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Dan Walker's Shop

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I'm a secondary school maths teacher with a passion for creating high quality resources. All of my complete lesson resources come as single powerpoint files, so everything you need is in one place. Slides have a clean, unfussy layout and I'm not big on plastering learning objectives or acronyms everywhere. My aim is to incorporate interesting, purposeful activities that really make pupils think. I have a website coming soon!




I'm a secondary school maths teacher with a passion for creating high quality resources. All of my complete lesson resources come as single powerpoint files, so everything you need is in one place. Slides have a clean, unfussy layout and I'm not big on plastering learning objectives or acronyms everywhere. My aim is to incorporate interesting, purposeful activities that really make pupils think. I have a website coming soon!
Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

My take on Daniel Burke's excellent idea of odd-one-out set to a song featuring Cookie Monster. The box at the bottom of the puzzles should show the video but Powerpoint and the TES website don't like this link, so I&'ve given the website address to download the video, which you can then insert into the powerpoint. Menus are clickable (clicking on the top heading will take you back to the previous menu). Correct answer flashes after 50 seconds (this coincides with the video)
Index law activity

Index law activity

Inspired by something similar I saw on Don Steward's Median blog, a set of non-calculator questions that reward pupils for applying the basic index laws before trying to work out the answer.
Square number investigation

Square number investigation

A short investigation based on a lovely puzzle I saw a while ago. Requires only knowledge of square numbers to investigate and enjoy, but pupils will need to be able to expand double brackets to understand a proof of the puzzle. Could be used with any age!
Negative numbers - subtracting a negative number

Negative numbers - subtracting a negative number

A complete lesson on subtracting a negative number. Activities included: Starter: Some recap questions on adding a negative number (I always teach this first). Main: A slide showing a number pattern to demonstrate the logic of subtracting a negative. Example question pairs with number lines, for pupils to practice and give a chance to provide instant feedback. A set of differentiated questions. A more challenging task for pupils to discuss in pairs, where they try to find examples or counterexamples for different scenarios. Plenary: A deceptively simple puzzle to consolidate the key point of the lesson. Printable worksheets and answers included. Please review it if you buy as any feedback is appreciated!
Negative numbers - adding a negative number

Negative numbers - adding a negative number

A complete lesson on adding a negative number. Activities included: Starter: Some questions on number bonds. Main: A slide showing a number pattern to demonstrate the logic of adding a negative. Example question pairs with number lines, for pupils to practice and give a chance to provide instant feedback. A set of differentiated questions. A more challenging task for pupils to discuss in pairs, where they try to find examples or counterexamples for different scenarios. Plenary: A final question to prompt discussion about misconceptions pupils may already have. Printable worksheets and answers included. Please review it if you buy as any feedback is appreciated!
pi machine

pi machine

An excel file that shows pi as the ratio of circumference / diameter for a circle
Blockbusters linear equations

Blockbusters linear equations

Classic quiz with questions on linear equations, including unknowns on both sides, brackets and simple algebraic fractions. Answers on each slide by clicking on orange squares. Hope no-one minds my use of an image of Bob Holness - he will always be the face of Blockbusters to me!
The perfect delivery

The perfect delivery

Hard to describe! Shows how the functions sin and cos effect the trajectory of a cricket ball. A nice real-life example of SOHCAHTOA and the trigonometric functions. Includes some challenging questions at the end. Could be used to revise/demonstrate the curves of sin and cos at GCSE or introduce component form in A-Level Mechanics.
Times Tables Game

Times Tables Game

A very simple but motivating game where pupils race to complete a grid of times tables. Separate instructions attached. Also a spreadsheet which reveals answers and can be used to keep track of pupil progress (I maintain records of pupils' personal bests on there). A good task for settling a class that requires minimal preparation.
Mystery squares

Mystery squares

A simple but adaptable interactive picture quiz in powerpoint to dress up asking questions - ideal for starters or plenaries. Think Catchphrase but with 2 different images for 2 teams and pictures of anything you fancy. You provide the questions. See separate instructions.


Based on the card game, pupils use their percentage and fibbing skills to win.
Parametric functions lock game

Parametric functions lock game

Worksheet where answers to questions are used to obtain a 3-digit code (which I set as the combination to a lockable money box containing a prize). Questions on all aspects of parametric functions as seen in C4
Making a percentage change (non calculator)

Making a percentage change (non calculator)

A complete lesson on increasing or decreasing by a percentage. Activities included: Starter: A template for pupils to work out lots of different percentages of £30 Main: Examples and a set of straight-forward questions making percentage changes. A connect 4 game for pupils to play in pairs, taking it in turns to work out percentage changes and win squares on a grid. A few questions to discuss about the game. A puzzle where pupils arrange numbers and percentage change statements to make a loop. Plenary: Some examples looking at making a percentage decrease a different way - eg decreasing by 25% by directly working out 75% Printable worksheets and answers included. Please review if you buy as any feedback is appreciated!
Describing a percentage change

Describing a percentage change

A complete lesson on expressing a change as a percentage. Activities included: Starter: A puzzle to remind pupils of how to make a percentage change. Main: Examples and quick questions for pupils to try, on working out the percentage change. A worksheet with a progression in difficulty and a mix of question types. An extension task involving a combination of percentage changes. Plenary: A ‘spot the mistake’ question. Printable worksheets and answers included. Please review if you buy as any feedback is appreciated!
Fibonacci sequences with simultaneous linear  equations

Fibonacci sequences with simultaneous linear equations

The second of two lessons on Fibonacci sequences with the 9-1 GCSE specification in mind. Please see my other resources for the first lesson, although this also works as a stand-alone lesson. Inspired by a sample exam paper question where pupils had to work out the first two terms of a Fibonacci sequence, given the 3rd and 6th terms. Activities included: Starter: A set of simultaneous linear equation questions, to check pupils can apply the basic method. Main: A nice puzzle to get pupils thinking about Fibonacci sequences. Examples and a set of questions with a progression in difficulty, on the main theme of finding the first terms using simultaneous linear equations. A lovely extension puzzle where pupils investigate a set of Fibonacci sequences with a special property. Plenary: A brief look at some other curious properties of the 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, … Fibonacci sequence, ending with a few iconic images of spirals in nature. Slides could be printed as worksheets, although lesson has been designed to be projected. Answers included throughout. Please review if you buy as any feedback is appreciated!
Area of a sector

Area of a sector

A complete lesson on finding the area of a sector. Activities included: Starter: Collect-a-joke starter on areas of circles to check pupils can use the rule. Main: Example-question pairs, giving pupils a quick opportunity to try and receive feedback. A straight-forward worksheet with a progression in difficulty. A challenging, more open-ended extension task where pupils try to find a sector with a given area. Plenary: A brief look at Florence Nightingale’s use of sectors in her coxcomb diagrams, to give a real-life aspect. Printable worksheets and answers included. Please review it if you buy as any feedback is appreciated!
Area of a triangle

Area of a triangle

A complete lesson for introducing the area rule for a triangle. Activities included: Starter: Questions to check pupils can find areas of parallelograms (I always teach this first, as it leads to an explanation of the rule for a triangle). Main: A prompt to get pupils thinking (see cover image) Examples and a worksheet where pupils must identify the height and measure to estimate area. Examples and a worksheet where pupils must select the relevant information from not-to-scale diagrams. Simple extension task of pupils drawing as many different triangles with an area of 12 as they can. Plenary: A sneaky puzzle with a simple answer that reinforces the basic area rule. Printable worksheets and answers included. Please review it if you buy as any feedback is appreciated!
Prime factors rich task

Prime factors rich task

A complete lesson on prime factors, but not the usual questions. Intended as a challenging task to come after pupils are familiar with the process of expressing a number as a product of prime factors (see my other resources for a lesson on this). Activities included: Starter: A nice ‘puzzle’ where pupils work out three seemingly unrelated multiplication sums (a good chance to practice another non-calculator skill), only to find they give the same answer. Intended to stimulate some discussion about prime factors. Main: Four mini-activities, where pupils use one number’s prime factor form to obtain the prime factor form of some related numbers. An opportunity for pupils to be creative and come up with their own puzzles. Plenary: A final puzzle to check pupils’ understanding of the key idea of the lesson. Printable worksheets and answers included. Please review it if you buy as any feedback is appreciated!
Coordinates rich task

Coordinates rich task

This started as a lesson on plotting coordinates in the 1st quadrant, but morphed into something much deeper and could be used with any class from year 7 to year 11. Pupils will need to know what scalene, isosceles and right-angled triangles are to access this lesson. The first 16 slides are examples of plotting coordinates that could be used to introduce this skill, or as questions to check pupils can do it, or skipped altogether. Then there’s a worksheet where pupils plot sets of three given points and have to identify the type of triangle. I’ve followed this up with a set of questions for pupils to answer, where they justify their answers. This offers an engaging task for pupils to do, whilst practicing the basic of plotting coordinates, but also sets up the next task well. The ‘main’ task involves a grid with two points plotted. Pupils are asked to plot a third point on the grid, so that the resulting triangle is right-angled. This has 9 possible solutions for pupils to try to find. Then a second variant of making an isosceles triangle using the same two points, with 5 solutions. These are real low floor high ceiling tasks, with the scope to look at constructions, circle theorems and trig ratios for older pupils. Younger pupils could simply try with 2 new points and get some useful practice of thinking about coordinates and triangle types, in an engaging way. I have included a page of suggested next steps and animated solutions that could be shown to pupils. Please review if you buy as any feedback is appreciated!