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St David article

St David article

Newspaper article on one of St Davids most famous miracles for Key Stage 2. Pupils will learn about this miracle and some of his others. Pupils will research into his other miracles and write their own newspaper report.
Seasons -  Wordsearch

Seasons - Wordsearch

A collection of differentiated wordsearches based on the four seasons - Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer. Suitable for Key Stage 2.
Saint Dwynwen

Saint Dwynwen

Resource on the theme of Saint Dwynwen’s Day suitable for children in Year 2-3.Perfect for Saint Dwynwen’s Day celebrations on January 25th Resource includes the story and two work sheets.
Classroom Word searches

Classroom Word searches

A collection of 20 word searches that include Space, Science, Kitchen, Digital Technology, Winter, Summer, Spring, Autumn,Pets, Dance, Sports, Art, Language, Mathematics, Flowers, Countries A-Z, American States, Cities A-Z, Vegetables and Weather. Suitable for ages 7+. Includes answers!!
History Bundle of Word searches

History Bundle of Word searches

5 Resources
A bundle of historical word searches from the 1700’s to 1945. Bundle includes The Georgians, The Victorians, Titanic, World War 1 and World War 2. Includes answers. Suitable for ages 7+.
Halloween Bundle

Halloween Bundle

2 Resources
A bundle of work based on Halloween. Bundle includes a Halloween word search and a comprehension task based on the origins of Halloween. Suitable for children aged 7+.
Logo Quiz x 3

Logo Quiz x 3

3 Resources
Three separate logo quizzes to enjoy with all different age groups. Presented in Powerpoint form and including answers.
**Logo Quiz 3**

**Logo Quiz 3**

Brand new Logo Quiz with 40 new logos to keep you guessing. A powerpoint that contains two slides with 20 differnet logos on each slide. A fun activity to do with children KS2 and above. Answers included.