Featured resources

The Emigree Knowledge Organiser
An A4 knowledge organiser perfect for students studying the poem ‘The Emigree’ from the ‘Power and Conflict’ poetry cluster. Great for use as a revision document, differentiated resource for SEN / EAL/ Lower ability groups, or as part of a lesson. This knowledge organiser contains key notes on context, language, structure, comparison, themes, key words, quotations and much more!
Check out my shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3 & KS4, Literacy and whole school resources.
Fully Annotated Poems (Power and Conflict)
Power and Conflict Revision Booklet
Power and Conflict 15 A3 Worksheets
Power and Conflict Poetry Revision Quiz

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (Edward Hyde Quotation Revision)
A fantastic, well organised and visually appealing A3 document designed to support students in their revision of key quotations linked to the character of Edward Hyde, along with their placement within the novella as a whole. This document also includes helpful hints and tips on how to analyse key quotations. This is perfect for revision and/ or differentiation.

Symbolism in Pigeon English
A simple A4 sheet explaining the three major symbols in ‘Pigeon English’
These are split up into three easy sections and that can be cut out our used as one document. Fantastic for revision/ differentiation for SEN or EAL students. Each section has a supported image and is split into easy to follow bullet points for each explanation.

Power and Conflict Poetry Revision Grids
15 revision grids for use with the ‘POWER AND CONFLICT’ poetry cluster - one grid per poem. Each grid contains 12 revision boxes for students to complete, covering:
And more!
Perfect for use as a revision task and/ or plenary activity. Can be easily differentiated by highlighting the boxes that you wish the student/s to complete or by providing a copy of the poem alongside.

An Inspector Calls A3 Knowledge Organiser
This detailed and visually-appealing A3 resource offers a complete reference point for students learning or revising the play ‘An Inspector Calls.’ It contains comprehensive and detailed sections on:
Key Characters
Key Quotations
Character Summary
Hint and Tips
Perfect as a revision document or as a differentiated resource.
Check out my shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3 & KS4, Literacy and whole school resources.
An Inspector Calls Revision Worksheets
A3 Student Notes Revision Sheet
An Inspector Calls Stage Directions Map
The Presentation of Women in An Inspector Calls PowerPoint

An Inspector Calls Revision Grids
Five revision grids for the play ‘An Inspector Calls’. Each grid features 12 squares for students to complete. Can be used as a starter / plenary or as a revision document. Covers key areas such as plot, character knowledge, themes, quotation, context and more.
Grids can be easily differentiated by highlighting which squares students should complete, or by providing a copy of the original text.

War Photographer Knowledge Organiser
An A4 knowledge organiser perfect for students studying the poem ‘War Photographer’ from the ‘Power and Conflict’ poetry cluster. Great for use as a revision document, differentiated resource for SEN / EAL/ Lower ability groups, or as part of a lesson. This knowledge organiser contains key notes on context, language, structure, comparison, themes, key words, quotations and much more!
Check out my shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3 & KS4, Literacy and whole school resources.
Fully Annotated Poems (Power and Conflict)
Power and Conflict Revision Booklet
Power and Conflict 15 A3 Worksheets
Power and Conflict Poetry Revision Quiz

Extract from the Prelude Knowledge Organiser
An A4 knowledge organiser perfect for students studying the poem ‘Extract from the Prelude’ from the ‘Power and Conflict’ poetry cluster. Great for use as a revision document, differentiated resource for SEN / EAL/ Lower ability groups, or as part of a lesson. This knowledge organiser contains key notes on context, language, structure, comparison, themes, key words, quotations and much more!
Check out my shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3 & KS4, Literacy and whole school resources.
Fully Annotated Poems (Power and Conflict)
Power and Conflict Revision Booklet
Power and Conflict 15 A3 Worksheets
Power and Conflict Poetry Revision Quiz

Character Profiles - Macbeth
Seven documents that can be used by students to revise major/minor characters, including key quotes and their role within the play.
Fantastic for use as a revision document, for lower ability/SEN students or as a summary worksheet.

Phonics - End Sound Worksheets (SEN - EAL)
8 worksheets perfect for a phonics intervention.
Students select the correct letter/s that makes the end sound of the picture shown.

Nouns and Verbs Teaching Pack
With this pack you will receive:
A PowerPoint presentation with 5 mini tasks
4 verb focused worksheets
4 noun focused worksheets

Phonics - Beginning Sounds Worksheets (SEN / EAL)
8 worksheets perfect for a phonics intervention.
Students select the correct letter that makes the beginning sound of the picture shown.

Spelling Knowledge Organiser
A very useful A4 document covering all the of basic spelling rules, including a list of commonly misspelt words. Perfect for SEN / EAL / lower ability differentiation.

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Revision Tasks
A 15 slide Power Point containing a variety of revision tasks for *The Strange Case of Jekyll and Hyde. *

My Father's Dragon Comprehension Booklet
Take an adventure with Elmer Elevator, a young boy who runs away to a magical island to rescue a baby dragon! This 17 page booklet contains eight key extract, along with an illustrated image and corresponding worksheet.
Students are asked to identify key word classes (nouns, adjectives, verbs), along with summarising key events and answering comprehension questions. Challenging or unfamiliar vocabulary can also be discussed.

Building Words - English - Spelling SEN Worksheet Pack
This pack contains 9 worksheets on word building in which students are asked to use the letters given to build the word shown by the image and 4 worksheets on long / short middle vowel sounds.
Perfect for spelling interventions / EAL / SEN

SEN Strategies Takeaway Menu
A handy document that can be used by teaching staff. This document provides a list of teaching strategies that could be used to differentiate for SEN.

Jekyll and Hyde setting extracts
Two extracts that can be used for analysis of setting - Jekyll and Hyde