Types of Storage: Knowledge Organiser (with quick fire questions)
A sheet that concisely summarises the types of storage used in computer systems in a concise knowledge organiser.
Aimed specifically at GCSE computer studies but can be used at keystage 3.
Comes with a set of 16 quick fire questions based on the summary sheet, which can be used as starters, plenaries or homework.
There is also a wordsearch activity based on the topic keywords presented within the knowledge organiser.
Specific to OCR GCSE Computer Studies 9-1 but applicable to other exam boards.
The worksheet introduces ‘Character Sets’, including:
Extended ASCII
and Unicode
The worksheet contains definitions, a practical showing pupils how to obtain special characters via the keyboard and a python coding task to output and display ASCII / Extended ASCII characters. There are also questions related to the worksheet practical.
The worksheet is suitable for KS3 and GCSE KS4 Computer Science.
Computer Science Crossword (KS3 KS4)
This resource is a computer science crossword.
Suitable for KS3 and GCSE KS4 pupils.
Can be used as a starter, plenary or homework.
The second page contains the answers for the teacher viewing.
Computer Science
Revision Kindly Makes Success Come Along
Exam Technique Aid
A mnemonic summary card for GCSE Computer Science pupils to stick into their book to help with exam technique. One A4 sheet has eight cards that can be cut out.
There is also a ‘poster’ version, each part placed on an A4 sheet that can be used as constant reminder on a classroom display.
A simple, quick interactive PowerPoint presentations that asks students to answer some web based questions. The resource can be used as a starter or plenary in an ICT or computer studies lesson.
(The second slide shows the answers).
This is the second arroword puzzles and is based on computer storage keywords and is FREE to download.
The puzzle is appropriate for KS4 GCSE and KS3 computer science.
Can be used as a starter, plenary, homework or an extension task.
Answers to the clues are on the second page.
This arroword puzzles is based on computer memory keywords and is FREE to download.
The puzzle is appropriate for KS4 GCSE and KS3 computer science.
Can be used as a starter, plenary, homework or an extension task.
Answers to the clues are on the second page.
Version 2 uploaded. Updated after some changes and improvements.
This is an A3 sized board game that focuses on Revision and well-being. The game can be used for any subject.
Focus is on revision itself and what pupils can / should be doing to help with their revision.
The game can be played by asking pupils to place there own piece on the board (pencil sharpener, rubber, any small object).
If no dice is available and the pupil has access to the internet, an online dice can be found at:
(other online dice are available!)
I use the board in computer science lessons.
A general form for pupil response to teacher feedback.
Can be used for any topic / subject across the age ranges and keystages.
Cut out and stick into exercise book.
Suitable for A4 size exercise books (smaller version coming soon).
Focuses on strengths, targets and pupil responses on how to improve.
This flowchart shows the links between fixing errors and resilience and also that repeated practice leads on to mastery, the more programming is practiced, they better you will get!
The flowchart algorithm can be used in classes as a discussion point and a display. The embedded graphic can be resized, printed, cut-out and stuck into exercise books as a reminder that making mistakes is OK, normal and part of the programming cycle.
This resource is a computer science crossword.
Suitable for KS3 and GCSE KS4 pupils.
Can be used as a starter, plenary or homework etc.
The second page contains the answers for the teacher viewing.
Computer Science Keywords in the puzzle are:
This lesson activity is based around the Facebook / Cambridge Analytica data privacy data breach of 2018.
The resource consists of a worksheet that can be used to initiate discussion and to complete activities based around these discussions.
Page 2 has a lesson plan attached.
The resource is in word format so can be easily edited to your own requirements.
The lesson activity introduces the topics of
Cyber security
Ethical issues and
Digital Literacy.
The resource is is suitable for GCSE Computer Science and KS3 Computer Science.
An activity sheet (with a separate document with all the answers) that is based around wired and wireless networks.
Based around keystage 3 networking but can be use for Keystage 4.
Includes three activities, all with marks.
This arroword puzzles is based on computer storage keywords and is FREE to download.
The puzzle is appropriate for KS4 GCSE and KS3 computer science.
Can be used as a starter, plenary, homework or an extension task.
Answers to the clues are on the second page.
This arroword puzzle is based on computer storage keywords.
The puzzle is meant for teachers and has cryptic clues, but no reason why pupils can’t have a go if you think it is appropriate for some.
Answers are on the second page.
A bundle of three computing keywords sheets that students have to find the definition for and complete. Useful as homework activities or part of a classroom activities on specific computing topics. Useful for GCSE KS4 lessons.
**Arrowords - - Computer Science - System Achitecture **
KS3 and KS4
This puzzle is similar to a crossword but the clues are inside the puzzles itself.
The sheet can be used for homework, a starter, plenary or extension task etc.
The second page of the resource has the answers on it.
The associated words are related to computer science system architecture and includes: