Public Health - 1860-75 – Medicine Part 2 - IGCSE History – Paper 2
This lesson includes a worksheet.
It covers the government’s actions to improve public health, in the years 1860-75, including the 1875 Public Health Act.
It includes detailed notes and the relevant past paper questions and mark schemes for differences/similarities, causes and essays.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 2 IGCSE textbooks and summarised.
Florence Nightingale - 1860-75 – Medicine Part 2 - IGCSE History – Paper 2
This lesson includes a worksheet.
It covers Florence Nightingale’s actions to improve hospitals and nursing in the years 1860-75.
It includes detailed notes, tasks and the relevant past paper questions and mark schemes for differences/similarities, causes and essays.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 2 IGCSE textbooks and summarised.
Dangers in Surgery 1848-1860 – Medicine Part 1 - IGCSE History – Paper 2
This lesson includes a worksheet.
It covers the dangers in surgery in 1848-1860, including pain relief, blood loss and infection. It then looks at the work of Simpson with ether and chloroform to deal with pain relief.
It includes detailed notes and the relevant past paper questions and mark schemes for differences/similarities, causes and essays.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 2 IGCSE textbooks and summarised.
Florence Nightingale at Scutari – Medicine Part 1 - IGCSE History – Paper 2
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the work of Florence Nightingale at Scutari and her early steps to improve hospitals.
It includes detailed notes and the relevant past paper questions and mark schemes for differences/similarities, causes and essays.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 2 IGCSE textbooks and summarised.
Public Health 1848-1860 – Medicine Part 1 - IGCSE History – Paper 2
This lesson includes a worksheet.
It covers Public Health issues in 1848-1860, including the cholera outbreak and then improvements made by Chadwick, Snow and the 1848 Public Health Act.
It includes detailed notes and the relevant past paper questions and mark schemes for differences/similarities, causes and essays.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 2 IGCSE textbooks and summarised.
Lister’s and Antiseptics - 1860-75 – Medicine Part 2 - IGCSE History – Paper 2
This lesson includes a worksheet.
It covers Lister’s work on antiseptics and how it improved sugery.
It includes detailed notes, tasks and the relevant past paper questions and mark schemes for differences/similarities, causes and essays.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 2 IGCSE textbooks and summarised.
Understanding of Disease 1848 – Medicine Part 1 - IGCSE History – Paper 2
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the understanding of disease by 1848 and other barriers to progress.
It includes detailed notes and the relevant past paper questions and mark schemes for differences/similarities, causes and essays.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 2 IGCSE textbooks and summarised.
Pasteur’s Germ Theory 1860-75 – Medicine Part 2 - IGCSE History – Paper 2
This lesson includes a worksheet.
It covers Pasteur’s germ theory and how it improved understanding of disease.
It includes detailed notes and the relevant past paper questions and mark schemes for differences/similarities, causes and essays.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 2 IGCSE textbooks and summarised.
The Red Scare Causes - The Cold War – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 1 - IGCSE History
This can be used over 2 lessons.
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers key cold war events that contributed to causing the Red Scare.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.
The Red Scare - The FBI, HUAC & Hollywood 10 – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 1 - IGCSE His
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers how the actions of the FBI, HUAC and the Hollywood 10 case contributed to the Red Scare.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.
The Red Scare - McCarthyism – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 1 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This could be done over 2-3 lessons.
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers how McCarthy contributed to the Red Scare and the reasons for his downfall.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.
The Red Scare - Hiss & the Rosenbergs – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 1 - IGCSE History
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers how the Hiss and Rosenberg cases contributed to the Red Scare.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.
The US Political System – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 1 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the US political system and gives a brief history of key developments before by 1945.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.
Progress in the 1950s – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 2 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It can be used for essay planning and revision.
It covers the reasons for progress in the1950s.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer debates and essay questions.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.
Little Rock – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 2 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the events at Little Rock and its impact.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.
Segregation & Discrimination – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 2 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It explains the systems of segregation and discrimination that existed before the civil rights movement.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.
Emmett Till – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 2 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the impact of the death of Emmett Till.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.
The Montgomery Bus Boycott – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 2 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers how the Montgomery Bus Boycott helped to desegregate buses.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.
Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 2 Full Lesson Pack – IGCSE History Paper 1
This bundle includes all the lessons and revision materials for Part 1 of Civil Rights in the USA.
Each lesson has detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The revision materials include a range of writing support, example answers, sources to practise and extra notes for possible essays.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.
Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 1 Full Lesson & Revision Pack – IGCSE History Paper 1
This bundle includes all the lessons and revision materials for Part 1 of Civil Rights in the USA.
Each lesson has detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The revision materials include a range of example answers, sources to practise and extra notes for possible essays.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.