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Cool Classroom

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Selling unique and high-quality resources and display items for the classroom. Make your classroom cool with these creative and inspiring products. I've been teaching 15 years and I'm passionate about creating a classroom environment where kids are inspired and excited to learn. I use my experience in graphic design to develop high quality resources and display items. If you have any requests for personalised products or need something whipped up, let me know.




Selling unique and high-quality resources and display items for the classroom. Make your classroom cool with these creative and inspiring products. I've been teaching 15 years and I'm passionate about creating a classroom environment where kids are inspired and excited to learn. I use my experience in graphic design to develop high quality resources and display items. If you have any requests for personalised products or need something whipped up, let me know.
Christmas Code Crackers! Maths activity

Christmas Code Crackers! Maths activity

Get your children finding the perfect 100 score words using the code cracking activity. Children think of Christmas words and see how much they are worth according to the table. Great open-ended activity!
4x Tables Maths Maze- follow the answers to escape!

4x Tables Maths Maze- follow the answers to escape!

A fun way to recall times table facts as children need to show they can match the times table to the answer. Print out one per child and have them draw on the arrows, or print as reusable copies where children could place arrows (eg matchsticks) down on the maze to show the route through or simply follow along with their finger. Includes answer sheet.
6x Tables Maths Maze- follow the answers to escape!

6x Tables Maths Maze- follow the answers to escape!

A fun way to recall the 6 times table facts as children need to show they can match the times table to the answer. Print out one per child and have them draw on the arrows, or print as reusable copies where children could place arrows (eg matchsticks) down on the maze to show the route through or simply follow along with their finger. Includes answer sheet.
Nasty or Nice place value game

Nasty or Nice place value game

Print these game boards off to play a favourite place value class game. In pairs using playing cards (0-9) or number cards (0-9), children take it in turns to pick and card and decide what place value to put it on. Who can make the greatest value? Nasty version- place it on your partner’s grid instead and see who can sabotage the other! Game boards in colour and B&W.
Fractions Maze- match the picture representation to the fraction escape!

Fractions Maze- match the picture representation to the fraction escape!

Fractions Maze- match the picture representation to the fraction escape! A fun way to present understanding of fractions as children need to show they can match the fraction image to the fraction. With treasure images added along the route for added engagement factor. Print out one per child and have them draw on the arrows, or print as reusable copies where children could place arrows (eg matchsticks) down on the maze to show the route through. Includes black and white version too if needed. Includes answer sheet.
Equivalent Fractions Maze- match the picture representation to the fraction escape!

Equivalent Fractions Maze- match the picture representation to the fraction escape!

Equivalent Fractions Maze- match the picture representation to the fraction escape! A fun way to present understanding of fractions as children need to show they can match the fraction image to the fraction. With treasure images added along the route for added engagement factor. Print out one per child and have them draw on the arrows, or print as reusable copies where children could place arrows (eg matchsticks) down on the maze to show the route through. Includes black and white version too if needed. Includes answer sheet.
Days of the Week booklet- learn the days/ create a simple diary

Days of the Week booklet- learn the days/ create a simple diary

A printable 8 page booklet for children to help learn the 7 days of the week. why not use to decorate and record a simple diary. Instructions Fold in half along the short side Fold again along the new short side Open up the previous fold and then fold along long side (this creates the 8 sections) Open up previous fold again. Cut from the middle fold to the first intersection Open all folds up Fold along the long side push from both short ends inwards forcing the pages to form adjust fold as needed for the front cover to be in correct position
Caterpillar Coins- coin recognition and adding

Caterpillar Coins- coin recognition and adding

Use the very practical and playful caterpillar templates to support the children in coin recognition and adding up the values. This set includes 18 caterpillars with different coin combinations using all lthe British coins. It also includes a Publisher file so you can add your own combinations if needed.
Shape Castles- design a castle and identify 2d shapes used

Shape Castles- design a castle and identify 2d shapes used

A fun cross-curricular way of developing identification of 2D shapes. With 2 printable sheets, your class can design their own individual castles. There are examples included that the class gain inspiration from. Once complete, can you identify which shapes they have used and how many of each. They can write this on the special scroll.
Math Talk Speech Bubbles

Math Talk Speech Bubbles

These speech bubbles are a prompt for children to use when discussing their math. The sentence starters provide the children with open-ended ways of sharing what they have observed and understood about their learning, perfect for helping your students dive deeper into their learning.