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EYFS all about me home visit form
A list of questions for everything you need to know for a child to start in EYFS.

calendar and weather display
print and reuse this beautiful calendar and weather display, ideal for any classroom.
a great concrete resource to use alongside class days of the week and weather songs

positional language book
simple postional langauge hessain style book to add photographs of your children acting out the postions.
lovely item to to have in the classroom and for the children to have a sense of belonging with their photographs in the printable book

Valentines Day Colouring in book 30 pages
30 pages of a range of colouring sheets for children and adults of all ages.

COSTRUCTION AREA continuous provision NEW EYFS framework areas for learning
This document was created to identify the areas of learning that collates with each of the classroom areas that are usually present in early years classrooms.
It identifies the statements that aligns with each area covering 3-4 years, reception and early learning goals using the new framework.
it also gives examples of resources needed in each area, what will the children do and what will the adults do.

CREATIVR AREA continuous provision NEW EYFS framework areas for learning
This document was created to identify the areas of learning that collates with each of the classroom areas that are usually present in early years classrooms.
It identifies the statements that aligns with each area covering 3-4 years, reception and early learning goals using the new framework.
it also gives examples of resources needed in each area, what will the children do and what will the adults do.

FINE MOTOR continuous provision NEW EYFS framework areas for learning
This document was created to identify the areas of learning that collates with each of the classroom areas that are usually present in early years classrooms.
It identifies the statements that aligns with each area covering 3-4 years, reception and early learning goals using the new framework.
it also gives examples of resources needed in each area, what will the children do and what will the adults do.

LITERACY AREA continuous provision NEW EYFS framework areas for learning
This document was created to identify the areas of learning that collates with each of the classroom areas that are usually present in early years classrooms.
It identifies the statements that aligns with each area covering 3-4 years, reception and early learning goals using the new framework.
it also gives examples of resources needed in each area, what will the children do and what will the adults do.

MALLABLE AREA continuous provision NEW EYFS framework areas for learning
This document was created to identify the areas of learning that collates with each of the classroom areas that are usually present in early years classrooms.
It identifies the statements that aligns with each area covering 3-4 years, reception and early learning goals using the new framework.
it also gives examples of resources needed in each area, what will the children do and what will the adults do.

100 tips to help children meet the Early Learning Goals (ELGs) in the EYFS
These 100 tips will help create a well-rounded, supportive, and engaging environment for EYFS children, helping them meet their Early Learning Goals across all areas of development.
These come in 10 sections titled:
1 - Personal, Social, and Emotional Development (PSED)
2 - Physical Development (PD)
3 - Communication and Language (CL)
4 - Literacy (L)
5 - Mathematics (M)
6 - Understanding the World (UW)
7 - Expressive Arts and Design (EAD)
8 - Learning through Play
9 - Encouraging Emotional Development
10 - Involving Families and the Wider Community

MATHEMATICS continuous provision NEW EYFS framework areas for learning
This document was created to identify the areas of learning that collates with each of the classroom areas that are usually present in early years classrooms.
It identifies the statements that aligns with each area covering 3-4 years, reception and early learning goals using the new framework.
it also gives examples of resources needed in each area, what will the children do and what will the adults do.

WATER OUTDOOR continuous provision NEW EYFS framework areas for learning
This document was created to identify the areas of learning that collates with each of the classroom areas that are usually present in early years classrooms.
It identifies the statements that aligns with each area covering 3-4 years, reception and early learning goals using the new framework.
it also gives examples of resources needed in each area, what will the children do and what will the adults do.

READING AREA continuous provision NEW EYFS framework areas for learning
This document was created to identify the areas of learning that collates with each of the classroom areas that are usually present in early years classrooms.
It identifies the statements that aligns with each area covering 3-4 years, reception and early learning goals using the new framework.
it also gives examples of resources needed in each area, what will the children do and what will the adults do.

ROLE PLAY continuous provision NEW EYFS framework areas for learning
This document was created to identify the areas of learning that collates with each of the classroom areas that are usually present in early years classrooms.
It identifies the statements that aligns with each area covering 3-4 years, reception and early learning goals using the new framework.
it also gives examples of resources needed in each area, what will the children do and what will the adults do.

SMALL WORLD continuous provision NEW EYFS framework areas for learning
This document was created to identify the areas of learning that collates with each of the classroom areas that are usually present in early years classrooms.
It identifies the statements that aligns with each area covering 3-4 years, reception and early learning goals using the new framework.
it also gives examples of resources needed in each area, what will the children do and what will the adults do.

TRANSIENT ART continuous provision NEW EYFS framework areas for learning
This document was created to identify the areas of learning that collates with each of the classroom areas that are usually present in early years classrooms.
It identifies the statements that aligns with each area covering 3-4 years, reception and early learning goals using the new framework.
it also gives examples of resources needed in each area, what will the children do and what will the adults do.

nursery benchmarking for maths and literacy
This 2 page document allows you to identify children’s strengths and weaknesses in maths and literacy through a simple benchmarking exercises that can be fun and entertaining. This can work alongside tangle items or work independently.
It uses the RWI letter formation/ images to identify letters.