
Censorship & Propaganda 1933-39 - Germany Part 4 - IGCSE History
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the significance of the use of censorship and propaganda for a possible essay on how Hitler was able to control the people during the years 1933-39.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to write a paragraph for a potential essay.
It also includes sources to practise.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 3 IGCSE books and 5 AS books and summarised.

The Police State 1933-39 – Germany Part 4 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the significance of the use of terror for a possible essay on how Hitler was able to control the people during the years 1933-39.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to write a paragraph for a potential essay.
It also includes sources to practise.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 3 IGCSE books and 5 AS books and summarised.

The Survival of the Nazis 1924-28 - Germany P3 - IGCSE History
This bundle includes all the lessons on the survival of the Nazis.
It covers the impact of the Munich Putsch, reorganisation, the use of propaganda and the role of the SA in the years 1924-28.
Each lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheets with notes and tasks.
The tasks focus on predicted questions – 2 effects, source practice and the significance of each factor for potential essays.
It also includes debate tasks, an essay planning worksheet, with writing support for potential essays.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 3 IGCSE books and 5 AS books and summarised.

Hitler's Dictatorship 1933-34 Full Lesson Pack – IGCSE History Paper 1
This bundle includes all the lessons on Hitler’s Dictatorship.
It covers the Reichstag Fire, the Enabling Act and the Night of the Long Knives.
Each lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheets with notes and tasks.
The tasks focus on predicted questions – 2 effects, source practice and the significance of each factor for potential essays.
It also includes debate tasks, an essay planning worksheet, with writing support for potential essays and a presentation task.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 3 IGCSE books and 5 AS books and summarised.

Youth and Education 1933-39 – Germany Part 4 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the significance of the policies including education and youth groups.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to write 2 effects answers or a paragraph for a potential essay on how Hitler controlled the people or the main impact on families.
It also includes sources to practise.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 3 IGCSE books and 5 AS books and summarised.

Women in Nazi Germany 1933-34 - Part 4 - IGCSE History
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the significance of the policies on women, including childbirth and job restrictions.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to write 2 effects answers or a paragraph for a potential essay on how Hitler controlled the people or the main impact on families.
It also includes sources to practise.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 3 IGCSE books and 5 AS books and summarised.

Germany Part 3 Full Lesson Pack – IGCSE History Paper 1
This bundle includes all the lessons for Part 3.
Each lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheets with notes and tasks.
It includes tasks which focus on predicted questions – 2 effects, source practice and the significance of each factor for potential essays.
It also includes essay planning booklets with writing support for potential essays.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 3 IGCSE books and 5 AS books and summarised.

Human Rights – Politics and Governance – IGCSE Global Citizenship
This PowerPoint introduces the topic Human Rights.
It covers types and examples of human rights, the UDHR and UNCRC.
There is information for pupils to make notes and Past Paper questions to practise.
It was made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE Global Citizenship and used to prepare pupils for examinations.

Russia Part 1 Full Lesson & Revision Pack – IGCSE History Paper 1
This bundle includes all the lessons for Part 1 of Russia.
Each lesson has detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils for potential two features answers, paragraphs for essays and sources to practise.
The revision materials include a range of practice tests and extra notes for possible essays.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 2 IGCSE books and 1 AS books and summarised.

Lenin & the Bolsheviks – Russia & the Soviet Union Part 3 - IGCSE History – Paper 2
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the activities of the Bolsheviks to gain support before the October Revolution, including their use of propaganda and action during the Kornilov Revolt.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils for potential two features questions, paragraphs for essays and sources to practise.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 2 IGCSE books and 1 AS book and summarised.

Rasputin & the Tsarina – Russia & the Soviet Union Part 2 - IGCSE History – Paper 2
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the influence of Rasputin and the tsarina on the government during WW1.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils for potential two features questions, paragraphs for essays and sources to practise.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 2 IGCSE books and 1 AS books and summarised.

The Impact of WW1 - Russia & the Soviet Union Part 2 - IGCSE History – Paper 2
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the economic, social and political impact of WW1 on Russia.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils for potential two features questions, paragraphs for essays and sources to practise.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 2 IGCSE books and 1 AS books and summarised.

The February Revolution – Russia & the Soviet Union Part 2 - IGCSE History – Paper 2
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the causes, events and results of the February Revolution, abdication of the tsar and establishment of the provisional government.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils for potential two features questions, paragraphs for essays and sources to practise.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 2 IGCSE books and 1 AS books and summarised.

Russia & the Soviet Union - Part 2 Full Lesson Pack – IGCSE History Paper 2
This bundle includes all the lessons for Part 2 of Russia.
Each lesson has detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils for potential two features questions, paragraphs for essays and sources to practise.
There is also a lesson dedicated to planning the main essay on the reasons for the February Revolution which includes lots of writing support.
The revision materials include a range of practice tests and extra notes for possible essays.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using 2 IGCSE books and 1 AS book and summarised.

Sit-ins – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 3 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the use of sit-ins in the 1960s to protest against segregation.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.

The Birmingham Protests - Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 3 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the protests in Birmingham and their impact for the civil rights movement.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.

The Washington Peace March & Civil Rights Act - Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 - IGCSE History
This includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It can be used over 2 lessons.
It covers the Washington Peace March and its impact, including the passing of the Civil Rights Act.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.

Selma & the Voting Rights Act – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 3 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It can be used over 2 lessons.
It covers the protests in Selma, the march from Selma to Montgomery and the Voting Rights Act.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.

Black Panther – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 3 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the impact of Black Power and the Black Panther movement.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.

Race Riots – Civil Rights in the USA,1945-74 – Part 3 - IGCSE History – Paper 1
This lesson includes a PowerPoint and worksheet.
It covers the impact of the causes and results of the race riots.
It includes detailed notes and tasks to prepare pupils to answer 2 effects and essay questions, and sources to analyse.
The resources were made by an experienced teacher of IGCSE history and used to prepare pupils for examinations.
Content was made using IGCSE books.