
This revision resource contains practice exam questions with model answers provided. There is also a mini quiz at the end to test some basic Knowledge.
This resource is beneficial to GCSE history students, who are studying Anglo-Saxon and Norman England.
This is perfect for anyone who wants a quick revision session.
I hope you find this resource useful! any feedback is welcome :)

1066 – The death of Edward the confessor and the claimants to the English throne. NOTES
GCSE HISTORY NOTES 1066 – The death of Edward the confessor and the claimants to the English throne. NOTES

Explain why there was a rising against Earl Tostig in 1065. (12-mark exam question) model answer 12/
Explain why there was a rising against Earl Tostig in 1065. (12-mark exam question) model answer 12/12

Explain why the Weimar Republic recovered in the years 1924-29 (12-mark exam question) model answer
GCSE HISTORY MODEL ANSWER Explain why the Weimar Republic recovered in the years 1924-29 (12-mark exam question) model answer 12/12

Explain why William ordered the Domesday survey to be carried out (12-mark exam question) model answ
GCSE HISTORY MODEL ANSWER Explain why William ordered the Domesday survey to be carried out (12-mark exam question) model answer 12/12

Essay plan: Explain why the Treaty of Versailles was so unpopular with the German people. (12)
Essay plan:
Explain why the Treaty of Versailles was so unpopular with the German people. (12)
History GCSE
This essay plan contains information required in each paragraph to successfully answer the question. Students can then elaborate on the points and write out their own answer to practice!
From someone who gained a grade 9, my top tip would be to make essay plans and practice writing essays under timed conditions on a regular basis.

Explain why there were political threats to Weimar in 1918-1920? History GCSE 12 marker model answer
Model answer to the 12 mark history gcse question : “Explain why there were political threats to Weimar in 1918-1920?”

HISTORY WW2 : the atomic bomb powerpoint
History powerpoint titled : “World War 2 : what was the atomic bomb and did America have the right to use it?”