and Treaty of Versailles. Series of lessons, worksheets, powerpoints and tasks.
christerry_11The Home Front in World War Two (UK)(0)Worksheets, tasks and power points on the Home front in World War Two.
christerry_11Medieval Farming(0)Powerpoint, video and worksheets on Medieval Farming. Used mainly for KS3 History.
christerry_11How did Harold die at the Battle of Hastings?(0)A lesson on looking at how King Harold might have died at the Battle of Hastings. Powerpoint and worksheet.
christerry_11Medieval Source work KS3 History(0)Powerpoint on Medieval Sourcework. Good for revision and classwork.
christerry_11Medicine through time(0)Series of powerpoints, lessons and videos on Medcine through time. Aimed at KS3 but could be adapted for KS4.
Bundlechristerry_11Slavery and civil rights14 ResourcesSeries of lessons on slavery and civil rights.
christerry_11Titanic mini project.(0)Powerpoints, worksheets, lots of source work tasks, worksheets and tasks. Also small assessment included. Links to videos and on line games.
christerry_11Who was Robin Hood? Investigation based on Video.(0)Worksheet based on the attached video. Medieval History KS3.